Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I just love how some of us here have been with you in spirit when we can’t be there in person. Talking Sober Folk are the best. Keep us informed of progress!


For sure. Kitties have both been spotted in the open. I think I heard someone drink water. We might be mending.

I cried today for the first time from sadness or stress, not a movie - really any movie and I’m a mess, in 2 years. Then it occurred to me, is this the most stressful thing that has happened to me since getting sober? If it is, I am crazy grateful. Is this what processing stress feels like in real time, wowza! I am very fortunate.




Gratitude for today

Found energy after slow start of day
Funds for groceries
Topic of God/higher power in AA meeting
Accomplishing tasks that need to be done
Comfortable bed waiting for me
The love of another


Also gonna try and catch up (post 1479 i think?) but i gotta log some G in a bad way.

This week kinda sucks so far. I’m grateful it seems to suck because overall, life is really pretty good.

I’m grateful for the last few weekends hanging in nature. I’m grateful for birds and their song. Packing up and heading south.

Some testy things since at work and a goof up (bigger than that) my accountant made. Old M wouldn’t have been so calm. She’d have raged and unquestionably drank because of all the a**holes. I’m grateful when I realized that, it actually made me gasp. Drinking would 100% make everything worse. I’m grateful I can respond instead of react, and learn to put into practice “the refusal to be unkind” (starting with asterisks in name-calling. start small, I say…)

Grateful for walks and calm evenings with tunes and cooking instead of rage guzzling.

Grateful for all of you.

Grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


My Mam, My Husband, My Son, My Sister & My Brother.


Greatful for day 858, i think
Greatful to see my days gaining but not as stuck on the number
Greatful tomorrows payday
Greatful to be a DINK household
Hubbys love
Boscoe cuddles
Got my ass to the gym
Decided not to go camping and still have monday off
Friday eve
My folks


Rain sounds on the window
Falling asleep during hypnotherapy today :joy: To be fair, I felt refreshed afterwards, oddly.
Warm socks, it’s cold today
Breakfast tea on repeat
Change and flux
Upcoming break away with my better half
Connecting with my sister briefly today, it was enough to throw a log on the fire of us.
My little hearts :black_cat::black_cat:


I’m grateful for all my FUR babies. What a gift I’ve been given to have taken care of so many of them. Sad thinking this is my last batch. But so grateful I can be so gratefully sober and always FEEL what a special gift they are. And I “get to” take care of them.

I’m grateful for my FAMILY
The Family that raised me and the little Family I have now.

I’m grateful for the FREEDOM sobriety has given me and not one waking hour is spent planning my day around my next drink. Now that’s Fucking Freedom.

I’m grateful for my FEARS. Some are actually beneficial and then some I get to FACE and overcome.

I’m grateful for the share I heard about choosing FAITH over FEAR. I need to do more of that.

I’m grateful for FRUITS
I’m grateful I have started to enjoy some Fruits.
I’m grateful for Food. A little too grateful there.

I’m grateful for the FIGHT we are all in together. I could not do it alone.

I’m grateful for FIREPLACES and getting to sit by one always turns me on :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I don’t know. I love having a fireplace or 2.

I’m grateful for FIRST RESPONDERS & FIREFIGHTERS. God bless these them :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I’m grateful for @Faugxh I hope you are well. You will be in my heart forever. I’ll never forget that night, unbeknown to you, when I was in the emergency room and you kept me company. And that right there is when I FIRST started to call this place of ours “magical”. You got me through a tough night.

I’m grateful for @Fury miss you buddy. Hope you are well :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for FALL I’d be even more grateful for some FALL weather.

Grateful for my FOLKS. Bless their hearts :heart: I think they did a pretty dang good job.

Grateful for Fajitas French onion soup and Flan.
Grateful to be alcohol FREE as FUCK!!
“When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in.”
Kristin Armstrong


Im grateful Eric is thinking of me and checking in :heart:
Im grateful for my life and all the crazy but wonderful things happening right now.
I’m grateful to be the happiest i have ever been right now, and it would have never all happened if I didn’t make the choice to stop drinking and find this app and community :blush:


I’m grateful

  • to be sober
  • for a productive day getting a lot of work done, feeling caught up and well prepared!
  • for the social workers excitement and yearning to learn. I’m so proud of them!
  • for the lady who told me about her addiction today and said she has been wanting to tell me since I was opened about mine
  • for my house being officially ready for winter
  • that I could cope today with a bad nights sleep due to nightmares
  • that I’m developing healthier habits and coping skills
  • for good days and for the bad days
  • for my new mug that is super cute- the social workers gave it as a gift for me said they know how much I love dogs

