Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful to have such an empathetic soul. It can be tough to deal with but things can be beautifully seen in ways others cannot understand.
I’m grateful for my mom and step-father during this time of getting my life back on track. Without them it would be tough and I respect all those who fight without that in their life.
Grateful for my Ribeye and baked potato I just destroyed after work.
Grateful for the people that don’t treat you different because of your beliefs.
Grateful for this community and all of you in it.


I’m grateful for

-My sobriety
-Being happy again
-My vast connections
-Being able to ask for help when I need it and having many who are willing to
-My daughter’s beautiful soul
-My parents health and love
-Less humid days
-Another day off tomorrow
-Having everything I need to survive
-The desire to start and continue this journey :sparkles:
-All of you to share it with :heart:


Happy Birthday Emm!

Stay safe if you decide to make the trek to see mom.
I have the same thoughts you do when it comes to my zero sugar raspberry snapple tea. I’ll have 2 cases on hand and still panic that the stores will run out. That alcoholic thinking gets me every time there’s a storm. :joy:



Adventurous intentions; the ability to dream
Achy shoulders from working out
Personal growth
Coffee coffee coffee
Five hours sleep: better than the four I often get.


Happy birthday :birthday::balloon::confetti_ball::tada:

Oh yeah…I know it all too well. I would have back ups for my back ups :rofl:. Deep calming breathes friend. Hope you always have creamer for your coffee :coffee::smiling_face:


Day 16. Thank you, my friend. Today I’m really grateful that I survived from yesterdays massive cravings and I’m still sober. Although I’m feeling depressive today, I’m grateful that I’m still alive, I love God and sobriety is real.


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful for…

This forum and this thread
My sobriety
My recovery
Going on vacation tomorrow
AA meetings
Spiritual progress
The pause
No hangovers
Woke up and worked out
Hubby switched shifts so we’ll have time tonight
Training at work will take up 1/2 my day
Good communication
Props for my physical progress from ladies at the gym
Time with my folks solo on this roadtrip
Doggy daycare




I’m so grateful!
I’m grateful for everything!
I’m grateful for a peace and quiet morning.
I’m grateful for a day I can do whatever I like.
I’m grateful for a family visit that was wonderful challenging beautiful difficult at times, but mostly full of love. Lots of love.
I’m grateful I finally made it to a meeting last Saturday morning and heard exactly what I needed. As usual at meetings. One nugget of gold in one hour of meetings is all I need. I’m grateful this old timer at the meeting said his biggest problem is he is addicted to finding fault. Boy, that hit home for me.

I’m grateful I don’t know how that happened to me but I can see it as clear as a summers day. I’m grateful sometimes all I have to do is “Show Up.”

I’m grateful for this hangover free sober day and getting back to normalcy. Whatever the fuck that is.

Grateful for y’all.

Making “don’t go there” a mantra that we turn to throughout the day can change how we experience every situation that we don’t like. It promises empowerment and peace of mind. We deserve to make it our most useful tool.
Let Go Now
Embracing Detachment As A Path To Freedom



Happy birthday my dear friend.
I’m grateful for all the time you’ve been by my side on the home thread. I hope you have a wonderful day.


I’m grateful today for : the fact that it didn’t rain (it was threatening and I was wearing flip flops ) : being able to help my mum get things done without being a drunken angry impatient forceful mess that was bitter and didn’t want to help :im grateful there’s a new meeting opened up in the church 30 seconds from my mums and I can attend today because I don’t have to feed my beasts today ,I’m grateful to have the helping hands of my higher power to guide me through


Thank you @Dazercat and @tailee17 and @JazzyS and @Lisa07!

I’m grateful this has been my fifth birthday that I’ve celebrated sober. I had those 16 sober months, went back out for 8 months (nope, can’t moderate), and now have 2 years 17 days. And 5 sober birthdays under my belt. And you know what…?

I don’t associate birthdays with drinking anymore! What a win.

I’m grateful we really do recover. I’m gonna go wish that sweet @Button83 a happy birthday too. We’re twins! Except she looks a little more youthful than I :sweat_smile:


I’m grateful for good exercise and a walk today. I’m grateful that I’m getting better at managing my moods and coping with bad nights/bad dreams. I’m grateful for my job even though it involves travel and that’s something I’ve always enjoyed but haven’t enjoyed so much since trying to work through things. I’m grateful for the gooseberries my neighbor brought me- so tasty. :yum: I’m grateful for cuddles with my dogs. I’m grateful for lavender tea




Grateful to have logged on to my homethread for the first time in a while to see my dear friend @M-be-free49 birthday news. 5 sober birthdays and over 2 years of continuous recovery. Well done :muscle::muscle:

I’m grateful to God for guiding me to try and do the next right thing. I’m grateful to be at work on lunchbreak. I’m grateful for my bicycle and that I can ride it almost everyday.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


today i’m grateful for rest and sleep, for purring cats and so much catlove, for a nice chat with a friend about her weekend trip, for lazy afternoon naps, for yummi sandwiches, for fizzy water, for chillaxing. I’m grateful the night temperatures are forecasted to be cool, i’ll open all windows before I go to bed. i’m grateful Missi is feeling well again and a purring bundle of love on my chest who wants cuddles :heart:
i’m grateful i will take it easy tomorrow and make sure the chores are done before i leave. i’m grateful my comfy bed is waiting for me. ODAAT
PS: happy birthday Emm!!! @M-be-free49 :woman_fairy::sunflower::hugs::birthday:


Today I am grateful for:

  • a looong bike ride
  • sun and clouds
  • perfect temperatures
  • sunscreen
  • all the life I’ve seen: birds, flowers, animals
  • the great network of bike paths
  • a nice oma fiets
  • well padded bike shorts
  • a nap
  • relaxing yin yoga
  • pictures from my daughter’s vacations
  • Recovery Dharma
  • yesterday’s sadness gone
  • this life
  • this day

Steep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful to be working the steps with a sponsor again.

I am grateful it’s not so humid and hot tonight for work.

I am grateul for my family/fur babes.

I am grateful for cool showers and good smelling skin products.

I am grateful for good food and to be here with everyone. Odaaft. :two_hearts:

Happy Birthday!! :birthday:


Grateful for the new home I’m living in! It’s a group home for adults and I’m so very grateful for my peers living with me… They also help find apartments for when my time at the house is up… So psyched to start looking! Thanks to the psych hospital for getting me here!


Am grateful for your well wishes, dear friend!
And also the birthday wishes from @19801, @erntedank, and @Peace!

I’m grateful this day - which didn’t go a smidge as planned - still went well. I’m grateful for pals near and far and here too. I’m grateful to feel good about this age and stage of life. I’m deeply grateful to be sober for it.

I know I’ve missed the mark on a lot of things, but finding this place and all of you and finally believing that I am worthy of sobriety and recovery? I’m grateful I got that right. I’m grateful we all are. :pray:

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart: