Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful that today’s quote from here was, “If you think you can do it, you can.” Today was my court case for eviction. I spoke with the landlord and lawyer before going in. I asked for 5 days and return keys on Sunday. They agreed and if I get that done, there is no registered eviction. None registered is major in order of fining rental housing.

I am grateful that my head basically went directly to sleep at 11:15a. There is an obvious place of stress that was removed.

I am grateful it solidified things to do and made them less unmanageable to my brain.

I am grateful my list includes square by square, task by task, not throwing it all into my mind at the same moment.

Also, grateful for my first of the day meeting at 7am, which talked about the importance of difficult questions and conversations. Those will happen for me tomorrow for help both in moving and financial.

I feel solid and powerful by choice today.

I always look forward to a paradigm, which is tomorrow.

Much gratitude and love.


Today I am grateful for finding a note my brother wrote to me when he’d seen me at my worst with alcohol.
I’m pretty sure that paper is soaked in alcohol ironically enough. :mending_heart:


Grateful for reading a good book, relaxing with a comic book and going to the Church and hanging around with brothers and sisters


@SoberSassy what a beautiful and touching note!!!


Grateful for the gate staff at the airports last Thursday, and today: on both days, the airline staff at the gates were able to get me seats on a flight leaving 5 hours prior to the flight I’d been scheduled to take. (It is so nice to arrive at your destination five hours earlier than planned. It is also nice to have saved a chunk of money by buying the cheapest tickets - which is why I had these six-hour layovers - so I have been lucky with my air travel this week!)


Practicing gratefulness with my sober peeps :hugs:

:skull: Sleeping in as it took me forever to fall asleep.
:skull: It warmed up to 42 degrees by the time I got a chance to go for my walk
:skull: Enjoyed a good HIIT workout
:skull: Had a great breakfast with mom
:skull: Was able to run errands and help out with some work
:skull: Managed a mini nap but it seems like the day just flew by and I didn’t want to sleep so late as I am hoping to get some sleep tonight
:skull: One day closer to Halloween
:skull: Got my grocery shopping done. Found my vegan chocolate chips on sale at the grocery store
:skull: My brother is ok with hanging some of my artwork / photos that I’ve acquired over the years at his place so I don’t have to get rid of those
:skull: My family! My Higher Power, My growing love for myself, My shedding anger as I grow, Learning to have patience
:skull: You all – love you all and this community!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :Hear:


Love this! What a blessing to have such a thoughtful, supportive brother. :blush:


@JazzyS I’m going to have to ask about the splint because I have ground through more night guards than I care to think about! Thanks for the tip! :people_hugging:


I am grateful that it is finally cool enough at night to use my cuddly blankets!!! About time. :bed:

I’m grateful for the beautiful way the sun’s slanting rays make everything more lovely in Autumn. :sunny::maple_leaf::fallen_leaf:

I’m grateful for this lovely thread and the lovely people on it. Stay strong sober warriors!! Xxoo


Grateful today

My loving dog even though she is an early riser
AA meeting and sponsor meeting
Grateful I was able to surprise Sponsor on her bday with flowers
Wonderful gym pool workout
For amazing tow service man who got my truck started
Grateful I am sober to deal with unexpected events with a calm I never experienced before
Grateful I was able to record Hocus Pocus 2 and finally get to watch.
So grateful I am alive and have All I Need.


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for work
Grateful for having enough
Grateful PJ Harvey is coming to Japan on her next tour!


Love this @SoberSassy ! Thank you :hugs:


Today I’m grateful for better night than yesterday and much much better than the one before.
I’m grateful God, Jesus and guardian angel, all that higher power is with me and enables me to receive any piece of energy available I need to cope with
I’m grateful it’s my start of 4th day of being present and live a normal life
I’m grateful for a normal life


Was going to PM you but thought this may be useful for someone else as well.

The splint I am using is called Silent Nite.

It is used to help with snoring, sleep apnea and TMJ issues. It shifts your bottom teeth forward so that it keeps the jaw some room. With TMJ I’ve lost most of the cushion cartilage between the jaw bones so I’m constantly grinding on the nerves when I move my mouth. You then have a separate mouth piece (an impression of your teeth in a relaxed closed position) that helps you readjust your jaw in the morning.
Do check with your dentist to see if this would be a good fit.

I got the one below first and it lasted almost 6 months. I did break the gliders 4 times during that period. Now have a sturdier plastic (hopefully won’t shatter as easily) and metal gliders and finally got better bands too so I’m not going through them every other day. The bands are only needed for the metal gliders.

Hope this helped :hugs:


Grateful for whatever comes today.
Palindrome 292
Grateful I will find the way to wherever I belong.
Grateful I refuse to stress today.
Grateful my stress shut down yesterday and made all of my parts and brain exhausted but relaxed.
Grateful to do what needs to be done and that I know these things.
Grateful for healthy kids and knowing that I cannot change them, only change myself.
Grateful for all of you.


Im so very greatful

Day 899 sober
A woman with 14yrs sobriety coming back into the rooms with two weeks after admitting a relapse on kratom. What a stark reminder of how we need to remain vigilant and avoid all drugs…this served as confirmation for me not to smoke weed when i head to a legalized state next month

One day at a time mantra
My sponsor answers my calls
Boscoes doing better
Hubby is healthy
Warm blankets
Skipped the workout today and not feeling shameful. Ill just pick it up tomorrow
Hot coffee + creamer
My work day flew by yesterday
Availability of in person aa meetings in my city
Date night/weekend to look forward to
A warm soul
A daily reprieve from addiction


Me too @Cjp and it’s ok to skip. We got this. Proud of ya.

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Thank you so much!! My TMJ gives me constant headaches. I’m looking into this ASAP! Much appreciation friend!!


Oh for sure…I’ve noticed that the clicking and jaw locks have lessened with this and the headaches aren’t as intense. Wishing you luck with it. Also ask your dentist for TMJ physical therapy…I’ve got a referral but haven’t started it … supposed to be super helpful


:heart:I’m grateful for you all.
:heart:I’m grateful I finally got some coffee. Had to make it a double espresso but at least it’s coffee.
:heart: I’m grateful I’m probably going to be too busy babysitting my granddaughter and might not be able to be around much.
:heart: I’m grateful for this gratitude thread that has been the foundation for my recovery.

From AI if you google gratitude in recovery.

Gratitude is an important part of recovery from substance abuse or addiction because it can help people:

Regulate emotions: Gratitude can help people counterbalance negative emotions like shame, guilt, and remorse with feelings of hope and wellness

The list is pretty long too.