Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Thx for the shout out Eric!
What anyone else is doing doesn’t determine who we are or what we are worth. That’s an awareness that makes all the difference in the world to people who doubt.
Let Go Now

Beautiful quote – I so needed that thx and grateful :pray::pray::pray:


2 years is worth a dance. Congratulations!


Nature nose to nose and Nursing.


This freedom, this peace, this promise

I am feeling dreamy today. Not tense and worried. And not dreamy like drinking dreamy where I’m entering a fantasy world, one where I know on some level that the things can’t and won’t happen. It’s real.

For my new wool bed topper that wouldn’t be here if was still drinking. It goes with the new bed :heart:

For all the information that I can access quickly. I’m researching mountain towns, cities and everything in between! I’m a ways from house hunting. Many visits to New Mexico and Colorado to come.

For good sleep this week

For groceries!

For my sweet Maine Coon kitty. Always underfoot. She’s a clingy dog. Don’t tell her I said she’s a dog. She’s sensitive :laughing:

Good mood on Saturday night. I just know sober life is about to surprise me :gift:

For all of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Thank you


Happy Birthday to your mom!


Grateful it’s Sunday and I get to see my brother today


I’m grateful

  • that the storm didn’t knock out more than the roof and everyone is safe
  • that my pets are okay all of them were so afraid during the storm and felt so bad for them
  • that I’m sober and healthy
  • for my friend who let me and the dogs come stay st her place for the night and for my neighbors who are handling the livestock for me
  • for my Sunday group who are going to help with repair needs
  • for lemon scones my friend made today :yum:
  • for garlic naan dipped in muhumarra

Had to look up muhumarra and can I say YUM!!! :yum::drooling_face:.

The lemon scones had me hungry but now I wanna get naan and muhumarra lol


I recommend all 3. :sweat_smile::yum:


Omg! That’s some scary shit! Grateful you are all safe and you have help with repairs.


Gratitude is important. Today I am struggling due to a ton to do and such minimal sleep.

I am grateful that not having sleep makes me feel in a certain way, it’s wasn’t so with: 1. Accident 2. Drinking alcohol

It’s totally a reason to be grateful - a ton of thinking, a ton of personality.


Oof! And my youngest is 20 years old today. Two kids in their 20s, no more teens.


So many of us lost our roofs in the storm just glad no one was injured


Day 868 free from weed and alcohol

Im so very greatful

For my recovery
For my increased endurance
For love
For family
For soberonies
For more hours in a weekend without having to sleep off hangovers
For the sun and the moon and the stars
For the joy numbers give me
For serendipity
For the program and fellowship of aa
For the 12 steps and my spiritual awakening
For the despair that finally instigated change
For hope
For an improved mindset


I’m so soooo grateful for Prashanti Paz and her ten day Mantra Challenge. She was so gentle and kind, on Insight Timer, with her guidance on learning how to chant Mantras. Her beautiful voice and calmness is something I desperately wanted. I’m grateful she has music I can download and it gives me so much Peace :pray:t2: :pray:t2: :pray:t2: Hope

I’m grateful for this Precious human life.

I’m grateful for all my Pets. Especially the ones I didn’t want, that wifey made us get, or got us anyway. Benson :grimacing: :heart: I wasn’t even home for that one. I was in Boston :scream:

I’m grateful for my new found Peace through all my recovery tools.

I’m grateful I don’t have to be Perfect anymore. Boy was that exhausting :weary: I really use to think I could be, had to be, Perfect :rofl::rofl::rofl: For a long fucking time!

I’m grateful for The Purr. I can’t think of anything more Purrfect :wink: than the Purr of a cat sitting on my chest healing me @SoberSassy :wink:

I’m grateful for my Plants and I get to have some now. I’m grateful for my Peperomia Hope

I’m grateful for @Planipennia @Peace @Petr @Pandita @Pattycake @Pat_m @Peaceofmind

I’m grateful for all our Patron supporters.

I’m grateful for Purple :purple_heart:
I’m grateful for Pelicans
I’m grateful for :jack_o_lantern: :jack_o_lantern:
I’m grateful I can remember the excitement on my wife’s face when I showed her, her first Pumpkin Patch in New England. Not too many pumpkin patches in Houston where she grew up :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful for Peaches. Although I haven’t had a good one in forever
I’m grateful to live near the Pacific Ocean

I’m grateful to still be very Presistant and Passionate about my and our recoveries.

:pray:t2: :purple_heart: :jack_o_lantern:

Perspective Can Change Everything.
Jessika Reed


Bless your heart! Im greatful for you too! You have helped me more than you could EVER know!!! Love you tons!!!


Grateful for:

A bit of sun in the cool wind
Comfort food
A candle from the Isle of Skye I kept for a comfy day like today
A new kindle book
Seeing a kingfisher yesterday
A longer sleep
Coffee in bed


I’m grateful for you, Eric.!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Every day is a REAL adventure for you. I love you accepting all your challenges you have to face.

My challenges yesterday was Hubby put sprinkler too close to bird feeders and seed got all wet. Our birds don’t like wet seed. Also yesterday I wasn’t paying attention and backed up into the bird bath (stone) and knocked it over. I had to pick it up real fast before hubby saw it. F**ker was heavy.


Life here is an adventure!
Part of living here is having the expectation that eventually everything will break, fall down or fail in some way or another. :joy: I hold material objects lightly.

Did you manage to replace the water in the birdbath before he noticed? Also it took me 2 reads to realize you probably backed your car into it instead of walking backwards into it. Lol :laughing:
And those birds are picky! Sassy about their free bird feed!