Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful for my friend who called me today for a sobriety checkin.

Grateful for my wife’s help with organizing the basement.

Grateful for warm, dry weather, which is perfect for exterior work (a big part of my job in the summer).

  • Fourth of July sober! Never much cared for this holiday here in Texas as it’s usually 100+ degrees and the sun angle is brutal. Doesn’t get dark until late. Heat and drinking never was a good mix. We would sit out by the grill and end up packing the car for Colorado it was so hot. By the time the fireworks start everyone is hot, burnt and wasted. When I move to a cooler climate I’ll give it a go!
  • The weather next week! Hurricane Beryl in a very weakened form will come by. This is what it takes to break Summers Grip :sun_with_face: Rain!!! :white_check_mark: :metal::sweat_drops::heart:
  • Plenty of food and water just in case it gets ugly
  • Learning to love a bright sober future from afar. I can’t have those things just yet, but I know they’re coming. The now part is healing physically and emotionally. Become a strong sober person who can handle a move and total change of life. Not yet.
  • Air conditioning!!
  • This wonderful group
  • 125 days sober

For the never ending messy house, means the kids are having fun
The never ending dishes means we are all fed.
I’m grateful we got invited to the neighbors party next door.
I’m grateful, I was losing my mind when my toddler refused to nap but when she finally did nap she was out like a light!
After much cohersing I got my fiancé to take my 6 year old to the party.
OMG yall, I just had my own party… I did a yoga nidra till I fell asleep and woke up not knowing where I was and then took a candle lit bath while listening to plant frequencies followed by eating 5 layer dip with chips all to myself with a lake view.
I’m grateful for the woman who’s house this is, she passed away but I am so grateful for her mind. She never knew me but I hope she knows up in heaven that I think she is brilliant.
Grateful my daughter is out making core memories
Grateful the only thing to top my day was coming here to read gratitudes. :blush:
Love ya’ll baby is awake.


@lisa07 Love when we don’t need to be ID’d. The small pleasures in life :laughing: Glad your daughter enjoyed her gambling outing and came out a winner.
@rainydays Love that you are working so well in your recovery and being honest with yourself. No room for self hate as we need to be gentle and kind to ourselves. Take it ODAAT friend

I love this friend. Great to see that your progress is being seen by those around you.
@mariposa426 what a lovely compliment – I too love the benefits of sobriety! Glad you are getting some quality time with your son.
@clarity OMG so good to see you checking in friend. You have been missed. Your own party sounds fabulous. Grateful you got to spend some time practicing self care.

Thursday Gratefulness

  • Got a good walk and swim in this morning
  • remembered to do deliveries and got them done in time
  • Functioned well without my coffee (forgot it for my walk and then didn’t get my first cup till 10 a).
  • Got to spend some quality time with mom - we had a lovely meditation / prayer session
  • Got food prepped and ready for the afternoon.
  • Hung out with friends on deck and skipped the pool as it was cloudy and spitting from time to time.
  • Had a lovely BBQ and listened to some back in the day tunes (lots of reminiscing)
  • Planning to go Kayaking on Sunday on Lake Huron.
  • Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed (even though it was a fun day) and in my pj’s ready to call it a night - hoping to be rested and energized tomorrow
  • My TENS unit – need to use it today as my spine is killing me more than usual.
  • Supposed to get storms tomorrow but luckily they are later in the day so should not affect my morning routine.
  • My family, my HP, this amazing place!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for summer nights. I’m spenting them outdoor as much as I can, regardless of the wheather. I really enjoyed King Lear @JazzyS - such a timeless and insightful play. I’ve been a fan of Shakespeare all my life. I am grateful for actors who indulge in their art. It was such a good night.
I am grateful for laughter and community. I recently joined a group of people who play cards once a week. It’s been such fun to familiarize myself with a new social game and get to know new people. I am grateful to have found this to be a good way to overcome my social anxiety.4
I am grateful for the monstrous zuccinis in my garden. I missed harvesting them in time and am not sure what to do with them yet.
Grateful for the little things in life. Grateful they add up to become the the big things in life. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for fresh ginger tea, lemons and soup. I’m grateful for being able to just stay in and rest today. I’m grateful for the rainy day. I’m grateful for cuddles with the dogs. I’m grateful for audio books.


