Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7


Great food producers at the farmers market, and the opportunity to talk to those passionate about provenance and quality and ecosystems.
People trying to make the world safe
A nap at dawn after a poor sleep
Breathing class for emotional release, amazing
Yoga Nidra meditation
Not having to cook tonight… My better half is treating me to a cooked meal


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • my morning run
  • an extremely lazy day
  • the wind rustling in the crowns of the trees
  • less heat, more fresh air
  • a nice chat with my mum
  • great and entertaining reads
  • seeing my patterns of avoidance
  • seeing my patterns of trying to manage emotional states
  • seeing my patterns of ‚fixing‘ discomfort
  • seeing my patterns of preemptive plans so as not to get uncomfortable in the future
  • seeing the endless train of patterns, on patterns, on patterns
  • staying in the midst of all that
  • sadness, letting go of fixed ideas about myself, about others
  • relaxing into the unknown, unfixable, unstable
  • this bountiful life full of potential of every single moment
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Too much to catch up here.

Today I’m grateful for leftovers, especially soup. I’m grateful for service on TV, for breakfast on the couch with cats, for a restful, sleepy day. I needed it, there was disco boom bäng music until 3 a.m. on the next hill. I’m grateful this doesn’t happen often. I’m grateful my coping skills worked. Such situations stress me a lot and I feel helpless. Especially when such loud festivities have municipal permit to annoy everybody around. Fuck loud music, people and loud noise in general.

I’m grateful I cuddle under the blanket, maybe I caught a cold, had a runny nose all day. The night was cool, maybe I didn’t notice it and slept without blanket. I’m grateful I have vitamin supplement at home. I’m grateful for the fluffy socks a fried knitted for me years ago.

I’m grateful for a long talk on the phone with my youngest sister from chosen family. These talks are precious as she is occupied with 2 toddlers, family, house, garden, 2 dogs and work.

I’m grateful feeling lonely and missing my ex today will pass. It’s a symptom of little sleep, stress and feeling unwell, maybe getting sick. I’m grateful I can identify symptoms and don’t confuse them with my needs anymore. This is huge :pray: I’m grateful HALT always helps me. After a good meal, lots to drink, especially my favourite tonic water, catcuddles and a warm shower I felt a lot better. I’m grateful I don’t need much and have enough.

I’m grateful the neighbours will take care of the cats while I’m away for 3 days next week! I’m grateful I asked for help. It’s still difficult and I’m grateful I get better in asking for help :pray:

I’m grateful I’m to bed early. ODAAT


I’m grateful that yesterday was a true day of rest. I finished two books and started another and ate granola in bed pretty much all day.
I’m grateful for sunshine today and a long walk with a friend.
I’m grateful for an upcoming vacation next weekend, I think my body was in preserve energy mode yesterday in anticipation. :nerd_face:
I’m grateful for clean water to drink and warm water for showers.
I’m grateful I will never run out of books to read, places to walk or people to talk to. Or kitties to pet.
I’m grateful I’m sober.


I am truly grateful for over 200 days of sobriety. I’m grateful for a good walk in the sunshine this afternoon. I’m grateful for a nice home-made dinner that I went to the effort to cook.


Congratulations on your 200 days spidey!
That’s how it’s done.


I love yall and I be praying for this community everyday.
Goodnight sober fam. Grateful for you


Grateful for my sobriety. Grateful I have a beautiful home Grateful to have a husband who works so hard to provide the life I am living. Grateful with the life I am living I can tackle the sober journey and appear to be flourishing.


Grateful I found ts last week :pray:t2:Grateful to be attending my first AA meeting in three year’s tomorrow Grateful a lady who knew back then wants to get me there ,grateful I’ve been able to be of service to the people who needed my help today, grateful for my warm bed, food and being able to eat properly today ,im grateful I didn’t have to act on any of my addiction s so I can feel the gratitude in all these things today, im grateful to have the courage to have written my first gratitude list


Welcome Corine.
I’m glad you found us too.
Gratitude is one of my strongest tools here on TS that keeps me sober.
I hope to see you around.
I hope the meeting goes well.


I am grateful I found this app, the timers that don’t lie and the social reassurance I created by having the people I love know how many days I am on. Otherwise I would have probably relapsed by now. Also greatful for my parents in law and that I found cold showers/ ice beathing as the best Methode so far for me to destroy my craving-procrastination spirals.


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful for

Coffee, im dragging this monday morning
A beautiful spiritual experience i had yesterday listening to this artist sing and talk about a spiritual revolution
A great weekend
My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
3 days til vacation
The pause



Currently I’m safe
Currently I’m loved
Feelings change
I’m not stuck, just here right now, pause.
Physical activity
People who do love me
Kind people with good hearts
Feeling softness when I feel hard and unyielding
The opportunity to grow


I’m grateful for my friend who is helping me be able to afford online counseling. I’m grateful for having a low anxiety good mood type of day. I’m grateful for good friends and neighbors. I’m grateful for good exercise today. I’m grateful for going to the moncho to have time in the sauna and have a shower. I’m grateful for clean sheets and bedding. I’m grateful for cuddles with my dogs.


I’m grateful for a fridge full of food. I’m grateful for a good day with my husband yesterday.
I’m grateful for my upcoming week at work, I train 3 of the 5 days and I’m grateful for a mindset thats excited to help others learn.
I’m grateful for the cat next to me swishing his tail against me.
I’m grateful for coffee and honesty.
I’m grateful I’m sober and growing.


Today I am grateful for:

  • a good night’s sleep
  • waking up early and refreshed
  • getting everything done for my trip on time
  • a comfortable train ride without major delayso
  • a very comfortable appartement to stay in Utrecht
  • cycling through Utrecht on an ‘omafiets’
  • canals, bike paths, gardens, parks, houseboats, sunshine
  • good food
  • world’s best cycling infrastructure
  • great books
  • mindfulness training
  • practicing no harm
  • Recovery Dharma
  • eight months freedom from my most triggering substance: sugar
  • feeling tired in a good way
  • yoga

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for a slow day filled with ordinary things: chores, laundry, cooking, reading a bit, spending too much time on my favourite game on the phone, falling asleep and having a good long nap.

I’m grateful the neighbour came over to talk through cat & plant caring on friday. I’m grateful I leave a spare key with them. Feels save and good that they now have a key to the house. I’m grateful for nice neighbours.

I’m grateful for mail from my lawyer. More to think about. I need a lottery win. I’m grateful I did not react on the information that the ex is on vaccacion in september and wants to reschedule the court appointment. I can say it here: This fucking asshole can go on vaccacion but doesn’t move a finger to remove his stuff from here. Fucking bullshit. Another life lesson to learn to let go what’s out of my control and not my business. I’m pissed. Coping mechanisms are weak when I’m tired in the evening. I’m grateful my bed is waiting for me. ODAAT


Thank you @Dazercat ……I’m grateful for being able to spend my birthday money on some new clothes today and not on doc , I’m grateful for Louise coming fifteen miles to take me to my meeting today im grateful for being able to be present with my feelings today im grateful I’m able to be sober today


Is today your birthday? Happy birthday or belated birthday :birthday: :tada: It is great spending our hard earned money on something that is not killing us :wink:


It is yeah ,It felt really good not spending it on jack Daniel s