Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Tuesday lunchtime gratitude.

I’m grateful I feel a nap approaching after delicious homecooked lunch. I’m grateful I am free to take a nap whenever I want. I’m grateful the nagging voice in my head telling me that I should do this or that is gone. Long gone. Thanks to hard work. I’m grateful I put a lot of hard work into personal growth.

I’m grateful to the moon and back that the stonewall gets finished. And how!!! wow!!! OMG how quick experienced workers with good equipment work :smiley: I’m in love with their multitool on 4 wheels. O’m grateful I found this company and that I can afford to say: DO! Go! Yes!
It came to my mind that I will never hear again “I don’t know, I have to think /figure out / whatever blabla” from my ex. I make it finish. And the workers also help me with some heavy stuff to rearrange with this fabulous multi-it’s-so-practical-thingy.

I’m grateful for a chat with neighbours I haven’t seen in a while. I’m grateful for friends calling me. I’m grateful the cats are fine and comfy.

I’m grateful I can live at my pace :pray:


Grateful for waking up and not coming to. Sober mornings never get old.

Grateful for the sun yesterday to spend the last day at the pool. Sad that it’s now closed for the year. My daughter loves swimming. Now she’s hounding me to join the YMCA for its indoor pool. We’ve tried this in the past and it’s just not worth the cost to go 1 day a week. Grateful for a lady we met at the pool that gave us information on an indoor pool where you pay by the day. It’s quite far away but at least it’s an option for maybe a monthly visit.

Grateful I’m tapping into more resources for my daughter. We found a group for adults with disabilities that meet for activities throughout the month, and there’s a variety to pick from. What’s nice is I can drop her off and pick her up at a location where they provide bussing to and from the event. It’s exhausting being her only entertainment, but grateful for the time we have together.

Grateful for my commitment to lead the ladies Monday night AA meeting. I didn’t want to go last night but I must remember this disease doesn’t take off for holidays. I’m the key holder so if I’m a no show there’s no meeting. There was a small turnout, but we were there for a newcomer that needed that meeting to stay sober one more day. Grateful the group was small enough that we could allow her as much time as she needed to share and double dip.

Grateful I “get to” go to work and provide for my family.

Grateful @One4theroad is back here with us. Missed you Franzi :blush:


Good morning my sober peeps,

Im so very greatful for my recovery
Im so very greatful for…

Getting my but up and doing weights and a run
Finding leftover overnight oats for breakfast!
Boscoe cuddles
A long weekend well lived, back in the drinking times i wouldve wasted all that time and not remembered a thing
Our football team won, hope lives another week
Ran into a lady who recognized me from the run
Beat my last 5k race time
Not dreading work
The serenity prayer


Im grateful for this Day

I’m grateful for my Daisy cat. Not sure who I’d be on here if I didn’t have my Daisy.
I guess I could have been Dodger.
Grateful I changed Dodger’s name to Daisy.

I’m grateful for DJ, aka spaghetti face, a cat we rescued in Houston.
I’m grateful for DC cat. We tried to rescue him but he didn’t make it :cry:

I’m grateful for my SIL D.
I’m grateful I passed my Drivers license test.

I’m grateful for @Davina_Davis
I’m grateful for @DuncanNZ for starting the original gratitude thread that finally stuck. I hope you are well :heart:
I’m grateful for @desert_rose
I’m grateful for @Dilettante @Dolse71 and @Dan531 I hope you guys are well :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for my Dad :pray:t2:
Grateful I don’t Drink.
Grateful I’m Determined to say sober.
I’m grateful for Delivery services.
I’m grateful for Democracy while we still have it.

I’m grateful to all you Devoted people in your recovery.

I’m grateful for Dash.

What am I doing that creates difficulties for me, or aggravates the ones I have? Could it be that I’m trying to fix everything by finding fault with somebody else? In Al-Anon I am encouraged to examine my impulses, motives, actions and words. This helps me to correct the causes of my own unease and not blame it on others.
ODAAT In Al-Anon


I’m grateful

  • for having such a productive day
  • that the translation project is going well
  • for getting everything I needed to do done
  • that I could cope and handle my anxiety well today
  • for creamy tomato soup for dinner was very satisfying to use some tomatoes from my garden
  • for my dogs
  • for lavender tea in my favorite mug
  • for good friends
  • for another sober day

feeling very fortunate and grateful today because:

-i felt and accepted my Higher Power’s love for the first time
-i can be of use to my fellows
-my loved ones all have roofs over their heads
-i got a sponsor last night and he met with me right away
-the AA promises WILL be kept, even if i don’t see them all very quickly :]

thank yall, best wishes <3


Some of the things I am grateful for today:

  • the sun setting behind the clouds
  • knowing and reminding myself that all things shall pass
  • getting through the day ok
  • letting go
  • books, anime, games
  • getting more stuff done than I thought I would
  • coffee
  • life

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Feeling thankful that regardless how hard it was for me to post here, I know it’s important.
I have done well reading here.
I am alive.


Alarm clocks- there’s no way I would have made it to work on time without one today!
New technologies to make work more efficient and exciting.
Fresh fish - delicious.
Early nights! Good night sober team.


Thank you Lord for books :books:.


For making excellent progress on my business plan. I feel a sense of purpose, determination and hope. It’s the perfect time to start a business, and I have a large pool of potential customers.

For pushing myself out of my comfort zone lately. I dislike networking and any situation with a large group of strangers where I am forced to speak :grinning:. It will get easier and pay off

For not having a single thought of drinking for a couple of weeks

For better health

For 186 days alcohol-free

For dreams and becoming.


@teefgub Great to see you on the gratitude thread – Best place on this forum :hugs:
@one4theroad Grateful you overcame your worries. SO many times the anxiety leading up to what we are worried about is far worse than the actual thing. Was a huge step and i’m glad you are no longer stressing over it.
@oluoch OMG I absolutely love your gratitude. Love the Ber months myself :heart: Happy Birthday to you (think we missed this celebration). Gonna use “i am going to get my zoomies out” too – what a wonderful expression.

LOL – I :heart: this – coffee as a love language! Great to hear that you are starting a 6 week course – what an amazing step! You are crushing it on your recovery journey my friend – should be super proud of yourself!
@earnit Grateful that you did post even when it felt hard. Sending you hugs and comfort and hope you are well :hugs:

Practicing gratefulness with you beautiful souls :hugs:
I am so very grateful for my Higher Power.
I am so very grateful for my family and how amazing they are. Was talking about this nasty disease we call alcoholism with my brother and he said yeah I know how are hard it is - I had a first row seat seeing you kill yourself – That fucking hit hard. I always thought I was so damn slick in hiding how bad it was. Guess I was fooling myself. So grateful that I am working my recovery!
I am so very grateful for coffee. So grateful for this energizing nectar
I am so very grateful that the leak at my rental was an easy enough fix and did not take up too much time. Grateful that I was able to walk the property with the renters and show them what “plants” were weeds. Hoping they are able to start cleaning up the overgrowth soon.
I am so very grateful for getting my chest CT completed today. Grateful that I did get my reminders this time.
I am so very grateful for past me remembering this week was going to be busy and having yummy food made and frozen - present me is so very grateful.
I am so very grateful for heating and AC, grateful for running water and clean pipes. Grateful for electricity and internet connections.
I am so very grateful that the stressful situation yesterday that had me stuck in a place around smokers and wanting me to cave with that cancer stick did not cause a relapse. I overcame the anxiety and was able to breathe through the situation. Moved myself to cleaner air and meditated till I calmed down.
I am so very grateful for this community and all of you beautiful people – thankful to be on this journey with you all.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love.


Grateful today. Very productive day. Current on business accounting including payroll completed payable Friday. Every remaining peach stored. Totally done with any red tomato storage. Another batch will ripen soon.

AA MEETING-was fabulous. I feel I was fed with just what I needed. Made it to gym for great workout. Grateful I can lay down tonight knowing I did my best and did everything I needed to do!


As to speaking at large audience - try to imagine yourself at very young age, child, in the room standing somewhere around and looking at you - supporting, smiling at you. Might help :wink:


I’m grateful for all the energy sobriety provides into my daily life and routines. I’m following thru my diet plan, coooking and preparing healthy and diverse food, enjoying it a lot. I’m grateful for good decision to buy book about Swedish crime, beletry. I’m grateful for just as simple thing as to be



A live conscious connected breathwork tonight, I need it, can’t wait!
Smiles from strangers
Friendly winks
A class of random people, doing yoga together
A beautiful meditation today

This sweet little cat on my walk home:

I’m worried for the pigeons, but he seems cool :sunglasses:


857 days free from weed and alcohol

Greatful for…

My sobriety
Acknowledging maybe a short camping weekend is more stress than its worth, and hubbys open to canceling
I can allow myself space to decide tomorrow
A little worktime outside meetings today!
Hot coffee
A forced sleep in
Hugging my hubby makes me lightheaded with love
Boscoe cuddles, even tho the fucker isnt awake with me this am
Artful expression


Grateful for another day with water and a :shower: shower. I know is a luxury


Wednesday gratitude.
I’m grateful my ex came over yesterday evening and we discussed what needs to get done. I’m grateful I get back on track and focus on myself rather quickly after episodes of emotional hickups and codependent attacks. I’m grateful I can come here and vent openly. I’m grateful I didn’t make an emotional distaster fool of myself, only a normal fool. That’s progress :pray:

I’m grateful my ex will take care to bring some stuff to the waste disposal as ordered by authorities.
I’m grateful he and the workers talked out the plan for the 2nd stonewall, that was very helpful because I had no clue what he had planned. Sounds ok for me, let’s see if I can afford it.

I’m sorry my ex has health issues, I pray for him.

I’m grateful the work is proceeding.
I’m grateful I’m inside my cozy house, there’s thunder growling outside.
I’m grateful I can take it easy for the rest of the day, I feel tired and drained with so much going on and my ex being present in my life again allthough it will only be for short episodes of work. It always causes emotional turmoil. I’m grateful I work with it to become more stable and emotionally grown.

I’m grateful for a well equiped household and would still marry my dishwasher. I’m grateful for showers, leftovers and icecream.

I’m grateful I remembered to call the insurance agent, he will care for something I nearly forgot.
I’m grateful for office @ home

I’m grateful that I’m a loving and caring person. Nothing wrong with it. As long as I let other people be like they are, especially my ex. Better for both of us. ODAAT :pray::mending_heart:


I’m grateful :thinking: Elephants
I’m Especially grateful for videos with baby Elephants.
I’m grateful for bald Eagles and I’m grateful I’ve seen a few in my travels.

I’m grateful for Everyone on this thread.
I’m grateful for Everyone on TS and how we support each other from all around the world.

I’m grateful Everyday I wake up.
I’m Especially grateful for Everyday I wake up hangover free, and sober.

I’m grateful for my Eyes so I can see.
I’m grateful for my Ears so I can hear.

I’m grateful for Egg rolls
I’m grateful for Endives.

I’m grateful for Empathy
I’m grateful for Exercise and I do the best I can with it.

I’m grateful for @erntedank @EarnIt
I’m grateful for @ELY83 i hope you and your family are well :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for Everyday I don’t pick up.
I’m grateful Everyday you don’t pick up. Ya you! :wink:

I’m grateful for my nieces Emma and Eva

I’m grateful for my Early mornings.

I was surprised to find myself still grabbing for old fears as if I wanted to remain in crisis. I realized that I didn’t know how to feel safe unless I was mentally busy. When I worried, I felt involved—and therefore somewhat in control.
Courage To Change
September 4