Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful I puttered around this morning with the sprinklers. Well not really puttering but flagging leaks for The Man.

I’m grateful the cushions were dry so I could sit outside with my one cup of coffee in peace with Benson in the back yard.

I’m grateful for fun AV guys. I’m grateful doing AV for the house, “getting dialed in,” :laughing: will be much more fun than HVAC and Plumbing. Until they are actually working in the house :grimacing::laughing:

I’m grateful I read what I read this morning in my recovery readings.
“I learned love was the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves without insisting they satisfy you.
From Al-Anon The Forum
“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.”
ODAAT In Al-Anon
Thomas Merton, No Man ls an Island
I wasn’t going to read anything since I started my morning off puttering :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: and then I thought just read these short things. And then do gratitude. I’m grateful I did.

Sounds like we got the same HP working us today Jené :pray:t2:
Grateful to see you checking in on 167 congrats on the happy mammogram.

I’m grateful my daughters baby sitter canceled tomorrow night on her birthday :partying_face:
We’re ready to go!!

I’m grateful my bug guy is on his way.
Grateful I gotta go.


Grateful for 168 days sober
Grateful the weather isn’t summer yet, no where close, just rain and cool wind. It’s strange but not a problem in London.
Grateful for my crazy babies, today they are bonkers :woozy_face:
Grateful for my sister having so much fun in Liverpool the past two days, and that she gets to see Taylor Swift tonight, I know this means the absolute world to her. She’s dressed in sequins and gold boots and sparkly tights and wild green makeup :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: God I love her.
Grateful for my partner cooking me fantastic jerk chicken tonight, it’s my favourite.
Grateful for the ability to read.
Grateful for coffee. I’m drinking a yellow bourbon Brazilian bean currently and it’s :ok_hand:t2:


Today is my third 12 hour work day in a row and my last for the week. For that I am grateful.
I am grateful for the symmetry that is 848 days since my last drink. I am grateful that the tired I feel today is not even close to as bad as the spiritual and physical tiredness of a hangover.

I’m grateful for my job and I’m grateful that my title includes the word scientist. There is lots to see and parse out in this big world and looking at it scientifically is pretty rad.

I’n grateful I just tucked my fat cat Bird into bed. I’m grateful I know I am the reason he is fat.

I’m grateful for days off and Funfetti cupcakes.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
Today I am grateful for …

  • My doc calling me back with my lab results, confirming his suspicion about me taking the wrong dosage of my HRT and adjusting it. All over the phone in a few minutes done. And I can sleep easier and hope for less side effects. I am very grateful for modern technology and for him going this one extra step. I am very grateful for people in care jobs who despite all the stress of their work are there for us when we need them.
  • The wonderful weather today. Lots of sun, some light wind. Perfect. Not to hot, but so much sunshine. The walk I took in this fabulous weather, the forest, the gardens, all the flowers, all the birds. It‘s a wonder I don‘t get enough of.
  • Yoga practice. I finished my one week intro after a longer break due to health, and I am feeling energised and already craving for more. I am grateful for all the energy I am having currently. Looking forward to the longer and more challenging classes.
  • My daughter‘s anxiety being gone. Her friends and teachers and grandparents being the best type of healing possible. I also am very grateful she has so many opportunities to spend time with her grandparents. I know this won‘t last forever.
  • Being done with prototyping the core gameplay of my game. I feel like I have made a big step forward by setting up the core gameplay, understanding the basic systems in my game and their interactions. I am grateful I finished this on time right before my vacation next week. I‘ll be able to get this work out of my mind for a whole week, gather new inspiration and come back refreshed to work on the digital prototypes. I so love my work.
  • My gardener around the corner - it‘s literally a 5min walk - having the two beautiful clematis plants I bought today. One is blue and the other dark purple. I am so looking forward to seeing them grow. I am grateful I had the time and energy to plant them already.
  • Having everything organised for tomorrow evening, car booked and such, so my daughter and I can visit friends. Me for a game night, her for a playdate with the host‘s kids.
  • Having everything organised for my daughter‘s trip to the UK next week. We just have to pack her stuff on Saturday. She is so excited, this is so sweet.
  • The school year slowly getting to its end. My classes are done, there are some things to wrap up, a few last tests, and then off we all go to summer vacations.
  • The way the relationship with my ex is developing. I feel like we are at a place where I don‘t feel all the time hurt and threatened, and we can actually try to have decent way of dealing with each other.
  • This wonderful community that is here for me and all of us in times of need, of celebration. A place where I can feel supported and give my support. Love you all.

I am very grateful for this day. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful for being sober and healthy. I’m grateful for hot tandoor naan and samosa. I’m grateful for the cherries I could pick today and for bring able to play with some dogs. I’m grateful for having a quiet walk this morning. I’m grateful for the lady who had me over this afternoon and for having the strength to say no to alcohol. I’m grateful for my friend S. I’m grateful for meeting new people. I meant a Dutch person today who needed some help with translation and am grateful I could help and show them a few places to have an easier time to get around. I’m grateful that more and more people are coming to visit this part of the world. I’m grateful for how tired I am tonight and hopefully it means I’ll sleep well again.


I am grateful for sobriety.
I am grateful I was able to catch up on business bookkeeping tasks.
I am grateful for my husband and all his hard work. He never sits down and relaxes
I am grateful I am healing.
I am so grateful to God who proves he listens and is with me.


I am grateful for

-Weird dreams that kept me asleep
-Motivation to clean
-Getting my laundry done
-Being able to buy gifts for my daughter’s best friend’s birthday party Saturday
-The 20yo dress I’m wearing that always makes me feel good about myself
-Watching The Neverending Story for probably the 1,000th time and still loving every second of it
-My daughter watching it for her 3rd time and finally appreciating it and excited to see the 2nd one
-The fans finally bringing in some cool night air
-The ice cream concoction I’m about to whip up :yum:
-My kitty boy who I was just about to say was behaving very well this evening until he just went into my daughter’s room and started meowing :pouting_cat: Still love the little idiot tho :orange_heart:


Good evening.

I am grateful that I found the courage to let a sponsee go today. It was stale… time to move on. I am grateful that when i recognized that I was making these plans in my head I decided to call my sponsor and get some feedback. I am grateful we were on the same page.

I am grateful for my breath, and that even though I have been practicing pranayama for over a year I still use my hands to gauge where my breath is going. I am grateful for humility and mastery. I am grateful that I love to learn.

I picked up my kiddos graduation gown and cap yesterday. I am grateful for the tears that poured hot down my cheeks. I am grateful that I feel pride, so much pride; for her and for me. I am grateful that we did it, together, we a are a great team. We got her through highschool. :slightly_smiling_face:


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful…

Payday friday!
Feeling empowered in my sobriety the past couple days
Boscoe cuddles
I was able to offer my teen niece a ride at 9pm bc i wasnt wasted
No hangovers
Hoping for a productive workday
My family
Air conditioning
Clean water
Sober friends
Growing connection with my higher power
Good food
Ability to pay my bills


Quick list.
A day off, hallelujah!
My cat didn’t disappear into this big world last night after he escaped.
My cat who holds grudges like I do, I hope I don’t get pee in my shoes.
My other cat who is an understanding little lump. I’m glad he got his brother back.
Antibiotic ointment, where would we be without it? I would probably be developing a pretty nasty colony of Pasturella right now.

A day off, I said it once but it can be said again. We are so short staffed at work that I am trying to schedule a doctor’s appointment and my next good option for a day off is September. Yikes.

