Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

It warms my heart to see you being very proactive in your recovery plan @Saraboobear23. I also went the IOP path. Working full-time, caring for my family while attending IOP 3-4 days a week made life extremely busy/hard. What helped me was knowing it wasn’t going to last forever and all the tools would be beneficial for me and my family going forward. Keep up the hard work. I promise it will pay off in the long run. :people_hugging: :heartpulse:


Good morning to All from my adorable front porch of my sweet home in Wisconsin. It is a cool June morning and I am grateful to be sober and happy and healthy.

I’m grateful to be a week into my summer break and somewhat downshifted in mood and energy to a less frenetic and demanding pace.

I’m grateful to be catching up on rest.

I’m grateful to live in this small town with a beautiful state bike trail and a lovely lake. I e enjoyed both this week and am sleeping well with exercise and fresh air.

I’m grateful to have the time and mental space to have worked out a plan for my retirement in a few years. It’s an amazing feeling to see that project in sight now and know that my family and I will be ok if I am not working full time all the time in a few years. The capacity to see that and experience it is because of all the work I’ve done on myself. And it helps a lot that we don’t spend money like we used to. Lovely evenings at home with library books is a lot less expensive than the constant chase of the buzz.

I’m grateful for the cute retreat my husband has created for us in our backyard. Under a canopy on a small deck we have a fountain and plants and decorative lights. Our little Buddha and some incense and the bug repellent gizmo makes it a little hippie spot for the dogs and us.

I’m grateful that I was able to make great progress on the project of settling my mother in law’s estate this week. I spent a full day on that and we are definitely making good progress. She would be pleased with how we are handling things in the family.

I’m grateful for summer break. Teaching is very demanding work and I do mostly love it. But being an introvert means I really do need to recharge. I also like to do summer curriculum work and learn new things. I’m grateful I jumped into that right away this week so I’m feeling productive too.

I’m grateful to have been a resource for my sister this week. She is also now in her first year of sobriety and reached out to me for support when she found herself in a rough patch. We talked thru some strategies and mindsets and she was able to navigate her situation in a strong and healthy and confident way. I’m so proud of my siblings for taking this on. Our family history of trauma and substance abuse is truly ending for us. So grateful!

I wish you all the sense of peace and calm that is finally starting to be a presence in my life. With the work of healing and building healthy routines in our lives, little moments of joy can actually be seen and felt. It truly is a one day at a time process with a commitment to taking back one’s life from the grip of alcohol dependency. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? A thousand times yes.

Enjoy this day. Go to it with hope and wonder. You’ve got this!


I’m grateful Gus slept through our first baby sitting gig last night.
I’m grateful to be up not too early coffeed, catted, working on gratitude, and get some things done early so I can get to my men’s Al-Anon meeting.

I’m grateful I have a lot to be grateful for but struggling to put it to writing.

I’m grateful to see so many people on here working their gratitude and or just stopping by. It’s so wonderful to see some familiar avatars from other threads.

I’m grateful our first trip to the vet with Maverick went well. We liked it. Good thing since I’m grateful we get to go back twice Monday. Once with B and once with Benson. The “B” pets.

I’m grateful for a sunny morning.
I’m grateful last week is over with.
I’m grateful there’s a lot going on next week and currently I’m still unsure when. I’m grateful I can deal with it when it comes. I’m grateful this house is killing us but we love it so much. I’m grateful we get to fix it up to be the way we want our forever home for the first time.

I’m grateful for my Tulsi ginger turmeric hot tea. Grateful I didn’t spill any coffee yesterday :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Grateful I can dislodge a cat because I got to get going.
Grateful to have another sober day ahead.


Grateful for the weekend. A good workout and run. Grateful for silence!!!


Grateful to be sober. Grateful that my withdrawal from benzos and alcohol (apart from first 2 to 3 weeks has gotten better. My appetite and sleep are precious, but I understand everything takes time and patience. I’m grateful that my children have not abandoned me, and I’m lucky enough to be a father to them. I’m grateful for my loving and dedicated family. I’m grateful to have a job. I’m grateful for talking sober.


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful

My sobriety doesnt depend on a strict routine
My mobility
I dont count sober days anymore, its more like my normal
Sobriety is my superpower
Got my ass to the gym. It was a tough one
Time with hubby
Boscoes so cute even tho the fucker wakes me up everytime theres a thunderstorm
Get to get together with family tomorrow for us fathers day
Feeling positive
Able to buy what we need and want at the grocery store
Sober friends
This amazing community
A recovery journey that doesnt get stale


Today’s gratitude. I’m grateful for books, books on my phone or books in my hand I love to read them.
I’m grateful yesterday was relaxing. I cooked, cleaned the house a bit, watched a lot of Arrested Development and mended my relationship with my kitties.
I’m grateful for good fathers everywhere this weekend. I had one and my Dad raised two. Happy father’s day if you are out there being a good dad. If you aren’t, turn it around.
I’m grateful for a windy walk and 8 hours of shuffled music in my ears when I work.
And always grateful for, Funfetti cupcakes. :cupcake:


Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful I’m learning how to deal with life on life’s terms.
Grateful I keep my cool under pressure at work. I stayed in the moment. I prayed a lot. I stayed hydrated.
Grateful this cold I have won’t last forever. My body hurts, sneezing, running nose. Typical symptoms. Grateful for meditation.
Grateful I’m home now and can rest. Going to find either some stand up comedy to watch or a movie.
Grateful for being hopeful and calm.
Grateful for some of the people I have connected with at the sober living I’m at. It’s nice to always have someone to talk to. Good or bad .
Grateful for my family and checking in more often.
Grateful for this community and all its amazing people bettering there life. It’s motivating.
Grateful for the good night sleep I know I will get tonight. Energy level at 0 . But that’s ok. I have the tools to deal with whatever life throws at me .



Grateful for my first trauma therapy session today. I’ve had a lot of trouble healing up on my own, so I’m getting help. Grateful I have someone to help me. It’s difficult but it will get me back sooner. :heart:


I am grateful today

109 days sober
Calm day
Breakfast out (someone else prepared and did dishes)
Good communication with spouse
Learning skills and wisdom from God


Grateful that I was able to go out in a severely populated event surrounded by the heavy marketed atmosphere of alcohol without a drink or even a desire. My friends enjoyed a couple drinks and were very mature around me as they care about me and what I’ve been and going through.
Grateful for the beautiful grace of God.
Grateful for this platform and all of you. No matter where we come from, who we answer to, what our addictions were, we’re all in it together.
Goodnight :peace_symbol:


I’m grateful to have both my parents, who still take care of me. Bc they will always look after my daughter when I work bc I have no one else to help me right now, even tho I see it wearing on them. I’m grateful my father got sober when he did and his health is much better than it was. I’m grateful for my brothers sobriety bc without it, he probably wouldn’t be here. I’m grateful I choose to feel this struggle I’m having, instead of numbing it. I’m grateful to cry and let some pain out. I’m grateful to have a place to write this and for everyone who reads it.


Checking in… I don’t know why I’m still awake yet but I’m grateful to have the opportunity to be up this late just simply to finish a puzzle I was working on instead of staying up trying to down the last few shots before I passed out.
I’m grateful to have attended my first meeting outside of my treatment group. I almost decided not to go, but my husband had said something to me that was triggering (it was a simply statement, but one he knows gets under my skin) and the moment he said that statement I knew I was going to a meeting. The last few times I have tried to get sober (didn’t really try hard enough, but got some time under my belt) he triggered me enough to decide to relapse.
I am grateful that I enjoyed the meeting, but did not show up early enough to mingle a little and felt too awkward to hang around afterwards to interact. But, I am going to go back next Saturday and now I have a better idea of what to expect for my next meeting. I am going to find another one tomorrow morning to attend as well. I want to find a consistent meeting to attend weekly and then I’m also on a sponsor hunt!
I am grateful to have been off this weekend to be able to enjoy some of my hobbies I forgot I loved while I drank and also to have been able to take my kiddos to see the new inside out movie! We loved it! Very cute and such an amazing way of explaining overwhelming emotions to kids (and to adults like myself lol)
I hope everyone enjoys their Sundays! I’ll be sleeping in! Good night everyone!


I’m grateful for the great nap I took yesterday. I’m grateful it wasn’t long. I’m grateful it was perfect. I’m grateful for that time to do absolutely nothing. I’m grateful when I woke up I just laid there. I’m grateful I was so refreshed after.

I’m grateful I know I feel blah today because of a slight headache and exhaustion. I’m grateful I know this will pass. I’m grateful I’m still learning to take I slow. On days I have nothing on the schedule.

I’m grateful I can get out with Benson and hopefully walk it off and feel better. I’m grateful I see a humming bird out the window.

I’m grateful we got another big week ahead on the house stuff. I’m grateful the week after is chimney repairs. I’m grateful it’s all coming along and we love it.

Grateful for you all.