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I made the best out of my vacations so far. Me thinks.
I am grateful I give this piano app a try and enjoy it. I have no idea of what I am doing but who gives a fuck.
I am grateful for podcasts, audiobooks and all that is out there. I am grateful for a podcast called ostkinder 8082. It’s great.
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful I had the motivation to clean my bike today.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thursday gratitude.
I’m tired, my bones are aching, I’m hungry and I need a bath.
Thus I’m grateful for

  • food delivery service (expecting dinner in about 25 minutes)
  • bath salt and my big bathtub (after dinner)
  • the comfy couch I currently share with the old boy
  • tea & water
  • this very busy day

I’m grateful for helping my ex loading up stones he takes to his storage place. I’m grateful he paused often, I hope he learns to take good care of himself and feel his limits. I’m grateful for the nice chats and some laughter we had along working. I’m grateful he thanked me when I told him he is always welcome. I’m grateful we can talk relaxed, something changed obviously on both sides.

I’m grateful for therapy where I could talk about the last days and how I feel about it. It helped me to unwind and focus on myself again as a lot in my life requires attention, communication and decisions.

I’m grateful I stick to my decisions. I could see that it hurt my ex that the west deck paving he did will be changed and the facade will be completed without the things he had planned. I’m grateful I asked for understanding because:

  • the paving is unhandy and it’s impossible to keep it free from weed
  • as he is not here anymore, not interested in a relationship and I still miss him I don’t want the housewall to remind me of him daily
    I’m grateful I voiced my needs and decisions in a calm, nice way :pray:

I’m grateful the work on the stonewall is nearly finished and I talked about how to proceed with the next worksteps today. I’m grateful I’ll get an offer. I’m grateful the company has ressources to gravel the driveway next week. I’m grateful I will be able to reach the furnace room by tractor this fall/winter to bunker logs.

I’m grateful for cuddle time with the cats. I’m grateful for HALT, it helped me today in many ways.
I’m grateful @TrustyBird and her little family are accomodating in the new home. I’m grateful this reminds me that I’m still accomodating on the farm. I’m grateful I live at my pace and work on boundaries.
I’m grateful I’ll be to bed early today. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful I woke up today with my family under one roof.
I’m grateful Water is curled up by my legs under the blanket shaking out some of his anxiety while he dreams. He has never slept under the covers before. Its an anti-anxiety weighted blanket so maybe its working.
I’m grateful I called out of work today.
I’m grateful I will probably eat more than one meal today.
I’m grateful for kind people like @erntedank and kind folks from all over who care and help me through my sober troubles.
I’m grateful for this community.
I’n grateful I have to return a cat trap (unused) today. I’m grateful she will hopefully understand that my days start later than hers and that this one might be super late as my legs are currently the tent for a frightened cat. As someone who drives around with a catch and release cat trap in her car, I think she will understand.
I’m grateful for my in-laws strength and compassion. I’m grateful they were there to give little guy what he needed when we couldn’t. I’m grateful little guy just needed a scruffing and a scoop. I’m grateful it felt like I was watching a cat rodeo.
I’m grateful I cried. Its nice to know I still can.
I’m grateful I knew drinking would not help me at all.
I’m grateful for today.