Enough. :disguised_face:


Grateful for my sobriety and not having any cravings today.
Grateful my probation appointment went well. My officer seems like a decent person although she has the power to send me back to jail. I can’t mess around with my probation obligations because if I mess up I’m looking at a lot more then 2 months in jail. Grateful I have this extra Accountability with the probation. Grateful for my public defender and the plea deal she got me. I was scared I was never leaving jail.
Grateful I got a lot of miles on the bike today.
Not grateful I’m getting sick but maybe I sweat a bunch of the germs out today. I took some flu meds and they seem to help. I can’t remember the last time I got sick.
Grateful for YouTube and the endless entertainment.
Grateful we had Mahi fish tonight at the sober living. It was really good. We have a good cook at the house.
Grateful for the narcotics anonymous book I been reading. Normal I do AA but I found a lot of gems in the NA book.
Grateful for my higher power.
Grateful for the calmness I feel in my soul.
Grateful for taking action in my recovery.
Grateful I’m terrified of going back out.
Grateful I don’t have to !! :sunglasses:


Grateful today
Found a very responsible young man to help out in orchard
Beautiful sunny calm day
Surgery recovery is happening daily
Little stress
Laughter and smiles.


I may as well try this thread too.

I am grateful to have been rescued by my family and be in treatment. I am grateful that my kids still believe in me and love me. I’m grateful my childhood friend has been supportive of me. I’m grateful that I helped my dad by doing some yard work for him.


Today I’m grateful that I can now play video games without the craving to drink. It took a little bit of time because the association was so heavy. But now I can play all the games I always wanted to play but couldn’t because I’d get drunk so quickly.


Grateful for mentors and friends who help me learn to be a better teacher (we had a reflection / coaching meeting tonight)

Grateful for my addiction, because learning about it (and about how to be in recovery from it) has made me wiser and better

Grateful for my cats, who always love seeing me


Greatful for…

A good day
Productive at work
Got a workout in
Hubby got home at a decent hour and we shoot some hoops for the 1st time since we lived here (5yrs)
Mom is ok after getting stung
Wfh monday


Congratulations to you both! It’s such a big achievement and deserves to be celebrated!


Today felt tough so I better put some extra thought into this. Today I am grateful…

-It was a perfectly beautiful day for my daughter’s end of the year fun in the sun day at school
-I had a relaxing morning before work
-I was able to transfer a significant amount of money towards my credit card balance
-My coworkers are awesome and respect me as a manager (weird :sweat_smile:)
-That I was stationed upstairs, inside, where it was less chaotic (and air conditioned :wink:)
-There was no cat puke when I got home
-My daughter will probably sleep in after the active day she had, which means I probably can too :crossed_fingers:
-It isn’t humid
-My brother’s finally willing to help move my table that’s been at his house for 6 years.
-That will motivate me to clean/organize the area it’s going
-Tomorrow’s another day
-For my comfy bed where my kitty girl keeps me warm every night.


Hello everyone!! It has been such a busy week this week with work and my first week of treatment, but I’m checking in!!!
I’m grateful for treatment! The group of people that I’m in treatment are absolutely fantastic and I really have enjoyed going! It feels so nice to be able to have met and speak to people that are experiencing similar situations as myself and I can be 100% honest about what I have done in the past with my alcoholism and just be understood and not judged!
I’m grateful that I pushed myself out of my comfort zone to not only join this online community and be honest here, but to physically join a community and be honest there. I feel like being physically involved causes me to be more upfront and honest because I might end up running into someone I know but I’m ok with that.
I’m grateful to have spoke to 2 of the women in the group about a meeting they have attended and I might actually attend a separate meeting this weekend! The treatment wants me to have at least a temporary sponsor once I’m done with it so I’m going to be “shopping” meetings soon lol
I’m grateful for work and how busy that has been keeping me! I’m grateful that my cravings have been almost non-existent but when I do have them they have been small and nothing to give me much anxiety.
I’m grateful for 47 days!!!
Goodnight everyone!


Today I am grateful to be alive, sober, have a career, roof over my head, money in the bank, food on the table, fresh air in my lungs and hope in my heart. I’m grateful I can love and be loved, and love myself enough to care even though I’m not perfect I’m grateful I try and continue to try, I’m grateful to be me .