Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful today

My sobriety
Healthy mind and body
House tidy
Responsibilities completed for now
I have what I need and it is enough


Grateful tonightā€¦for my comfy mattress. A plethora of plump pillows. AC and fans. Grateful to read so much gratutude from you all. Truly warms the cockles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


grateful to be alive, healthy and not alone :slight_smile:


Grateful to be sober. Itā€™s been the kind of week or so where I would have drank my body weight to ignore the bigger weight of my mind.

But Iā€™m grateful for people who listen to you.
Iā€™m grateful for grace and pause.
Iā€™m grateful for a cooler day today.
Iā€™m grateful for my partner
Iā€™m grateful for my fur sons, they are sweet babies.


Iā€™m very grateful for my first week clean im grateful for the sunshine today and nice clean clothes to wear Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not waking up on the street s this morning with no memory Iā€™m grateful for this 24 hours


I am greatful forā€¦

Decent sleep
Hubby waking up early to take a family walk b4 i head out on vacation w/o em
Boscoe cuddles
Protein cookies
My sobriety and recovery
Aa meetings online if needed
I get to road trip with mom and dad


Iā€™m so fucking grateful :smiling_face:
The 2 humming birds out my window.
Beautiful chanting music by Paz
Mavy time on my lap.
A splendid cup of coffee.
The Ol Burner on the couch.
My peeps here at TS
My turmeric ginger hot tea.
My sound bar quit working :cry: canā€™t figure it out but itā€™s ok.
Other ways to listen to music.
I can figure it out later.

Iā€™m grateful for the test presently to keep me in a good mood and not worry about it.

I can listen to it right off my iPhone.
Technology when it works
Mavy back on my lap.
Getting the Burner out early before itā€™s too hot.
Getting Alice filled up before therapy at 9.
Ottoman delivery today
House getting cleaner by the day
Mercedes keyā€™s arenā€™t lost.
Mercedes keys are in Dallas :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
My son and family want to move back to California.
All cars California registered, smog checked, and insured.

Replace your judgments with empathy, upgrade your complaining to gratitude, and
trade in your fear for love.

Hal Elrod


Hello Grats!

  • Iā€™m grateful this morning. Got out for my first large social event last night- a neighborhood party. I thought it was safe because it was centered around ice cream. Safer, yes. Heavily attended by tons of unfamiliar people. I smelled alcohol coming from the travel mugs. Yes. I am grateful it smelled so strong and poisonous! I did not want any. I worried that there would be beer there. It turns out there was none, but I had NO desire to drink!

  • Grateful I was able to talk with people again, and make them laugh. Iā€™m sharper because Iā€™m sober. I remember kinda being this person before. Because I was sober for a long time. Itā€™s coming back and itā€™s fabulous. It takes a long fucking time! I could not be funny drinking. Goofy and sloppy, yes. I love the person Iā€™m becoming - this way of life is worth it.

  • Grateful for the ability to step back today and process. I got an invitation to go to a bar tonight and I need to cancel. A local person is performing. Too soon for happy hour with new people. I may never want to go to that environment. I just know itā€™s too early! 5 months sober?

  • Grateful I can be intentional and do some journaling about my new wobbly legs and where Iā€™m headed. Easy does it. Itā€™s easy to get swept away. Being intentional is what is needed. Who? Why? Is it safe? Do I need to put myself in that situation? Before, I was impulsive and just went wherever the drinking people went.

  • Grateful I am at this point. It has been a lonely 5 months. I had to basically drop out. Nobody and nothing was safe. Now itā€™s still scary but I can start navigating this new world of people.

  • Grateful for hope today. That I wonā€™t have to suffer the loneliness of alcoholism any more. Even in a large group of people, I felt alone and apart. It cuts you off from the world and from the spirit.

  • Grateful my eyes are clear and I look better. My hair is healthy and Iā€™ve lost all the beer bloat. New people donā€™t know! I was treated differently. Not that it was terrible before but I like it

  • Grateful for 146 days and all of you :heart:


Iā€™m grateful to be here today exactly where I am.
I celebrated my 80 days sober from a crazy long life of drugs and booze by taking all of my stickers off my guitar case. It was loaded with breweries/pubs and beer. I no longer want to market that representation of myself. Was a wild ride for sure.
So grateful for this place, you all, and my sobriety


Iā€™m grateful for this as well. Love that youā€™re here. Keep going


Iā€™m grateful for feeling like Iā€™m coping with my bad days and emotions better. Iā€™m grateful for a beautiful sunny day and being able to have a long walk this morning and then be able to sit outside in the sun while doing some translation work. Iā€™m grateful for watermelon and raspberries. Iā€™m grateful for good music that helps me stay grounded and helps me relax. Iā€™m grateful for a friend who cares for me. Iā€™m grateful that I didnā€™t drink today and that tomorrow I wonā€™t be hungover. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m growing and working on myself and getting healing- it sucks and brings up a bunch of krap but itā€™s krap I need to deal with. Iā€™m grateful that I have hope. Iā€™m grateful for being healthy, alive and safe.


Iā€™m grateful for being healthy and be able to take looooong walks and shorter runs. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m sober and I donā€™t have to experience hangovers anymore. Iā€™m grateful I have a firm relationship with God.


Today I am grateful for:

  • My Sobriety (LOL) - but for real extremely grateful
  • My son who is gaming beside me (Roblox) - Fun times but so humbling in the same way
  • FOOOOD - I have been snacking ALL dayā€¦

A lot to be grateful for honestly, just a few to name off the dome.


Today I am grateful for:

  • great cycling weather
  • wonderful bike rides
  • nice food
  • relaxing resting places
  • getting inside the very moment it started to rain
  • the view from my room
  • anime
  • books
  • Recovery Dharma
  • this life
  • this day

Steep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I am grateful to wake up. Iā€™m grateful for the roof over my head. And Iā€™m grateful for the sense of community this app provides.


Today I am grateful for the library and museum being in the town I visited today I am grateful I could live in the moment today And not worry about tomorrow Iā€™m grateful for the service I could do at my afternoon meeting Iā€™m grateful all my buses were on time today


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful for the short little walk I did tonight before work. One step at a time.

I am grateful itā€™s never too late to change your path.

I am gratefule for AA and TS and for this wonderful thread :two_hearts:


Gratitudes for Wednesday, 7/25/24

Grateful for this cold brew from Starbucks.
Grateful Iā€™m somewhat recovered from my coldā€¦not quite 100% but functionable.
Grateful to be back to work.
Grateful for Popsicles.
Grateful for Noahā€™s Bagels :bagel:.
Grateful for Barnes and Noble. :books:
Grateful for journaling. :notebook:
Grateful Momā€™s able to walk again.
Grateful I have nothing to fear when called in for random drug/alcohol screens at work.
Grateful Iā€™m still crushing it with sobriety.
Grateful to have a few minutes of ā€œchill timeā€ to myself right now.
Grateful to have a job I like.
Grateful to be in a good place in my life.



Congratulations @M-be-free49 for the 5 Sober Birthdays! Thatā€™s huge!!!
Cake w candle for each year and one to grow on.



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatfulā€¦

Im sober with zero hangovers
Im content not drinking
We arrived safe and in good time at our extended familys cabin
Sleeping bags and a great air mattress
Hugs from family i havent seen for a very long time
My cousins being surprised at how i look this year after losing 30lbs since they saw me last
Childlike joy and giggles
Video calls with hubby