Gratitude today:

Beautiful rain, despite it being a bit feisty.
A fantastic ass kicking exercise class
The act of being able to sort four big bags of clothes and one bag of shoes and three boxes of books for a charity collection early tomorrow morning. The charity chosen is for kids with debilitating illnesses and diseases :heartpulse:
Getting the flat far more streamlined.
Being perhaps able to sell up in the next year or two :v:t2::pray:t2:


I’m grateful to sit for a bit.
I’m grateful everyone who was supposed to show up and work around here is.
I’m grateful I already got Benson walked.
I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful how much we both love it here and our new home.
I’m grateful we have the perfect easy access workout/office room with windows, to lock up the 4 cats so we don’t have to play cat whack a mole so they don’t get out.

I’m grateful everything is falling into place for the Dallas folks arrival tomorrow.
And their fucking Boxers :scream:
I’m grateful I love those dogs.
I’m grateful I really don’t mind them coming and I get it. I’m grateful they wouldn’t be able to stay 2 or 3 weeks :scream: if they couldn’t bring their dogs.
I’m grateful I get to make time to pick up Bogey and Dash’s special food :grimacing: at a special pet shop :grimacing: in town somewhere :grimacing:
I really am grateful I get to do that.
I’m grateful I get to do my best, sober best with family and learning not to stress.
I’m grateful I get to have time with both my grandchildren together. I’m grateful if it all works out we can do it again sometime.
I’m grateful my wife made me a smoothie.
I’m grateful I’m done my shit and told her just tell me what you need me to do.
I’m grateful my wife does all the cat meds.
I’m grateful we got the house cleaned for the house cleaners :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I’m grateful for Benson.
I’m grateful I was able to take this time and count my blessings. And be grateful for them all.
Today I will make it a habit to continually replace pessimistic thoughts with optimistic ones. I will dwell on what is uplifting so that I may increase my courage and confidence as well as better my circumstances.
Some Al-Anon shit :joy: Can’t remember where I found it :kissing_heart:


Love this Eric, All is well!


I think we all do this from time to time. Love your humor.


Grateful for sober friends who call, and who receive my calls.

Grateful for simple classic delicious recipes. (I’m making chicken Provençal tomorrow - it’s simple, savoury, satisfying, and is a perfect weekend dish. I just learned about it this week!)

  • It is cloudy!! In July! :white_check_mark: :dancer: :dancer:

  • it’s going to rain this week!

These are amazing things. Very grateful and my mood changed as soon as the sun disappeared :blush:

  • Grateful for 126 days of freedom

Oh I love King Lear! I too am a huge fan of Shakespeare. They used to do a play every year in the park but have not resumed since Covid. OOH large zucchini’s are great for zucchini bread :wink: enjoy :yum:


I am grateful for being in my newly purchased house a year.
I am grateful for these quiet nights.
I am grateful to be alive.


I am grateful today

Home cooked meals
Home calm - no conflict

Returned to gym - water walking

To be alive - 1 year ago today I tried to end it all.

129 days sober. Sobriety is such a better way of life.

God has a plan for me and guides me everyday.


It was suggested I come say 10 things I’m grateful for… Idk if I have 10 but I’ll give as many as I can today and come back tomorrow

  1. I have a safe place to sleep
  2. I’m still breathing
  3. I ate something today
  4. I was able to shower and brush my teeth

I think that’s all I got for now…


I’m grateful you came over.
Gratitude is a strong tool. I was able to retrain my brain.
We got a lot to be grateful for when we are sober.
See you tomorrow.
If you can’t list your gratitude, read what others got. Might rub off on ya.


Nighttime gratitude.
I’m grateful for a true day of rest.
I’m grateful for popsicles and good TV.
I’m grateful for library books and all the stories out there.
I’m grateful I get along with cats so well because our day off napping schedules synch up perfectly.
Sobriety, always sobriety.


So grateful that you are here with us and working on your sober journey :pray:t4::people_hugging:


Welcome to the community Chelsea. Great to see you here on the gratitude thread… doesn’t have to be 10…some days it is harder to find even 1 but as you practice daily you can make it a daily part of your life. I often find myself just stopping to give thanks for what I am seeing/ enjoying/ experiencing.
Hope to see you around :hugs: