Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7


Im greatful for…

My recovery
My mom
A roof over our head


I’m grateful for my M Pets
My M dogs
Minnie :pray:t2:
Max :pray:t2:
My M cats
Muldoon :pray:t2:
McAdo :pray:t2: my own very first cat just before wifey.
I’m grateful for my M3 22 years old and still running.
I’m grateful for Mornings and Meditations and Mantras

I’m grateful for my Mother Mary
Aka Mary Music she let the children call her that because we got a Polish last name that…… you just can’t

I’m grateful My Mother did the best she could. She was an amazing lady with an alcoholic father. Disable husband and father, 3 children sole bread winner on a teachers salary. She was a fucking hero!! Sorry for the F bomb mom. You did good! Great! I’m grateful she was able to fulfill her dreams and travel the world.

I’m grateful for Moose
I’m grateful when I remember to check my Motives

I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 it feels like you been here since my day 1. Or pretty dang close to it. Your words of encouragement and the way you work them is like an artist who paints a beautiful picture of with a splash of humor to “Lighten Up, any situation. I’m glad you’re here doing this thing with me :heart:

I’m grateful for @Mno you’ve been a solid rock for me and my recovery. Just love your style and pic a day :heart:

I’m grateful for @Matt your volumes of wisdom shared here is always worth a read.

I’m grateful for @MandiH

I’m grateful for @Mindofsobermike fucking warrior you!! Love you man :heart:

I’m grateful for my catless lady @Milele who loves and adores my cats. And all cats.

I’m grateful for @Mischa84 another sober warrior. Glad you’re hear. I love your love for life. It shows so well in your selfies and with your boys. You’d make a great model.

I’m grateful for My Morning Meetings at the beach.
I got to get going.

4 M’s – Manipulation, Managing, Mothering, and Martyrdom

MYOB = Mind Your Own Business


you did not give me much to work with today so I improvised. Minnie Mouse a Moose in the morning. Have a great day.


Why didn’t you put a moose in the M3?


Because I don’t know what a M3 is?


Ok I get it Car and a very fancy one at that. :hugs:


I’m grateful

  • for a very good successful day. It was such a blessing to see my friends and neighbors get seen to by a doctor and all the kids getting checked up on.
  • for a warm cozy house
  • that my guests haven’t complained about anything and have just been go with the flow which is a must when you’re here😅 I was afraid they would be uncomfortable
  • that I have enjoyed this time. It’s not been too overwhelming for me and I’ve not been uncomfortable with the housing situation which I was afraid of
  • that I heard from the shepherd that he’ll be back with the flock in the next 3 days or so. I was getting worried about how late he was coming back
  • for caring people
  • that I am feeling encouraged and hopeful
  • for how tired I am. I put a hot water bottle in bed tonight and am now very cozy and ready to sleep

Just imagining you are HEIDI with her goats. Something so magical and beautiful in my mind.

I am so glad your company was not a horrible situation for you.


:joy: sheep and horses but boy I would love some goats!! They’ve been in the mountains with the shepherd since spring so am happy to have them back soon.
The company was really good. I was so anxious over nothing…I was worried I’d wake up out of a nightmare yelling and embarrass myself. Or that they would be uncomfortable with my living situation. Or that I’d be triggered having a guy around…I’d never have hosted if he didn’t bring his wife along.


I am grateful for cool weather all day. Also greatful it stopped raining when I had to leave for my appointments.
I am grateful for enjoyable work today.
I am grateful my daughter has only a cold instead of the migraines that have been plagueing her before.
I am grateful for my appointment at the optitian‘s. Now I have new glasses ordered and am very curious how they will work out.
I am grateful for bike rides in great weather.
I am grateful my fridge is now filled with fresh produce.
I am grateful I had a good talk with my ex and felt heared and understood.
I am grateful my hormonal waves have been less then yesterday and I am having some hope for a quiet night.
I am grateful the day is done and I‘ll be off to bed in a few.
I am grateful for this life and this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Thursday gratitude.
Today I’m grateful for therapy. I don’t know why or how we came to today’s themes but it cleared my thoughts.

I’m grateful for my reliable car and that I can afford gas, going out for lunch every once in a while, pay the bills and have all I need.

I’m grateful my cats are spoiled rotten. They are cuddly, snuggly furballs who love sleeping beside me and on me. At least two of them.

I’m grateful I skipped some errands and drove home when I had enough. I’m grateful I read and napped in the afternoon.

I’m grateful the rain and cold are triggering my grumpy. It’s a good oportunity to rest, listen to my needs and work on how to make the best out of the situation. I’m grateful this time I want more than better coping, I will try to dig to the root cause, work on this AND proceed with necessary tasks. Progress, not perfection. ODAAT


Hey Squirrel
So happy to see you
Congrats on those ODAATs.
:pray:t2: :chipmunk: :heart:


I’m grateful that tomorrow I have a high level work meeting followed by an AA meeting and therapy. What a lineup! I’m grateful I don’t have to drink to manage the stress of having three things packed into one day.

I’m grateful for my twins and cats. I’m grateful the twins and I had icecream tonight because I remembered to buy some yesterday. I’m grateful I got to work from home today and again tomorrow.

I’m grateful my boss invited me to the high level meeting because it means he trusts me to work on an important project. I’m grateful that all my work worries and wondering what my boss was thinking were silly over the past few months. Grateful I got some other work things done this week that I feel good about.

Grateful Eric @Dazercat tagged me on “K” day so I came and checked in!


I’m so grateful for @Dazercat for tagging me in this thread which I ignored for to long (busy, busy). You words made me smile :slight_smile: Thank you!
And I’m curious about rest of alphabet, I will try to come here regularly.

I’m grateful I stopped taking antidepressants and I’m done with withdrawals. Man, was I tired… I had a feeling I’m moving thru the mud for days and days, all the time. Bit it’s gone now :slight_smile: Grateful.

I’m grateful for my new “carrière” in kindergarten. I was house wife and staying at home mother for 6 years and it feels so good to something else, to have some other purpose in life. And taking dutch lessons, making progress, feeling more comfortable talking with people… Kids at work are awesome and they like me, big people I hope like me too😅 (or at least dont dislike me).

Im grateful for reconnection with my sister, she was here for a weekend and we had a good time. They were drinking but I stayed strong. For that I’m also grateful.

I’m grateful I have Dutch lesson today. I’m grateful for my teacher who is such a expressive interesting lady, great teacher. I have tendency for zooming out but with her I’m focused all the time. And I’m grateful it’s not raining today cause I have to go 16km one way there on my bike. Extra workout :wink:

I could go on but time to wake up the minions. Im grateful they are all healthy, smart and beautiful. I love them so much.


Grateful today. Daughter mowed Orchard
Her helping out is great for that I am grateful

They are always there for me when I step through the door

He works so hard. When $ in bank he is much better to get along with.


Awwww, well this made me well up! :smiling_face_with_tear:

Thank you, dear friend, for your sooo kind words. :pray:

  • I’m grateful for your Gratitude Alphabet!
  • I’m grateful when I landed here at TS, you and Stella Bella @Its_me_Stella already had a good chunk of months and it made me want that too. I’m grateful I could just follow your lead and “not drink today and probably not drink tomorrow”.
  • I’m grateful you and @I.cant.We.can (and @Natnat I think?) kept this thread going and look at it now! Global Gratidudes Galore!
  • I’m grateful you share your journey and your heart and your meals and your pets and your trials and triumphs and your dear people too. I feel like an old family friend of yours! Not sure if you knew that :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for your legacy here. And in so many lives outside of here too, I’m willing to bet. It’s not possible to measure just how much, but you’ve taken addiction and turned into something that makes this world a better place.

What do you say we do it all over again tomorrow?
The dog girl and I are in! She sends her best to you, by the way… :dog2: :orange_heart:


Oh, huge belated congrats, dear pal!

I’m very grateful for you. For sharing this milestone with us! For your place in my recovery and how your presence here helped me so much.

I’m grateful my little dwarf sunflowers I started from seed still have some blooms. :point_down: I think they’re celebrating your 4 years too! I’m grateful for my goofy habits, like when I water my flowers and say out loud to the dog girl “I wonder how our pal Sunflower is today, hey girl? Lets wish her well, shall we?” :wink:

I’m grateful that even tho neither one of us posts here everyday or almost everyday anymore, I know that you know how grateful I am for you! :orange_heart:


Grateful for day 259 and today’s tidbit, “Determination gives you the resolve to keep going despite the roadblocks that lie before you.” Truth.

Grateful that I woke up to money in my bank account. I need to be grateful for all the things my father offers, regardless if they aren’t what I asked for.

Grateful for Legal Aid, which can benefit those who are struggling with money. I feel that this spot in my life is telling me that I need to speak loudly about it in the future.

Grateful for my health and my pets. I will make it through this, regardless of what continues to show up.



Sunny cold days :sunny:
Kindle books, so much content in so little space!
Warm blankets and a cosy bed
Date night tonight!
Silly cats
Good smells and scents
Gym time
Hot tea.

Oh and @EarnIt being one day behind me in sobriety. Let’s never catch each other up, ok?


Im greatful for

My recovery
My ladies aa mtg
Boscoe is feeling better
Im feeling better
Good talk with hubby last night
Reminder that my sobriety is my super power
Compassion for self as im struggling with motivation
Sober buddies
May have a new sponsee