Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I have a lot to be grateful for today and am smiling as I type.

I’m grateful I can be there for my sister when my Mom is unkind to her. I’m grateful I learned a while back not to go to my mother for kindness as I am often disappointed there. I get the old “don’t go to the hardware store for milk” phrase in my head. Smart words.
I’m grateful I have two older sisters who are the mothers that I go to for kindness. I’m grateful they can rely on me now too. I was often an unreliable sister as a drunk.

I’m grateful I got up early and had a rainy walk through our Art Festival downtown. I’m grateful I have an adventurous palate and tried the Ecuadorian Philly cheesesteak. It was delish. I’m grateful my legs work and that my body does what I ask of it.

I’m grateful I stopped in to the library and left with 9 books. I’m grateful that I can read and love to learn.

I’m grateful I’ll drive the hubs to work and then hang out with one of my oldest pals. We met in high school and still talk often. Its her birthday today and we have often talked about how hard it is to find a good bra as a woman. I’m grateful I bought her a $100 gift card to a bra store and am crafting a punny card to go with it (support, breast friend, mammaries). I’m grateful I know this is weird and am doing it anyway. I’m grateful I will have to remind her to spend it on herself and not her daughters. I’m grateful to have kind people in my life.

Lastly, yep I’m getting there folks, I’m grateful that hubs and I are moving. Our neighbor moved out of her two bedroom so we will move next door where our 700 sq ft of living space will soon be almost doubled. I’m grateful we can afford this and I’m grateful that I am already mentally redecorating everything. I’m grateful that I know that as sweet as my kitties might seem neither of them will be moved the 30 feet down the hall without being zipped into a cat carrier. No feral kitty fight repeats.

Lastly, for real, I’m glad for this space. 860+ days ago I googled sobriety sites and found you all and I’m grateful I can share my wins here, offer support and connect with other grateful people just trying their best in this big old world. Now the goal is to not lose my mojo and sink into a library book fort before I have to leave the house. If you are thinking of a drink today, don’t. Much love. 🩷


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • friends who just get me, with everything :heart_eyes:
  • nice chats
  • my work, still great stuff
  • summer and sun
  • meditation
  • early mornings with my sleepy daughter
  • my mum
  • car rides through the evening country side
  • wide appreciative awareness
  • bike rides throught the evening city
  • the cool air around the river
  • my balcony with all the plants there
  • good food
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


What a lovely read.


Thank you. It is a lovely feeling kind of day. :bouquet:

  • Roomba!
  • 120 days sober
  • Wanted to get out and interact. I’ve been more than a bit cocooned since I got sober. It was necessary to recuperate, and keep me away from drinking people and situations. Now I’m shifting into full sober: life as it actually is. Thanks to sobriety and all the wonderful support I receive, I have courage and am not triggered by everything and everyone ‘out there’. I can start living. But am still avoiding bars and certain bar-ish people.
  • More clarity from former colleagues that my workplace was extremely toxic. I’m better off by far.
  • Ability to set small goals now. I walked in a fog before. It was about survival, not planning and dreaming. I forget I’m free now, and can indulge in dreaming
  • A peaceful Friday night where I’m gonna sleep 11 hours. Yes.

-Talking Sober support. Y’all are wonderful :heart:


Tomorrow is officially 6 months, when after a brief time, sobriety counts it that way.

I am grateful for it and knowing that gratitude matters - even when you’re struggling to feel it

It’s important to know that any struggle you have can be far worse for other people.

I live and I go back to knowing it was for a reason, despite anything shocking that happens - that is also for a reason. What things feel like at this moment aren’t always the benefit you’ll see in the future.

I am grateful that though sometimes it is deep inside, I know about life and what makes it meaningful.


Today is 6 months for me!! So grateful for this app for the support, known and unknown, every single day. Grateful for the horrible circumstance that put me on this road. Because it’s a beautiful road 🫶🏻


Congrats on 6 months :muscle::raised_hands:


Gak, it’s been a while…

I’m grateful that the last two months - the mental and emotional challenge of it - didn’t have me thinking a drink would be a good idea. There were times I wanted a rest, treat, hug, nap. I used to think I was strong because I’d deny myself all of those and chug-a-lug through the hard stuff. I’m grateful to be in a different place.

I’m grateful to be back home. This week felt so good waking up in my own bed. I’m grateful the dog girl is such a good traveler. I get the sense she’s grateful to be home too.

My little patio garden? The one I usually plant with my own seedlings? Badly neglected the last two months. I’m grateful after work this week I ran around and found a few remaining distressed-ish plants, on sale, threw them in pots and called that gardening. They look like I feel right now. Tired but starting to pick up. Happy to be home.

I’m grateful for my neighbours, pleasant chats. For phone calls. I’m grateful to see dear old friends when I was in the city. I’m grateful I spent so much time with my sweet Mama. I’m grateful I know she knows, somewhere in there, and so do I.

I’m grateful for a beautiful night. The Friday of a long weekend. The northern sun still high and not a cloud in the sky. A belly full of yummy healthy food. The dog girl already snoring, and me not far.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Way to go on six months @Davina_Davis! :star_struck:

and six months too @EarnIt! :heart_eyes:

And 120 days @Lighter! :partying_face:

Grateful to share in our milestone happiness :pray: :orange_heart:


Congratulations on your 6 months Davina.


Nice read Emilie.
I’m so happy you found us.
Grateful to read you here.


Thank you for keeping us abreast of your plans! :smile:


I could have used this! I think I managed 12 puns in my note. :nerd_face:


It’s Saturday morning and that means I get to think about how grateful I am to be sober. Good morning!

I’m grateful every day to be sober and safe and here with you courageous and amazing people.

I’m grateful to have completed some more summer tasks this week while I am on summer break.

I’m grateful to have had my first therapy appointment this week with a “new to me” therapist. She specializes in family trauma and addiction, so telling her the headlines of my life was not shocking to her. Next up is getting to more and better strategies to keep healing.

I’m grateful to be married to a sober man who keeps working on himself and keeps supporting my journey and our journey together.

I’m grateful to have a job I mostly love. Heck, I do love this job in the summer! I have been working several hours a day on curriculum projects and a reading class I am taking. It gives my day structure and will make my next school year easier for me. And maybe even better for the kids!

I’m grateful to get to spend time at home with my husband and my pets. I’m reading a lot of library books these days and drinking lots of ice water. It’s very relaxing and is good practice for the retirement we have planned in a few years.

I’m grateful for this community. I check in and read here a bit every day. I’m grateful to have access to you all and learn a bit each day about this journey in recovery.

I also took stupid Facebook off my phone because it was sucking up a lot of valuable time. Like drinking, I was compulsive about looking at it and wasting time seeing dumb things. Nothing harmful or dramatic, just sucking up my precious time. Dang, those compulsive brain paths are powerful.

I read a book last week called “The Anxious Generation”. It is not technically about addiction, but it does have some pretty great information on how technology is designed to grab and hold our attention. If you have young people in your life it is an important book about the control that smartphones are having over children and how technology is impacting childhood. It’s a good book. It makes me think about the value of my time. I’m grateful to have the time and attention span to read widely. I’m grateful to see connections between things I have learned before and new learning.

My husband is leaving for a few days to go serve with a disaster relief group in the area. He will be cleaning up after a recent tornado. He used to do this a lot. A few days on my own used to mean one thing. Now it means another. I’m so grateful that I am looking for even more moments of peaceful solitude instead of uncontrolled drinking. I’m grateful to be here and alive and sober.

I’m grateful to have this resource and to be part of a strong community. You are all an inspiration to me. Keep doing the work and take care of yourself. You deserve to be safe and healthy.


Today my gratitude goes to my son & best friend Liam,he stuck by me through the broken promises the lies and everything else that goes with addiction,probably couldnt have got to the 6 year mark without him :blue_heart:


I’m grateful to finally be home and that we made it home safe! About time I’m back. :laughing: I’m grateful for the very enthusiastic greetings from my dogs who I was really missing and know they missed me. I’m grateful for my neighbors who brought me vegetables, fruit and fresh bread. I’m grateful for my own tushuk and to be laying here with the dogs so relaxed. I’m grateful for my friend also feeling so much better and did well with the traveling. I’m grateful to be sober and safe. I’ve felt so good these past weeks despite stress and all my unplanned adventures. I’m grateful for clean clothes…I only packed 2 shirts thinking I’m gone for a week which turned into 4 so am happy for a change of clothes. :sweat_smile: I’m so grateful for my little house and that it was taken care of for me.






Congratulations on 6 years. Wowza!