Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’n grateful for my 872 days. I’m grateful that I have been doing some reflecting on this year and have realized that this is a “little life” year.
For my second year of sobriety I set my intention to get out of debt. This means financially to the tune of $33,000 and emotionally. We sold one of our cars to become a more walkable household and this is healthier but limiting for little trips. I stay in a lot and I work too much.
As we are midway through the year I am happy to report that I will pay off that financial goal early. Who knows if I will ever conquer the emotional debt that comes with living and interacting with others but I am trying. Lots of reflection, lots of self help books.
I’m looking forward to an almost end of year move to a bigger apartment so we can physically spread out. And next year we will put money into a more reliable long trip car so I can also physically spread out.

I’m grateful for my little life year so I can spread out into bigger things. I’m grateful I’m doing the work of what needs to be done. 🩷


192 days to be grateful for. I couldn’t begin to be a sane person without these days.
Grateful for pizza to ease my hormonal screams
Grateful for my partner
Grateful for my two beautiful panthers, they are smart and cheeky and affectionate little Princes and I can’t imagine life without them.


Such a wonderful pleasant read. Thank you.


Grateful to celebrate my 5th birthday sober.

Grateful hubby made me a nice breakfast. I rarely ever eat breakfast but I couldn’t resist his thoughtfulness.

Grateful for a beautiful relaxing day at the pool even though it was extremely crowded. I focused on my book and blocked out all the screaming kids. I’m grateful I ran into an old family friend at the pool that I hadn’t seen in 20 years. We chatted a few minutes and went our own way.

Grateful for dinner out at a Japanese hibachi restaurant to celebrate with hubby and my daughter. Grateful hubby did not embarrass me by having them sing happy birthday.

Grateful for the beautiful flowers my boss sent.

Grateful to be going back to work tomorrow. Wow that sounds strange but needing a break from the family. A full week together non stop is all I can handle.


Happy Birthday lovely Lisa!

Am so grateful for you. For your moderating (the forum, not the other kind of moderation we don’t do anymore. :wink: ). For your wisdom and insights and posts and sharing your days and words and heart. :pray:

All good things in the year ahead! :orange_heart:


Happy birthday Lisa!! Sounds like a nice day and I hear you on family. :woman_shrugging: I am grateful for you and your friendship and your forum moderating wisdom. And the truth bombs you share + I am grateful for your humor. I am especially grateful to share this journey with you! :birthday::bouquet::star2:


5 years ! Wow! Happy Birthday!


Oh Emm congrats!!! 2 years is amazing work- I hope you get a beautiful journal! I’m grateful you are here♥️


Happy Birthday !:tada::birthday:


I am grateful today….

For everyone of you here.
4 1/2 days of 5 no conflict at home
Good communicating skills being learned and used
God showed up today with so many blessings
For being clear headed and confident in my daily decisions


Thank you, Emm! It’s an honor to share my birthday with your soberversary. Congratulations on 2 years!

Thanks @SassyRocks! You are my inspiration. I appreciate you showing me the ropes both on the forum and mod team.

Thank you @tailee17! So happy to be on this journey with you.

Thank you @Sunflower1! Seeing your beautiful avatar pop up always brings me joy.


Yes, that made me so happy to see! :smiling_face:

Thank you, and @Sunflower1 and @TrustyBird too. I wouldn’t be here without’cha. :pray: :orange_heart:


@erntedank Grateful you were able to spend this special date with your best friend – helped you tone down the triggers. Always good to share our special moments with friends :hugs: Made me laugh so hard and I love you for it – your life your rules girl – glad you showered with clothes!
@m-be-free49 WOOT WOOT! Great work on your 2 years Emm! Grateful that you are feeling engaged in your life again – what a lovely feeling!
@acromouse Oh I love early mornings. I don’t what it is but a magical feel in the air and a sense of peace. Grateful you are getting to enjoy them and with a run to boot. LOL – love that you are loving and using that term – I thought of you today as I used it :wink:
@trustybird WOW that is awesome work Emilie! Love that you have set out intentions are seeing them getting done. Great to see you thriving in sobriety and making each day count. Hope you are able to spread those wings of yours physically and emotionally :hugs:
@lisa07 Lovely way to spend your special day. Glad you enjoyed your birthday and hope you were made to feel as special as you are!

Sunday night gratefulness
Oh my goodness – I am just overwhelmed with gratefulness
I am so grateful for my body and ability to be mobile. I was able to wake up and do a 5.25 mile walk and a lovely ½ hour swim and still be ready and packed to leave by 9:30.
I am so very grateful for my swimming goggles, ear plugs and swim cap. I feel like I can swim easier with my swim tools and am getting faster.
I am so grateful that my hurt shoulder did not hinder my fun today.
I am so Grateful that our friends showed up early and we left right on time
I am so grateful for the easy 3 hour drive there. I forgot to take my TENS unit with me and managed the day well without it. Am now icing / heating and using the TENS but it was so worth it. Grateful that we did not have to do tandem kayaks as none were left and got to do the longer kayak trail to Turnip rock in our own single kayak’s.
I am so grateful for finding a shady space at the destination. Grateful that I am not too badly burnt. I did use sun screen but apparently not enough. It was a gorgeous day. Some clouds but they were all low and on the horizon. The sky up above was completely clear and sunny.
I am so grateful for a well packed car with loads of food / snacks and drinks. Grateful that I did not have any urges to drink.
I am so grateful that the 3.25 hour drive home was smooth even with all the holiday traffic.
I am so grateful for leftovers. Grateful for a nice hot shower and leftovers.
I am so grateful for my body for allowing me to do this today. Grateful that I need to practice some self care and work on inflammation but again – so very worth it. I absolutely love kayaking and today I was in my element. I haven’t felt this alive in a long time and am so very grateful!
I am so grateful for my family, my HP, my great friends, good music and comedy and ALL OF YOU!
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am smiling for you. Ran out likes. :heart::heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::orange_heart:🩷:yellow_heart::purple_heart:


That sounds divine!!! What a fun, exhausting day! Get lots of moisture on that burn :people_hugging:🫶🏻


@LAB So happy that your family is on board too!
My brother got sober in 2019 after attending AA for many years. I am beyond grateful, bc if he hadn’t, idk if he’d still be around. The thing is, idk how much work he’s put into it :thinking: He’s just sooo stuck in the past still and I can see it’s hurting him. He’s never done the steps and I think it would help him so much. I can’t express the gratitude I have towards AA and how much freedom it gave me to live my life. I’m so proud of him regardless, but I’d just love to see him happy one day.

@Lisa07 Happy Birthday girl!!! :tada:

Today I’m grateful for

-A beautiful day that wasn’t too hot at work bc it wasn’t too busy
-The sous chef who made me a breakfast sandwich when I came in and a lobster roll for when I left (ate good today :yum:)
-Taking a perfect 30 minute nap that revived me
-Forcing myself to start cleaning a little which motivated me to clean alot
-Two days off in a row!
-Getting a good nights sleep so I can enjoy them :relieved:


Today I am grateful for the sunlight, my relationship, my family, another sober weekend behind me and my nice little start in the day so far.


Thank you @Just_Laura! Enjoy your 2 days off recharging your batteries and stay cool.


It was super exhausting (feeling the aftermath now :rofl:) but so much fun. Thanks for the tip…will be tending to my light burns today.
Hope you are having a wonderful vacation :smiling_face::heart:


Late start today but gotta make time for my gratitude

Im so very greatful

Flexible work schedule
Hubby giving me quiet space this morning
My recovery
Ran 4mi race yesterday with 9:14min/mi avg
Signed up for more races
Time with hubby
A new week full of new possibilities
Let go and let god