Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Wednesday gratitude.
I’m grateful coloscopy is over and I still sleep off the anaesthesia.

Grateful we treated us with delivery from our favourite poke bowl restaurant for lunch and my best friend stayed for a while until I went to sleep after lunch.

I’m grateful I’m flexible and patient as due to illness some appointments this week must be rescheduled when the people are healthy again. I’m grateful I protect myself as good as I can by wearing a mask when meeting people indoor and using public transportation and washing hands and face regularly. People became careless after Covid came to stay and don’t give a shit if they infect others with whatever they carry around: colds, influenza, noro, covid, RSV, pneumococcus …

I’m grateful my townhouse is warm and cozy, I feel sleepy, dizzy and sometimes cold. I’m grateful I stay another night here and have no hurry tomorrow morning :pray:
To be honest I move from couch to bed now and will be sleeping again before it’s dark. ODAAT


I’m grateful

  • for my job
  • for this mornings hike
  • for the social workers here who is doing some good work and are trying to do what they can to improve
  • for my friend S. She always makes me laugh and feel cared for.
  • for lavender earl grey cookies my all time favorite treat
  • for good music
  • for having hope
  • for good days and bad days
  • for my friends, neighbors and the people around me who are supportive
  • that I am sober

Glad all went well with the procedure and you are taking this time to rest up. Stay healthy friend – this season is full of illnesses :pray:

Hope you get positive results back from your colonoscopy.


I have had a really shitty day and I’m depressed as f*ck, so today I’m only grateful that I’m sober and alive. Maybe that’s enough for today.


Even though I have 47 days I feel really low today. Really emotional and crying. I work in mental health and deal with clients daily. Had a couple break downs in the office and having hard time peopling. I feel emotionally drained today and for the first time in 47 days I feel like a massive shot of vodka. I know it WILL NOT help but make things worse but the craving for that instant short lived relief is there.


I am feeling you pretty hard today as well. My vibrations are very low today and the last few days :cry:


Sorry to hear, my friend. Recovery can be really hard at times. I’ve been also very emotional and crying quite a lot. But I know this storm will pass and happier days are coming. I wish you all the best with a big hug! Stay strong! ODAAT.


I’m grateful for being on a path of sobriety, allowed me to be very productive at work today
Also grateful for not listening to the urge to drink in the evening, even went to a shop and totally ignored section with alcohol
I’m grateful for building up my overall resistance and managing my emotions at work though it’s difficult from time to time. I’m living in that part of a world where there’s a strong envy in case you’re on a different path than other people expected from you and their behaviour changed suddenly. It means I’m doing something right.
I’m grateful for having a clear head and staying humble


I hear you…you deserve better :hugs: Imagine 7 years old version of You hugging you


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Today I went to visit the Archeological Museum. There are all kinds of finds from the stone, bronze, iron, and early middle ages of the region on display there. I am grateful I got the tip to go there, and very grateful to all the people working there that make it possible for me to visit the exhibitions.

Took a nice walk over the Oder islands, enjoyed the sun in the afternoon. Grateful for the great weather and the green parks there.

Went to my favourite book place on the way back. Browsed through the books. I am always especially interested in the works of contemporary polish authors. I am very grateful this place exit, grateful it has such a great collection, grateful I can read books in different languages and thus have access to different cultures.

Did some yoga Later. Grateful for the movement, breathing, meditation.

I am grateful for this life and grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Yep sober and alive and here with us can be enough for today.




Thank you!


Excepting a big hug! Thank you :hugs:


:hugs::hugs::hugs: thank you


Grateful because the Lord gave the strength to endure the day although my tiredness


@MrMoustache and @Button83
Big hugs and loads of love your way. Sorry for the hard moments today. They do pass. Keep going strong my friends…you both are doing incredibly well :muscle:t4:. Just breathe through it and take it one second at a time!


Grateful today
Truck passed smog test
AA MEETING such a great group
Truck problem fixed - no charge
Rain fall today - I didn’t have to water
For a friend who is there for me when a ride is needed
For my loving dog Yunna
So grateful for God showing me his way and sober is the WAY!


Second gratitude list today

I should be grateful
I have husband to share my life with. So many I know live alone in their golden years and are sad and lonely.
I should be grateful for a step daughter who comes to help me even when she is never ready when I pick her up or she cancels last minute or just doesn’t show up when says she will.
I should be grateful I have a home to live in even though washing machine drain been clogged for 3 weeks now
I should be grateful I have a car to drive even though I have asked for replacement wipers installed for past month
I should be grateful I have so much nature surrounding me even though I have failed to fill up the humming bird feeders
I should be grateful cleaners come tomorrow even though I have to do a few chores before they get here
I should be grateful truck repair has no cost even though I have to take over an hour to go pick it up.
I am grateful I can go to bed even though I am so worked up sleep will Allude me.


Thank you so much for the encouragement!