I’m grateful for an attitude adjust that doesn’t require booze.
I’m grateful for my walk with Benson figuring out what is up with me.
I’m grateful I can still be sad about that.
I’m grateful that means I care.
I’m grateful if she doesn’t make it to bed til 2 am it has nothing to do with me.
I’m grateful if I don’t get to more meetings like my therapist wants I’m doing the best I can.
I’m grateful when my chiropractor gives me some PT exercises I don’t have the equipment for or quite understand, or the time to do it, I’m doing the best I can.
I’m grateful Benson and I went off roading and found another trail.
I’m grateful it turned in to a hike with a beautiful view.
I’m grateful we turned around as it was getting hot and I wanted to play it safe.
I’m grateful my walk in nature with my Ol Burner really cheered me up.
I’m grateful I can have a good time by myself and I don’t have to wait for anyone.
I’m grateful Benson and I can get our asses out early and get a routine going.
I’m grateful I go to bed early.
I’m grateful I feel so much better 2 hours later.
Courage is grace under pressure
Earnest Hemingway


I’m grateful for the nice lady who said good morning to me and wished me a Happy Father’s Day as I began my walk.
I’m grateful that little kind gesture made a big difference in my attitude.
I’m grateful I just remembered that.


Sunday evening gratitude.

Today I’m grateful for a relaxing day, naps and calling the hotline. Seems the internet cable is still broken. Not sure if the company knows what they do. It was ok until I received a message that the landline is ok again. Then bam, no wlan internet connection anymore but the modem is online :see_no_evil: This are not the kinds of problems I am able to solve by myself. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.

I’m grateful for a lovely get together at a beautiful park with friends yesterday :sparkling_heart::pray: I’m grateful we went home before it rained again. I’m grateful two packages of catlitter were in stock when I stopped at the supermarket on my way home.

I’m grateful for my funny, lovely, cuddly cats. For playing and purring. For miowing and touching me to demand pets. For stealing my toast :joy:

I’m grateful for ODAAT. The weather forcast is hot for next week and I am horrified. This up and down, cold, hot is really bad and impacts my health a lot, physically and mentally. I’m grateful I always can go back to basics. If all I do today is survive, it’s enough. Every babystep counts. No rules beside MY rules. Breath meditation. Letting the universe guide me. Being kind to myself, everything passes :people_hugging:

I’m grateful I nearly caught up with laundry, 4 washings more and all blankets, pillows, covers and the catrug are clean again. I’m grateful the laundry dried quickly the last days.

I’m grateful the broom closet is finished and all the household things have a place now! A dream came true. I’m proud I did it all on my own. Doesn’t look like a big deal but for me this is huge :pray:
I’m also grateful the house gets better organized again, a certain level of chaos and clutter sneaked in during these weeks of permanent rainfall. From weather depression to summer depression in 3 days. Yeah yippieh. I’m grateful I try to take it with humor, or at least sarcasm.

I’m grateful I don’t have to care for the ex. Working on codependent patterns and thinking is quite hard these days.

I’m grateful for all my blessings, to be free, to feel safe, for friends and chosen family, for the new start every morning, for opportunities, for not having to choose anything if I don’t want to. I’m gratefully working on a good life. ODAAT :pray:


Today I am grateful for

  • a nice and safe trio to Rotterdam
  • a good accomodation with everything I might need
  • a somewhat improvised Recovery Dharma meeting
  • very nice walks around the old harbour parts here
  • great weather
  • already being excited for tomorrow
  • feeling confident in my capacity to deal with my anxieties and mood swings

Today I am grateful for:

  • My family in the USA who rescued me.
  • Being a father to two amazing children.
  • Being able to spend a Father’s day with my dad, my brother, and my brother in law for first time in over 20 years.
  • 33 days of hard won sobriety.
  • My childhood best friend.
  • A yummy lunch prepared by my mom and sister.
  • Encouraging words from my nephew.
  • Mustering up the energy to do a treadmill run.

I’m grateful for emergency vet service. My old boy had a seizure and scared me to death. Have to go to our regular vet to check the blood values. He was dehydrated and too high kidney values can cause seizures.
I’m relieved and deeply grateful he received fluid and some meds to detox and stabilize.
All the ride to the vet I was sobbing, thinking I would loose him too. Now I’m crying of relieve that further episodes possibly can be prevented. And he might have some good time left.
I’m grateful that he ate, washes his face and behaves like nothing happened.
I’m grateful I have a good friend to call who is there for me. I’m grateful I’m not alone :people_hugging: