Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

For people who give compliments with their heart, not as an emotional transaction. It made my day today and I was feeling pretty down on my appearance :two_hearts:
Emotional honesty
Simple food
Medication: I have really bad acid reflux today :sob:
My silly, gentle, loving boys :black_cat::black_cat:
Plants :cactus:


I’m grateful
-for a good counseling session today
-that the teachers seemed to listen to me today and not give hassle
-for pineapple fried rice :yum: so tasty

  • that the new uniforms has been taken care up…well still need to pick them up but getting there
  • for a low anxiety day
  • for comfy sweaters (fall and winter wear is my favorite!)
  • that I’ve gone 6 days without nightmares and hoping for a 7th day tonight!
  • for cinnamon rooibos tea
  • for my neighbor who filled my buckets for me today
  • for feeling hope
  • to be sober and healthy

Grateful for my recovery journey.
Grateful to be living the right way and making progress.
Grateful for my job and made it to 3 months … the longest I held a job in 4 years!!
Grateful for the sober living I stay at.
Grateful for the part of town I live in because this is the area I went back to multiple times in the last few years to sleep on the streets and give up. It feels good to be here doing the right thing and almost every day I run into other homeless people I know and I give them info about detoxes, food and places to go. They probably won’t do anything till there ready but I’m grateful to be doing better in my hometown.
Grateful for my day off today and I have the ability and freedom to do the things I want.
Grateful for my family and there love and support.
Grateful for my short and long term goals. One long term goal is going to school. Not sure for what but I want a better life and I deserve it. That beach house I want is totally possible. Not that it solves all my problems but I always assumed I would be poor and down my whole life doing nothing. I want the better things in life.
Grateful for this community.
Grateful to be alive !!


I am greatful for this community
I am greatful for love
I am greatful for forgiveness
I am greatful for family


I’m grateful for coffee. I now have a pot brewing in each apartment.
I’m grateful for days to settle in.
I’m grateful the more time I spend in the new place the more I like it.
I’m grateful I slept poorly. We either need blackout curtains or to use the other bedroom for sleeping. We are fact finding.
I will be grateful when the other cat brother joins us. I’m off to wrangle.


Have an awesome day! :birthday:


Happy happy!!! :balloon:


hi friends! gotta hop on here to keep myself in check :]

i’m grateful for:

-my loved ones
-this forum
-living so close to an LGBTQ+ AA meeting spot
-having a roof over my head
-my loved ones having roofs over their heads
-my Higher Power guiding me here
-the love and support i’ve been blessed to feel and give with yall <3

my heart feels full, my friends :] glad we’re all here, be good to yourself and i hope yall are well <3


I’m grateful for Cats
I’m grateful for Coffee
I’m grateful for Coffee with my Cats
I’m grateful for Cantaloupe and they are so delicious here.
I’m grateful for California
I’m grateful for my Catio
I’m grateful for my Car
I’m grateful I did 10 years in Colorado

I’m grateful for @Cjp it’s been a gift to watch your transformation happen right in front of my eyes. Here on this app. You’re Amazing :star_struck:

I’m grateful for @Callie99 @Clarity it was always great to see you guys popping in. I hope you’re both well :pray:t2:

Contentment :thinking: I can be grateful for contentment. I think I’m getting there.

I’m grateful for my Coleus plants and they remind me of my sister.
I’m grateful for a new Calmness I’ve found in myself.

I’m grateful to give up lots of Control. Not like+I had any control of shit anyway.
I’m grateful I’ve learned I can only Control myself.
I’m grateful for Change.
I’m grateful for Cauliflower :yum:

A great way to start the day is to acknowledge gratitude…the practice is actually most beneficial when it is difficult to access, when we have to work for it!
Living These Days


I‘m grateful last nights anxiety did not turn into panick.
I‘m grateful I fell asleep after that episode of racing heart, sweats and agitation.
I‘m grateful I could sleep in this morning.
I‘m grateful my daughter‘s friend came by this morning and they went to school together.
I‘m grateful my daughter could attend school today.
I‘m grateful I was able to work today.
I‘m grateful I took a bike ride into the city for errands.
I‘m grateful the storm started just as I came home.
I‘m grateful my daughter‘s mirgraine started later today so she could have a day at school and some time with her grandparents.
I‘m grateful my worries and anxieties are triggered by hormones and nothing actually bad happening around me.
I‘m grateful that I can stay present and keep myself from spiraling into worries and catastrophysing.
I‘m grateful the new meds helped my daughter quickly.
I‘m grateful I‘m going to joing an online meeting later that will help me to get more peace.
I‘m grateful the weather is supposed to cool down significantly this week which holds some promise for my daughter‘s migraines lessening.
I‘m grateful I‘ll be off to sleep in a few hours.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


For a cloudy day.

For a burst of energy to mop all the floors and dust. If I Fall clean, it will be cooler.

For 10 hours of sleep.



185 days of sobriety


The cantaloupe and other melons are SO good right now!!! :watermelon:


I’m grateful for a Monday off of work!

I’m grateful that my kids still live here with me. I love their presence

I’m gratefulfor the pool to float in on a hot late summer day

Grateful for clean bedding and that I got my chores done early this am so I can float with no guilt

Grateful for you all, sober fam :earth_asia::people_hugging:



Happy Birthday CJ.
Have a wonderful night out.


Than you Lord for the struggle but thank you so much for this Down sindrome person who greeted me. I felt your Presence Lord!!!


I’m grateful for waking up a bit too early but happy to see sunshine rising above horizon, gentle awakening
Grateful for:
I’m able to do sports despite my asthma and allergy diagnosis
I’m recovering well from recent episode of extensive drinking
God, Jesus, higher power enable me to connect with them and use their energy to cope with anything I need to resolve
That feeling I deserve to be happy and satisfied with anything good life brings to me… it’s all just about my approach to what happens to me


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful the weather is better than expected. I am grateful I am less stressed about it somehow.
I am grateful I overcame my worries and got in the train with my bike during the week. It’s stressing me a lot.
I am grateful for podcasts. For audiobooks. For headphones. For technology that serves me.
For my insulin pump. For my cgm.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful for golden september ligtht. The upcoming family birthdays. Dinners full of laugher and joyful banter. I am grateful for my job and the sense of financial security it provides me with. I am grateful I learned to rest and look around for little things of beauty and joy, when things are getting grim. I am grateful for the emotional wall I hit the other day and all the things it taught me. I am grateful for still getting better at getting better every day. I am grateful to be thought of by @JazzyS. I am grateful for my life. :orange_heart:


I am grateful that this space exists…that I can always come back here and read all these things that everyone is grateful for, especially when they are made in alphabetical order and finding out all the things that start with the letter “b” that I am grateful for (Books by the way…it’s mostly books!)

I am grateful that I had a particularly heavy week last week. That I made it through the particularly heavy week. That in that particularly heavy week, was only the second birthday I have celebrated sober since I started my recovery. I am grateful for a year of firsts, and the beginning of a year of seconds. This is the second 3rd of September that I am going through sober! That’s beautiful! (Beauty…that’s another thing beginning with the letter “b”).

I am grateful for the “ber” months! (Ha! something else!) They remind me that I actually have made it through most of the year and all I need is the strength to stay alive, one day at a time, for just a little longer, and the year is done. And another begins. Grateful for the opportunity that sobriety is giving me, to live life one day at a time. One moment at a time. One gruelling workout at a time (I am enjoying these too…)

I am grateful that I found out this fun way to say that I am going to the gym. “I am going to get my zoomies out.” And that I have used it this last week. :slight_smile:

I am grateful for obscure sorrows.
Today’s word:
siso n. a solitary experience you wish you could have shared with someone else - having dinner in a romantic setting, reaching the summit after an arduous climb, having a run-in with a crazy stranger that nobody’s going to believe - which makes you look around for confirmation that it even happened at all.

I am grateful for you. All of you. xo


So much gratitude today.

A true feeling of JOY hit me. Wellbeing immersion, positive, unbridled joy. I won’t count my chickens, as they often tend to turn tail and run off whenever I feel solid ground, but it’s fucking something right?

My decision to start a six week course from the 9th to heal my inner self/child. I’m going to try and share openly with my group if I feel ok to. This is big, I’m really really shy. Maybe I won’t, but I want to try.

That I dropped a heap of cash just now on a renewal for annual gym membership. That year went by so fast, I’m ready for year two. This is good love for me. Not always enjoyable love, but good for me.

Appreciation of difficult things; not everything in life is gonna be easy. It’s not even worth it if it’s too easy, you invalidate it mostly, without even knowing you have. We always know inside.

Coffee today. My love language is morning coffee :heart:

A great spin and weightlifting session. It hurt so bad to finish the two hours, after having almost two weeks off…Almost unbearable, but it’s done. This reminds me how far I’m pushing and building and rebuilding and I should be so proud of myself.

I’m grateful every single fucking day for being an adult in recovery. What if I never knew I needed recovery? It’s a gift to be able to fight in the ring. It’s a gift to right some wrongs and rewrite my story. Grateful I have this chance :pray:t2:

Have a blessed day.