Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Woooo,thanks very much


Grateful for a sober night equaling 6 months.
Regardless of what occurs today, time will keep on going.
I drew a pretty great tarot of Knight of Cups - says a lot about how I think and want to continue to think.
People have ā€œthings.ā€ Often hearing them tell stories makes me angry - but itā€™s misled. All people say and act, the way they do, for a reason within. I should know that and act on that.

Have a good day!


Congratulations on your 6 months of sobriety :muscle:t4::muscle:t4::tada:


6 months!!! Congratulations :clap::partying_face:


Today I am grateful for dark coffee and sunny walks.
Iā€™m grateful that I had such a fun day yesterday. My dinner with a friend turned into a 6 hour outing with a few extra stops, and a ton of laughs. Plus we had good sober talks.
Iā€™m grateful I watched a few episodes of season 3 of The Bear when I got home. Jamie Lee Curtis as the mother had me sobbing. I needed that release.
I am grateful there is a kitty at the end of my bed right now so I can twine my toes in his fur.


Today Iā€™m grateful for all my blessings.
Iā€™m grateful I was up early and got some work done before it became hot. Iā€™m grateful for grocery shopping coupons and the post office open on saturday. Iā€™m grateful the drill bits were delivered today. Iā€™m grateful monday is lamp mounting day.

Iā€™m grateful I can stay inside and the house remains tempered. Iā€™m grateful I spent the afternoon reading and napping with cats around me. Iā€™m grateful the vet texted to ask if Missi and I are ok. Iā€™m grateful I let my thoughts come and go.

Iā€™m grateful for an early night as Iā€™ll be up very early tomorrow. Iā€™m grateful I have brains and will keep the windows closed. Too hot, still 30 Ā°C. One hour tomorrow morning airing the house is enough. This too shall pass. ODAAT :pray:


Hey yaā€™ll, how are my gratidudes?

Im so greatful forā€¦
790 dayssss
Got a tough 90min workout in
Ate my favorite lunch
Beautiful upper 70s and sunny
Boscoe cuteness
A peace im feeling despite a lot in flux


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • my morning run
  • hair care
  • feeling very organised and efficient
  • a nap
  • feeling very strong during my yoga practice
  • the city festival, realising once again how this kind of stuff itā€™s just overwhelming for me
  • having had a pair of ear plugs at hand
  • nice reading
  • cinema
  • calming down while writing this after two stupid guys did some crazy ass manoeuvres and honked at me while trying to overtake me on my bike and almost rear ending a family van :person_facepalming:t2:
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :new_moon_with_face:


Grateful for my friends and the potential of being able to truly live in the moment.

Grateful for my partners and parents kind words


Iā€™m grateful I got up, showered, and shaved, and got my ass to the 9 am menā€™s Al-Anon meeting this morning.

Iā€™m grateful I slept well last night.
Iā€™m grateful I got the perfect cup of Joe this morning. Iā€™m grateful I got Benson walked, wearing my hoodie in the cool marine layer that came in last night.

Iā€™m grateful for the discomfort at a menā€™s meeting with almost 20 ish guys. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s probably exactly where I needed to be.
Iā€™m grateful I got to share my gratitude about being grateful for my alcoholic and how great my life is and how stressed I am and how miserable I feel. And it has nothing to do with my alcoholic loved one.
Knock Knock.
Whoā€™s there?
Itā€™s Me!!
Itā€™s Always Me!!

Iā€™m grateful some day I will learn to accept myself. And learn Iā€™m good enough just to be me.

Iā€™m grateful the rest of my day is about Gus.
Iā€™m grateful theyā€™re dumping the little stinker off at our house for lunch and dinner and the 4 hours in between. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s us for the first time heā€™s ever been left somewhere for any amount of time. Perfect timing god :thinking: Iā€™m grateful it could be.
Iā€™m grateful we got this.

The one who falls and gets up is so much stronger than the one who never fell
City Bicycle Co.


Iā€™m grateful that I woke up early and attended a Recovery Dharma meeting. Starting my day with a meditation based on self forgiveness is exactly what I needed.

Iā€™m grateful to be going to a friends for ahuge 50th bday party tonight, and will not be drinking. Iā€™ll feel way better tomorrow than everyone else there will.

Iā€™m grateful for a float in the pool and AC on this 105 degree day. Itā€™s supposed to be 117 by the weekend. Thatā€™s dumb.

Iā€™m grateful for your gratitudes! Thank you for sharing. šŸ«¶šŸ»


@Cjp 790 days is just amazing!! Go you!!:tada:

@acromouse haircare is self care for me!!:purple_heart:

@Dazercat glad you found a meeting, hope you continue to get more comfy there :people_hugging:


Geez!! That is dumb! Thank goodness for AC and a poolā€¦stay cool friend.
Enjoy the birthday celebration and a hangover free Sunday :hugs:


Thanks sweet friend!! šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«¶šŸ»

  • Grateful for some clarity, as painful as it is.

  • Grateful for a decent sleep last night. Took the purple color right out of my eyelids! :laughing: Finally.

  • Grateful for a good counseling session where we talked about jobs. I have lots of homework that addresses my relationship with work. Yipes! Going to do better choosing this time. And heal first. Weā€™re just beginning. No more heart attack jobs! My resting heart rate was 101 when I left. Now itā€™s 67!!

  • Grateful for my sweet gentle gigantic zen kitty.

  • Joy is the feeling when things first start opening up in a good way. The world suddenly seems larger and more colorful. I am starting to daydream. In a positive way. Of possibilities and future people. Of flow and synchronous things. Itā€™s trippy but right in front of you at once. Wow.

  • Grateful I have a hurricane or two to track!

  • yeah, 4 months! So glad. Gone through March, April, May and June without a drink. Got through a date, a party, St Patrickā€™s Day, Easter, the total solar eclipse, my birthday, Memorial Day ā€”- itā€™s getting better

  • Grateful Iā€™m in the middle of a crash. Meaning I want to sleep badly. Insomnia will beat the crap out of me for a week, then let me sleep for a few days

  • so much hope! There is more hope than there are concrete achievements but when Iā€™m drinking I donā€™t feel that hope. I canā€™t dream. Itā€™s grey.

  • You!

  • 120 days alcohol free yeah


Day 4

I am grateful for this moment.

Itā€™s a little past midnight and Iā€™m sitting with my 7 year old watching the fights. I asked him if he will remember these times when heā€™s olderā€¦ He said ā€œof course, I get to stay up late.ā€ His innocence and joy makes me so happy. Iā€™m glad Iā€™ll get to remember this.

Enjoy the night everyone!


Im grateful im not the only one on here who gets exited from the 1st of june to the 30th november,i live in ireland so we only occaisionally get the tail end of them,but i find it very interesting,i turn into some kind of meteorologist this time of year!!!
Josh morgerman is a legend


Iā€™m grateful for 500 days! Likeā€¦What?! They really add up when youā€™re not paying attention :woman_shrugging:

Iā€™m also grateful that even tho I didnā€™t have time to write yesterday, and not much tonight, Iā€™ve still been thinking about everything Iā€™m grateful for.

So Iā€™m grateful I finally opened and joined this thread when I felt like I needed something new. Grateful for all of you here with me doing the damn thing!


@Just_Laura congratz!!! Youā€™re one of those people whose posts Iā€™ve been reading forever, we havenā€™t connected but seeing this makes me so happy. I sincerely congratulate you on this journey! Youā€™re an amazing woman doing your thing, Iā€™m very happy for you!


Wow! 500 days is awesome sauce! Congratulations @Just_Laura!! :partying_face: