Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I woke up with quite a headache this morning. Yesterday I started a test with butter to find out if I might tolerate it. Now my second day of butter in my diet send me into crazy craving, overeating and total brain fog mode. As ridiculous as this might sound: I am very happy about this. I am grateful all my systems are signalling clearly: This is not good for us. I am very grateful this journey here has brought me to so much clarity about myself.
I also am grateful I don‘t feel any shame, guilt or despair about this overeating episode. This will pass. I will experience some cravings tomorrow. But overall I know this is not some weakness on my part, but a kind of intolerance to a substance. I am grateful for this perspective. Grateful I know I can just leave this kind of food out.
Despite my foggy brain and headache I managed to move forward with prototyping this morning and experimented with state machines. I am grateful I have found my work, something that gives me so much satisfaction in so many areas: creativity, logical abstract thinking, making sh*t up, art, sound, systems design, self expression. Will never stop being grateful for that.
I am very grateful for a quote from Pema Chödron @Thirdmonkey posted today about leaving a smelly nest. At some point today I realised I was getting into a resentment-pity-party in my head about my ex, his new gf and the separation, and then I thought: Yeah. It‘s time to leave this stinky nest. It‘s not serving me at all.
My daughter had her first day of an arts summer workshop today and it sounds like exactly her type of thing. I am grateful for this opportunity for her and for my ex organising everything around it. I also am very grateful we live in a place where she can safely get there by herself, by walking 5min to a bus stop and taking the bus through the city to the atelier. I am grateful my child can experience this independence.
I am grateful for anime and podcasts taking my mind of the buzzing in me after eating something I don‘t tolerate well. Grateful tomorrow will be a new day, with new experiences and new opportunities. Grateful for this full life.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am glad it helped.


Today I’m grateful to read here about milestones and having good times :sunflower:
I feel happy with you all!
A shoutout to all who are not doing well, sending hugs and good vibes :people_hugging:

Monday gratitude. I’m so worn out and tired I can barely type. I count this on the “well done” list as it comes from achieving a lot today. I’m grateful tomorrow is rest day with a massage booked in the morning :pray:

I’m grateful I got up early and got the morning routine done allthough I was confused and felt dizzy. I’m grateful it’s no big deal if I forget something as long as I do it later. Like closing the windows on the first floor.
I’m grateful I did not forget any selfcare tasks.

I’m grateful we sheduled machine maintanance for today with my pal who mounted the lamps last week. What can I say? The sickle-bar mower went to the garage for fixing, I vaguely remember it had that problem already the last time I used it years ago, but then we made it work. Today not.
The highgrass mower works. Now I feel motivated to tackle some corners and difficult spots. When I am rested and stopped feeling like a bus hit me. Maybe later this week. I’m grateful I work at my pace and don’t let the sheer mass of work overwhelm me. I never saw work, especially mowing, run away when it doesn’t get done :wink::grin: Nope, it’s waiting patiently. And I have no hurry nor will I overdo it. Still testing out what I can do and want to do. I’m grateful for sometimes enjoying the work again and for being proud of me. It’s a massive achievement that I tackle the big tasks. I’m grateful I approached them with babysteps over months to build up physical condition and mental strength. I’m grateful I was always kind to myself and never forced me to do something. This strategy pays off :pray: I’ll keep it. I’m grateful for all people who encouraged me to stay on this path and take good care of my needs. It means a lot to me that I find joy and stamina to conquer my farm back on the outdoor level. I’m grateful the house is neat, tidy and comfy.

I’m grateful for a shower and sleeping all afternoon. I’m grateful a nightmare was only a nightmare. I’m grateful I can do necessary office work on the mobile phone as the PC is in repair. I’m grateful it’s not much.

I’m grateful for help, for nice people, for taking it ODAAT, for another big thing being work in progress, for the comfy bed I’m sleeping in, for cuddly cats. I’m grateful for the good life I live and all my blessings. ODAAT :pray:

  • Gratty ones!
  • Home landscape redesign project kicked off today. It was delightfully cloudy- nice break! I feel excited about my sober initiatives. I just don’t get into it when drinking. And I wasn’t a daily drinker. My head has to be very clear. Maybe it’s getting there! I knew I couldn’t do it on my own so I hired some folks today. Finally. Drinking me would drag my feet and worry about the money. Who has money when drinking? Much better spending going on here now, I think :thinking:
  • The cooling effects of Hurricane Beryl. She just made a nice breezy cloudy day. When it’s usually broiling on July 8th. Made me smile; I’m a Fall girl :maple_leaf: No threatening weather this far west. Just cooler which gave me a boost.
  • Getting shit done today! And also, knowing when to stop. I struggle with the stopping part and burn out. I’ll get back to work slowly, beginning with what’s right in front of me. So much to do but going to take it slow and work on therapy, health and fitness goals. Middle way.
  • Having good food available
  • Realizing that I can be terrified and happy at the same time. This is huge :grinning:
  • Catching up on health care appointments. That I have this option.
  • 129 days!
  • you guys

Im greatful my higher power told me shit will be ok. Quite literally i saw a poop shaped cloud with an ok sign in the sky

Im greatful i chose to run and unwind rather than fight at my husband for not being reliable

Sunshine wind clouds

Mid day walks

Bird song


I usually save my gratitude for the big man upstairs when I pray at night but what the heck. Grateful for:

  • Feeling positive later the same day as I felt overwhelmed with fear, regret and self loathing earlier. Hint…learning the slow art of taming the mind instead of being tamed by it.

  • Going for a run at the gym.

  • Words of encouragement from my sponsor.

  • Helpful audio books and podcasts.

  • The much needed rain that came last night.

  • Supportive family.

  • The love of my children.

  • Ice cream and homemade brownies.


I get terrified and happy at the same time.

I gotta work on staying in “the now”. Way, way, way too much living in the past (depression, guilt, shame and regret) or living in the future (worry and anxiety).

The battle in the brain. Sobriety and peace lie completely between my ears. Funny when you think about it.


I’m grateful I got out of the house and to the beach today.

I’m grateful I’m still sober.

I’m grateful for all my blessings.

I’m grateful I canceled my therapy today to go to the beach.

I’m grateful the console table wifey ordered on line looks great.

I’m grateful it felt good to get out of the house.

I’m grateful I saw lots of beaches and little turnouts on The PCH for future use.

I’m grateful the wife stayed home.

I’m grateful wifey said, “look at us,” at dinner. It was my family and only my family. Wifey, our 2 grown up children and our 2 grandchildren. Just the six of us.

I’m grateful I have an another room I can hang in now when wifey drinks.



I am grateful today

Feeling good and have energy
New diet is going great
Getting back to gym
Getting my work responsibilities completed
House chores are getting done and looks great
God is in everything I do

Todays AA meeting


Tonight I’m grateful that

-This reminded me how grateful I am being with my own family. Fully present. Just the 5 of us. Parents, brother, and daughter, all sober (Although my mom might still have the occasional ‘glass of wine for her health’. Idk. In any case, she doesn’t have a problem)
-Even though my dad was always technically an alcoholic, I never saw him drunk(except once in highschool which was funny) and he has always been a good man
-My daughter never has to see me drunk again
-Humidity is low, which made 89° feel more like 75°
-I know my residual neck pain from my chiropractor appt earlier is what’s causing my headache and it will dissipate overnight
-My daughter was finally able to sleepover at her best friend’s house and I have no reservations leaving her there
-I don’t have to wake up to an alarm(unless I somehow sleep til 1pm!)
-At least one of my cats has never felt the need to sporadically mark their territory
-I have a carpet cleaner
-There seems to be more random bs in my life than ever before, but seeing it all thru clear eyes keeps me from becoming overwhelmed
-I’ve made it this far without a doubt in my mind it was the right thing to do
-This is exactly where I’m supposed to be :heart:


Grateful I have an absolutely phenomenal family that cares for me 24/7. I have great doctors. I am stabilized. I now I have support of this community to get back on track.


A brilliant weight lifting class
My health


Today I’m just grateful to be alive and continue the battle no matter what. I stand on God’s side and through Him I can survive from these terrible addictions.


Today i am greatful

I got to sleep in
I get to work from home
I took Boscoe for a walk even though he will tell me which route were taking lil fucker
Greatful for 800 days
Greatful for sober sisters
Greatful i can lean on my sponsor
Greatful i can sit on my deck
Greatful for my family
Greatful my drinking dreams were just rooted in anxiety


Tuesday gratitude.
An early morning workout
A day of less stress
Feeling good mentally
Nice weather
My roof got finished earlier than expected
Another day sober
Reading everyone’s gratitude!


Congrats on 800 days :muscle:


I’m grateful that I’m feeling a bit better today- not great but definitely improving. I’m grateful for ginger tea and cardomon pods. I’m grateful for fresh naan. I’m grateful for lemons and mint. I’m grateful for good friends and neighbors. I’m grateful for audiobooks, music and clean sheets.


I’m grateful for you M and all your support on my journey and of course the little ol :shushing_face: dog girl. I’m so grateful and proud that you’re still with us. And always grateful for your words and sentences.


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • The sun outside and the cool inside my flat. Old stone has its perks.
  • An afternoon at the pool in the shade.
  • strong yoga practice
  • civilised conversation with my ex
  • my daughter enjoying her arts workshop and already having made a friend
  • meeting said new friend by chance at the pool
  • algorithms, automata, and my brain playing with them around
  • doing the groceries in the morning before the heat
  • nice books
  • Recovery Dharma meetings
  • a good day
  • a good life

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful you are here LAM :heart: