Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Gratefulness today

144 days sober
For a lovely day
Breakfast out with family
Connection and harmony with spouse
God is so good to me
When I ask God am I in the right direction he blesses me
Energy and knowledge to harvest and store fruit and vegetables from an abundance of foods nature provides. Not to mention the hard work needed to complete


The first omenā€¦ it wasnā€™t scary just kinda ridiculous, but it did hold my attention.


They do have food my friend :smiley:

I have been living on McDonalds in the morning. KFC at dinner and the odd pizza and soda but I will get a fridge tomorrow and be able to procure some proper food.

How are you?


So very greatful for a feel good day

I beat my 5k time by 2min3sec
Ive got alot done today
Family walk
Just clouds so far today
Feel fantastic and not letting myself worry about the future
One day at a time
I feel good
I feel healthy
I love my husband
My husband loves me
Boscoe cuddles
Sales at the grocery store
Signs from the universe when youre on the right path


Grateful today that the possible viewer chose not to come to view this house. At the moment that is the only application that has come forward.
Grateful that I am feeling as if things will always end up right for me, regardless of what I have to go through in my life.
Grateful consistently to be alive.
Grateful that work will come to me, knowing that this universe is expecting me to work for myself, in some way working for other peopleā€™s hope and wellness. I see working in sobriety, in whatever way it presents to me.
Grateful to be on day 204, all the 200 numbers are fun to me. I wonder why? I have always loved 200-299 - always. Hmmm.

Have a great day.

Also grateful that the appā€™s quote is, ā€œOne day at a time.ā€ :slight_smile:


I am well. In the kitchen making jam and tomato sauce to freeze from an abundance of garden produce. I think of you often and thrilled you are doing well on your sober journey.


ah nice movie ā€“ yeah not scary but had a good story line

iā€™m gonna keep watching old and new ones till i find that horror thrill :laughing: Gonna have a lot of fun during the exploratory phase :wink:


Today I am grateful for

-Working with competent people who can follow directions independently
-Realizing Iā€™m a leader at work, which is something I never thought Iā€™d be
-Hearing that our young golf pro is doing fine in the hospital with no major injuries after his terrible car accident this afternoon
-Low humidity
-Laying down after work, not even to sleep, and getting up with less pain
-Having leftovers from work so I have something easy to heat up. Mmm fettuccine alfredo :yum:
-Spending extra money on bigger sized items when I can bc I donā€™t even remember the last time I bought dish soap as I have 2 gallon jugs of it :joy:
-Being able to sit with a blah mood and accept it for what it is
-Having to turn down the AC bc I was cold
-Always drinking alot of water at work
-Consciously trying to remind myself to drink more water at home when Iā€™m not thirsty
-Having my own space to recharge
-Being able to support my daughter and I, even tho itā€™s challenging
-My parents and daughter dealing with my shitty summer work schedule the best they can
-Putting myself thru so much pain in the past so nothing seems that bad now
-Knowing I just have to get thru tomorrowā€™s shift before having 48 hours not at work! :raised_hands:
-Being part of this community, even when I donā€™t have as much time to spend here :heart:

  • a great career
  • just being alive today
  • music
  • guitars
  • being able to exercise
  • joy
  • a great floss session today
  • my family and friends
  • summertime
  • being able to demonstrate alternate behavior to drinking
  • right now a good hot shower before bed

Thanks my friend. That means a lot. Today is very humbling. To confront the coal face of my past wrongs. To be face to face with the people I hurt the most. To go back to my rental alone.


You are not the same man you were when they saw you last. You have been working hard on yourself and your recovery. Remember your tools and stay connected. Very proud of your progress friend. Remember that you are not alone :people_hugging:


Thatā€™s true Jazzy. I am not the same person. I am not the same person I was when they last saw me.

I am in the crucible now.

I am laying my head on my pillow sober tonight


Grateful for waking up clear minded and rested, rather than coming to and feeling like crap.

Grateful for the awesome time we had at our family reunion yesterday, despite not seeing my sisters. Crowdstrikeā€™s debacle caused all their flights to be cancelled on Friday. Grateful to see cousins, aunts and uncles I havenā€™t seen in many moons.

Grateful it turned into a girls trip. Hubby woke up with a headache, extreme dizziness and nausea, and took a trip to urgent care instead. Turns out he has an ear infection and will be just fine.

Grateful it was an uneventful trip there and back (4 hrs each way). Grateful I decided to rent a car instead of chancing it with my old jalopy.

Grateful I pumped my own gas without any problems. I know this isnā€™t a big deal for most but itā€™s an extremely rare occurrence for me, living in the only state that bans self service. My lil cheerleader tells me ā€œgreat job, Mom! I knew you could do it.ā€ I gigled and told her I didnā€™t have a choice. The tank was almost empty and we were deep in the woods of upstate NY, not a soul in sight. Thatā€™s not true, there was a lil store with a man behind the counter. I could have humbled myself and asked for help, but I was determined.

Grateful I didnā€™t let anxiety take over when I found out my daughterā€™s aide quit. Friday was her last day. The commute is too much for her. Grateful my daughter took it well and they will remain in contact. Back to the drawing board and hopefully the agency will find someone much closer.

Grateful for the beautiful sunny day expected today. Plan is to take my daughter to the pool and relax.

Grateful for every single person on TS helping to keep me sober another day.


Greatful for sundays that no longer go wasted

Morning sober fam,

Im greatful i woke early when i got tired of work dreams
Im greatful i had an active day yesterday but the scale didnt budge
Im greatful Boscoe and i have cuddles in the morning
Im greatful we have a reprieve from the heat
Im greatful i get to go to our family reunion this year
Im greatful for my recovery
Im greatful i have solid moments of letting go and letting god
Moments of peace
Live music
Clean air


Glad that you enjoyed your family reunion and sorry that your sisters were unable to make it.

Sorry your daughters aide quit ā€“ sending luck that you will be able to find a good replacement soon. :crossed_fingers:
Sending healing vibes too for your hubby. Ear infections can be so awful to deal with.

PS. Way to go with the self pump :muscle: Look at you - i remember last year it being a anxious time for you. Now you are pumping away like a pro :wink:


Thanks Jazzy! Itā€™s funny you remember that. In the past, I did everything in my power to avoid getting gas out of state. Iā€™d fill up at the state line leaving and pray Iā€™d make it back. Crazy for someone whoā€™s been driving for 30 years. I think Iā€™m finally growing up. :joy:


Lol ā€“ Do keep some of that child like innocence as growing up is not all its cracked up to be.

Last year was the first time iā€™d ever heard of such a law. I had to ask my cousins in Jersey about it after having read your post. Think its just stuck in my head now.


Oregon also doesnā€™t let you pump your own gas, so everytime Iā€™m up there I full er up because even though Iā€™ve done it all my life here in CA, I still hate it :laughing::fuelpump:


Itā€™s good to know Iā€™m not alone in the ā€œhate to pump gasā€ world. If you and I took a road trip together, weā€™d have to limit our adventures to Oregon or Jersey. :joy:


Iā€™m grateful to have a really good friend who offered to help me pay for online counseling. Is really difficult for me to say yes to and allow someone to help that way but I am grateful she cares enough to want to help. Iā€™m grateful for a good hike today with my friend. Iā€™m grateful for a tasty and healthy meal for dinner. Iā€™m grateful for cardomon tea and lemon meringue pie.