Gratefulness galore! So very grateful for the easy to breathe breath in my lungs. Grateful for waking up too early today and being able to get some more sleep before my morning walk.
I am so very grateful for a lovely swim - best time so far this year. Not sure how I managed that but very grateful to have had such an amazing water experience.
I am so very grateful for cooler mornings. Grateful that I get to wear a hoodie to walk and then the sun heats up just in time for the swim.
I am so very grateful for hot coffee. Grateful for how the aroma just awakens the senses long before the yummy nectar warms my insides.
I am so very grateful for family and on going support.
I am so very grateful that I am able to meditate and relax during my walks. My meditations help me connect with my HP. :pray:
I am so very grateful for mobility. Grateful that I am able to get back to my walking and swimming routines. Hopeful that I will get some more activity by next week. Grateful that I am learning to pay attention to my body cues and not overdo it. This fatigue and inflammation is a bitch but grateful I am learning to deal with them. Grateful that my pains and other symptoms are easier to deal with when fatigue is down.
I am so very grateful that I will be able to pick up my new mouth piece next week. My jaw will be very grateful for this - hopefully it is as good as the last one but has a stronger base so I don’t shred it up LOL
I am so very grateful for TS - grateful I found this community and for all the loving support I receive here.
I am so very grateful for this practice and how I go through gratefulness daily and end up forgetting to most of them down - at least I felt and acknowledged them
I am so very grateful for the beautiful sun rises I get to witness daily - OH my goodness - the sky has been doing some beautiful things lately. I don’t always stop to take pics but I am grateful for internalizing it when I see the beautiful picturesque sky.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful I woke up feeling powerful and flexible.
Grateful that I know eating before 1p is very important to me, at the moment. I also know not doing so radically effects my mood and beliefs in myself.
Grateful for friends and knowing I need to reach for them.
Grateful for this thread and its importance.
Grateful I will stretch my heart to respect where I am, as it is short-lived here.


Some of the things I am grateful for today.

My daughter has been on and off going through a migraine episode for two weeks now. Yesterday she got an IV which helped a bit and this morning she woke up again with a head ache and very sensitive to noise. She got another IV this morning, spend her day with her dad and seems much better now. I am very grateful for this reprieve and hoping she might be able to attend school tomorrow.

My ex was suffering from vertigo to day, and I did his groceries and some errands for him. This together with my own errands, taking my daughter to her appointment resulted in me doing many bike rides through the city. I am grateful I got to be out an about a lot today, and I was very grateful when I was able to get back home and get some rest. I did a short relaxation pause and then felt very much like doing a yoga session. I needed to breathe, to focus, to get my mind out of this sensory overload of the city and traffic. It did wonders. I am very grateful I am feeling so much better, and very grateful I am in a position to recoginze what I need and actually choose a healthy method of coping for stress instead of some addictive behaviour.

The day is done, I am not sure whether to watch some anime or joing a meeting. I‘ll see. At any rate I am grateful for this life and this particular day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Wtf I never knew any of this! What a lovely thing to hear, that I made a difference for you in that night. Thanks so much for letting me know, Eric! :purple_heart: suffice to say shares from you have also reached me and made me think many times. :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for five years. Grateful for my beautiful dog Hamish who is my soul mate. Grateful for my wondrous baby girl who had to leave me so soon, you were a right wonder little Pompeija, shining like a diamond and such a teacher to me and I miss you every every every day. It’s made my life so dark that you had to leave us.

I’m grateful I have the strength to wade through the shit when I have to and to have eyes and sense enough to see beauty and feel love as often as I do.

I’m grateful the sky ain’t caving in on us yet. I’m grateful I don’t have to do everything alone. I’m grateful for my therapist who’s the hardass I need.

I am grateful for pen and paper and legs and arms and my health to make money and put food in my belly and Hamish’s belly.

I’m grateful for hope when I have it and that I can remember it when I don’t.

I’m grateful my sister is getting married to her man this weekend and they have each other. Love is hard. But love above all.



Grateful for ending a tuff day with relationships. Grateful because I am still sober after temptation


For a red pickup with 3 people that came and took my 5 ton mattress away! I could barely get it off my bed and am sore

For the new one I’m laying on now. I have a lot more money without drinking.

For knowing my limits, physically. I’m fairly strong, but not mover strong, not even close. Could easily have hurt myself. The money spent was much less than a doctor bill. Grateful to think more before doing dumb things. I’m stubborn, but I’m learning when I need help.

For my rearranged, thoroughly cleaned bedroom. It’s so cozy. I’ve got candles burning as I need to think about recovery for a while.

Thinking about recovery, reading, meditation and a quiet day tomorrow. I’m mentally exhausted from peopling a lot and doing all the things. I’ve made a lot of progress but feel that bone-tired feeling that isn’t good. Like I want everything perfect NOW (but have no energy left). Doesn’t work that way. Patience. I have so little! :stop_sign: I am going to have to chip away and not blitz. It’s like punishment. I’m beating myself with activity

For good food and plans to cook tomorrow

For the fall candles that arrived with the rain.

For our first cold front of the season this weekend! It’s a bit early and I’m thrilled! Windows open, oven on :heart:

For all the uncertainty. Forces me to have faith.

For 188 days of sobriety

For all of my friends here