Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

hit the 4 month mark today! Had a dream, where someone passed me a joint, I accepted and felt really guilty in the dream. Woke up, beeing soo happy and thankful it was just a dream!


Way to go with your 4 months :tada::confetti_ball::muscle:t4:…hate those dreams but am always grateful to wake up sober :blush: keep up the great work


I am grateful that even though I haven’t been checking in, I have been reading.
Grateful that my mind tells me it’s all going to be fine. No matter what happens, I will live.
Grateful that my son is feeling pretty good, though he personally is facing things, too.
What is wrong with me is a tidbit for others. It’s important for me to keep that in mind. People get through hard things. While the way I do it has physically changed, my brain works well.


I feel ucky. No motivation. Sad. Im gonna force my gratitude as its been awhile

Im so greatful for…

A job i dont loathe
Boscoe cuddles
Our safety
My folks
My recovery


Sorry friend…ucky is so sucky! Here if you need to talk it out . sending loads of hugs and happy vibes your way… Hoping your day will turn around for you :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::heart::heart::heart::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:


Congratulations on 4 months!



I’m grateful for Love.
I’m grateful I can :point_down:
I’m grateful I Love my wife
I’m grateful I can Love my wife
I’m grateful I get to Love my wife

I’m grateful I can Let Go and Let god

I’m grateful I Love the way the British say “ ‘Ello Luv!” As a general greeting.

I’m grateful for I Love Lucy. I’m grateful I just might be bringing Lucille Ball home with me tomorrow after my meeting.

I’m grateful for red Licorice not the black Licorice. Maybe that will draw @Chiron out. I miss seeing your posts. And I’m sorry I forgot you on my C list. You were such a HUGE help to me in my early recovery. I’m grateful for you :heart:

I’m grateful I’m learning how to Listen. Really just Listen. I read it’s less stressful to just listen instead of thinking about what you get to or try to say next. It takes work. For me anyway.

I’m grateful for @Lisa07 you’ve been a pillar of strength for me and I’ve enjoyed your transformation since my day one here when you welcomed me with open arms. Broken refrigerators, bee stings, drunk husband the first year or so, a beautiful daughter that you love so much through all the hardships, that you’ve shown me how to turn into blessings. Love you friend.
Big day coming up. (Insert popcorn :popcorn: eating gif)

I’m grateful for @Lighter @Laner @Lezourez @Leviryan @LuluOnTheBridge @Liljelly
I’m grateful for @LAB and how you do your gorgeous Saturday gratitude weekly.
Got to L❤️VE the school teachers.

Grateful for my 2 books I’m reading now. Daily Devotional type books. I am getting so much out of them.
Living These Days by Richard Burr sober since 91. He might know a thing or 2 about sobriety.
Let Go Now
“Embrace Detachment As A Path To Freedom.”

I’m grateful for Lemons Lions Leaves and Lakes. Do your thing Lam :kissing_heart:
:pray:t2: :heart: :lemon:

“The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve, but a reality to experience.”
Frank Herbert
From Living These Days.


LOVE IT – waiting patiently to see what image will be posted :blush:


Extremely grateful to be on your gratitude list today @Dazercat. Grateful to be on this journey with you. You gave me hope when I had none. Grateful we’ll be celebrating 5 years within a few months of each other.
Love you friend! :heart:


I’m grateful

  • for the workshop going really well today!
  • for the doctor and his wife who traveled to lead it and for how much they are caring for the community I love
  • for the social workers here
  • for the translation working out when a lot of it was experimental
  • for my dogs
  • for my neighbor who filled my buckets today knowing I was going to be very busy
  • for a quiet dinner in
  • for being sober and healthy
  • that my wrist has healed up well
  • that my guests have been comfortable and happy with their trip so far and that I can host them
    -for how tired I am tonight




I knew you wouldn’t disappoint :smirk:


Lions and Leaves


Too much to catch up, too tired.

Wednesday gratitude.
I’m grateful the workers were able to work yesterday and today. The weather forecast is shit. From 30 to 24 to 12 °C in 4 days. I fucking hate it. I hate fucking tons of rain. Thus I’m grateful I have a safe roof over my head, logs in the cellar, a cozy home and my office upstairs, I can skip whatever outdoor should be done, if I don’t care it’s my problem and I don’t give a shit.

I’m grateful the stonewall is finished. I’m grateful they started to build the new part for the driveway curve. I’m grateful I signed the contract with the new real estate agent today, made a banking appointment to prepare for paying all those huge bills and paying out my ex. It’s time to get prepared. I’m grateful I did last year’s taxes today, it was overdue.

I’m grateful for a nice talk with a friend, for leftovers, a hurtful massage I needed badly, for Missi catching flies, for rest and series binge-watching. I’m gonna take it easy for the rest of the week. I noticed that my nerves are quite wrecked from the work noise, from helping the ex packing his clinker and I crave silence, knitting, reading and fumbling around the house and kitchen without anybody around. I remember that I claimed quiet =no people around time in our together times at the farm. Seems I’m still not good at having people around daily, even when I only hear them work. To be honest I never was. The older I get the more quiet alone time I need. I’m deeply grateful the work gets done AND I need to recover from it because it stresses me somehow. Humans are weird.

I’m grateful my best friend is off to a week at the sea tomorrow. She needs a vaccacion and will send lovely pictures so I have a daydream vaccacion at home. I love my friends who do this. ODAAT :pray:


Wednesday gratitude.

I am grateful for the weather cooling down finally, grateful we are out of migraine weather for now, grateful my daughter can attend school.

I am grateful I felt good enough to go out for a run this morning, grateful I woke up without the usual anxiety, but feeling good about starting a new day.

I am grateful for the phone chats I had today. Grateful for the work I did. Every day I get to work on my games I am grateful for being able to spend my time with something that fullfills me so very much.

I am grateful for my mum visiting, for yoga, for wonderful books.

I am grateful for this life, grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful today. Waking up. Checking off after completing my todos. Got nails done today (best self care). Calm constructive conversation with “hubby”. Energy to do outside chores. Brains to do the Accounting stuff. Humility for doing the household stuff.


I’m grateful again for AC, it’s getting us through this last spate of 100+ degree days.

I’m grateful my husband drained the pool because that means fall must really be around the corner.

I’m grateful for peanut butter ice cream

I’m grateful for music, and books, and documentaries

Grateful to be here amongst you ODAAT :pray:


Grateful I didn’t drink yesterday. Grateful that a talk with myself is purposeful.

Grateful that I will find a path to walk, regardless of housing problems.

Grateful that I am old enough to not do things that are heavily recommended by someone who really knew me but acts so differently about my life.



Kick ass gym class
Walking in the cold but with bright sunshine
Blue cuddles :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This morning I’m grateful I made it back to the rooms of AA. Day 6 and I feel more at peace than I have in many many years