Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Trying to get caught up.
Congratulations on your 90 Days Laner.
That is terrific!
So glad you’re here


Thank you. You are kind. I like it here very much. I think I will stay. :sunglasses:

  • Having nothing scheduled today. I didn’t sleep much so I’m slowww. Still had a good day. It was better than a sick day. Got the basics done. I’m getting stronger. I really like it. I haven’t recovered yet but I’m maybe going to.
  • The sunshine I sat in this morning. I need a little each day.
  • The dumb deer. I told them not to be so destructive :grinning: I was snorted at. Looked like a damned dance took place last night! Hoof damage. They just can’t help it, we’re coming out of a major drought. They’re extremely busy.
  • Not wanting to drink. Not even a little. Like a non-drinker.
  • Space and time to get better. It’s bumpy right now but better bumpy. Can’t explain…haha
  • That feeling of hope and promise. Like stay right here, you’re going to love it. Like maybe it’s going to be really good soon. Keep going.
  • 130 days
  • Air conditioning
  • choices for supper.
  • The Cat
  • you

130 days is so great…I am at 133 and just recently life is getting so much better. Calm, clear headed and finding energy again to do things I use to love. I also love gardening. Remembering to water and plant maintenance was non existent when I was drinking. Even plants above the kitchen sink were neglected and that is pretty bad…


Congratulations on 800 days…


I’m still a bit forgetful but all the plants are doing much better! And now that I hired some help, I can add many more, and do it right! I’m going for more plants and flowers, and less messing with lawn grass. It’s very hot here and prone to drought, so many of us are exploring new ways. It was strange at first, but now seems normal to have more natural yards.

Glad to hear you’re feeling clearer- I think I’m due for a breakthrough! Soon enough, I’m sure :blush: Have a good evening


Day 65

I’m so grateful for this community. Have a blessed one one y’all


Day 13

Grateful for a good day 13… First day back at the restaurant since the strike at the job started. It was nice being back in AC and seeing the regulars. Came home and did a ton of house work to get things organized for future me.


Grateful for this thread! Grateful that I have this vacation in mild weather as it is record heat back home. Grateful for seafood and coffee and coconut water. Grateful for straight hair in this humidity. My skin is grateful for the humidity.

Have a wonderful sober night, friends!! :people_hugging:


Another day super grateful today

Good sleep
Healthy food
My therapist (just who I needed at this time)
Completed chores
Hearing God talk to me
My sobriety 133 days
AA meeting
Gym pool for the most excellent water walking


Im greatful for day 801

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
Trying a new meeting tonight
Communication with hubby
Hubby gave Boscoe the meds he doesnt like to swallow
Boscoe my lil companion
My gym membership
Im going to my annual family reunion
Good communication
Fresh starts


Good morning grateful dudes and ettes :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful for my cat on my lap.

My gorgeous cup of coffee I already had :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: @LAB

I’m grateful for Benson asleep on the couch across from me.

I’m grateful for Jyotishaki and Vidya singing a lovely chant on my sound bar while I enjoyed the moment.

I’m grateful I recognize the fact that I’m stressed to all fuck, but right now it’s calm. Nice and calm. I’m grateful as stressed out as I am drinking is never an option.

I’m grateful for the people who post their stories of relapse and then have the strength and courage to get back here. I’m grateful I read a couple of threads like that yesterday. I’m grateful for the reminder I can never have just 1. Never happened before. Not an option.

I’m grateful I got my car registered and California plates. I’m grateful I now know what and where to go and do for the next 2.

I’m grateful I got a separate room I can hang out in when I want to be away from my active alcoholic. I’m grateful I can invite her to come down and sit with me or tell her I’m going down there because I feel uncomfortable when you’re drinking. I’m grateful it’s not ideal. But it’s something.

I’m grateful for my lovely family here.

I’m grateful I will survive and grateful I will manage to enjoy as much of it as I can.

I’m grateful my children make the best parents in the world. I’m grateful I get to see them both together be amazing parents. I’m grateful there is only one thing missing in my life. So that’s not so bad.

Love you guys.
I’m grateful I made it over here today. This morning.

Self-pity comes from concentrating on the negative aspects of life.
Some Al-Anon reading :kissing_heart:



My breathwork circle :o: people, resources, effort.
A fabulous breathwork session today that really took me off this planet :ringer_planet:
My little fluffy kids being the kindest hearts I know.
Love :heart:
My cervical pillow
English breakfast tea :rofl:


So grateful for those feathered messengers! Had cardinals and a pretty little turkey come to visit. The little birds bounced together, three pairs. When there is food in the feeder they dine together in pairs. I always think of my mother when I see them. Then a little turkey pops up. Cute girl, just staring at me, clucking and purring. She comes by often. I talk to her! :laughing: She answers.

Something about it. Just made my heart happy, these joyous little birds. It meant something. When you drink your heart is hardened, your ego big and self esteem low. It cuts me off from my essence and from nature. Spirit. Art. Music. It’s all different now. And you want to give and help more now that the ego is deflated. That’s our purpose. Not chasing selfish things. I struggle with the ‘everyone for themselves’ mentality. There was nothing to do but block those sounds from my ears- the narcissists banging on about their toys, their money, who they know. I blocked it out by drinking, mindlessness, keeping my head down, hoping things would change. Until I couldn’t go on. The only way I can be true to myself and not be a superficial jerk is to get sober, get out and find people with kind hearts and some depth to them. There are lots of them on this app!

I’m grateful for these epiphanies. A blurry shape, but something new is forming . I’m starting to change drastically. Come alive.

Grateful for the food I have today.

Grateful for 131 days and all of you.


Wednesday gratitude.
Today I’m grateful for 2 days of rest. I’m grateful the heat will pass.
I’m grateful I sleep a lot. I’m grateful for the comfort in my life. ODAAT


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • a good chat with my mum on the phone
  • getting back into some interesting automata work after that very long phone call
  • getting everything organised
  • the way our health care system works and I can pick up my meds tomorrow without any hassle
  • a good bike ride
  • a bit of summer rain on that ride
  • meeting all the nice people in my daughter‘s arts workshop
  • picking out pretty markers with my daughter
  • a very lazy afternoon
  • the new rice cooker, such a useful machine
  • the two new plants I got from a friend today
  • thinking that my plan to do a biking tour along the coast in August might actually be possible, the sense of adventure coming with it
  • yin yoga
  • this full day
  • this full life

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Congratulations on your 7 months and a week.


I’m so grateful you checked in.
I miss seeing your check ins. Keep doing what you’re doing; it’s working.


Today I’m grateful that although this is just my 2nd day, I’m still sober and I’m not gonna relapse, no matter what. I’m grateful to be alive and to follow God. I’m grateful for this community. Thank you all, you all rock!


You’re sounding good and determined. Almost to Day 3 - things will start getting much better soon. Keep going :blush:


Wednesday gratitude.
A good night’s sleep
Waking up feeling refreshed
A low stress day
Getting things done early
A nice downpour early made it feel cooler out
An evening with nothing planned
The ability to find gratitude in a world where most people are self centered and could careless about anyone else!