Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Visuals for your gratitude today



Did not refill birdbath. Automatic water system. Had my fib already if were asked. ā€œI cleaned itā€. Yes I backed into with the car. Backing up has never been a super skill even sober. :hugs:


Oh this has me cracking up. Sounds like a 5 star bird hotel in your yard! Go eat their food when itā€™s dry anyway, have their bath then settle in for a nice birdy nap.
Okay tomorrow Iā€™m gonna have to take a picture of my ā€˜bird bathā€™. Think rusted out barrel that rainwater flows into. I guess I do have an automatic water system via rain? :woman_shrugging:


I am grateful to be sober and not making any excuses today.

I am grateful my Mom is no longer suffering and passed with a smile on her face.

I am grateful my little buddy Will :cat: seems to be feeling ok on solensia and has lost weight. Hopefully his blood sugar will be normal.

I am grateful for my fam, sig otha, and to be here with everyone :heart:


Grateful that your mom is no longer suffering and passed with ease. Sorry for your loss and sending hugs and love your way :people_hugging::pray:t4::heart:


Im grateful for my SMART meeting today.
Iā€™m grateful that my friends and family donā€™t invite me to gatherings now that Iā€™m sober. Now I donā€™t have to find an excuse either not to go, or to drink to cover my social anxiety. Iā€™ll be more grateful when I stop feeling FOMO

Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s finally a cool breeze and some autumnal weather on the horizon. Hopefully weā€™ve seen our last 100 degree weather for the season. Iā€™m grateful for soft blankies and a cuddly doggie.



The day started with wonderful sunshine. I am grateful for autumn coming our way, for rays of sun peeking behind the trees, sitting on the balcony enjoying the flowers and butterflies.

Did my morning run, my morning routine. So grateful I started this new routine a few months ago. It gives me so much, being out in the wood and the gardens in the morning, breathing the morning air, moving, waking up like that.

Did my morning review at my desk in the new with full sunshine all morning. Grateful I came up with this idea, could execute it yesterday and reap the benefits of it already today. Whilst the office stayed cold and gloomy my new place was warm and bright.

My daughter had a migraine today. I am very grateful after some doctoring about we seam to have found the right combination of meds to cut it short and she is well again. So grateful my ex was available to help us via phone, greatful this technology is available to us, grateful this is part of his specialty and he can help me in these situations. I always feel so overwhelmed when I canā€˜t help my suffering child.

I spend the rest of the day reading, doing some handy work around the flat, a bit of yoga and playing games. I am grateful for this quiet day, for all the comfort of it.

Now Iā€˜m going to chillax in front of the TV and looking forward to a nice night full of recharging sleep. So grateful for every single night I can sleep. Grateful for music, TV and entertainment.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Bless your heart @Dazercat it feels great to every once in awhile to be ā€œseenā€ on this awesome forum. I am greatful for you for sure. If Iā€™m having a not so great day seeing one of your funny memes or a picture of your fluffy ones can be so uplifting!

Also, very greatful for @SassyRocks she has been so helpful to so many people on this forum for so long!


Grateful this Sunday Night

Positive upbeat Weekend
The conflicts between spouse and I minor and manageable
Tasks set forth were completed cleaned up rose bushes
Organized a few drawers (been years)
Grateful God is showing me how to live a better life
High energy to survive some manual labor
Grateful rain tonight to water new Kale seeds and lavender cuttings
So very grateful for all of you!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful when public transport is working. My line is working most of the time.
I am grateful I am more accepting towards my diabetes struggles like yesterday. It took me only some 20 years :joy: it still sucks. Donā€™t get me wrong. I am less stubborn in reacting.
I am grateful thereā€™ll be some higher temperatures in the next days coming. Even sunshine.
I am grateful for long calls with some friends. They teach me that even when I decline or say no they are still my friends. Itā€™s something I still have to practice. Not what my family taught me.
I am grateful that a friend convinced me to have a book discussion soon, say in a year :grimacing: @Matt
I am grateful I have enough.


Little late on this visual Ostrich and an orange owl.


Oh, huge condolences and mighty big hugs to you, friend! Iā€™m sorry to hear your mom passed. Sending love and comfort to you and your family. Lean on us as much as you need to. :people_hugging::orange_heart:


Strugglin to wake up this morningā€¦

Im so very greatful for

Sunny weekends
Autumn weather
Boscoe is feeling better
Quality time with hubby
Improved endurance on the treadmill
Coffee, lots of it
My health
My familys health
A new puppy for my brothers fam
A job that pays well


Today I am grateful for another palindrome. 262.
Grateful that yesterday I talked myself into and out of drinking. I was alone and wanted my brain to shut down. Instead, I cooked a pork loin chop and lemon-limed the heck of it. I am grateful I will eat, regardless of what I feel. (Seriously need to cut back caffeineā€¦?)
Grateful that I did sleep last night, pretty solidly. That may have come from, ā€œYou have choices. You chose correctly.ā€

Happy for all of you. Have a great day.


Iā€™m grateful to get right into the Q business this quiet morning.

Very grateful for my Quiet mornings. All my Quiet mornings but especially my Quiet mornings here in my new home with my pets on my lap and my mantras going with coffee and a fire :fire:

Iā€™m grateful for QTIP
Iā€™m grateful I havenā€™t had to use Qtip lately. I feel like Iā€™ve graduated and I donā€™t need it. It took awhile; but, here I am :blush:

Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t Quench my thirst with massive amounts of beer anymore.

Iā€™m grateful for Quiche
Iā€™m grateful for Quahogs especially stuffed Quahogs

Iā€™m grateful the fist Quake I experienced last week wasnā€™t too bad. Freaky.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve learned first hand how important a QuinceaƱera is, in the Latin American or Spanish/Mexican Culture. And itā€™s a beautiful thing.

And Iā€™m grateful for Quail, especially of the Gamble kind.

Iā€™m grateful for my Grandmaā€™s hand made Quilts that Iā€™ve been carting around to all my homes over the years. She use to get me to help when I was a child. Even if I donā€™t use them much they mean the world to me. I bet I get to use one or 2 of them out on the catio on a chilly morning.

:pray:t2::heart: :duck:

Let the chaos that others create be theirs to resolve.


Love the 262! Love that you were able to talk yourself out of the thought to drink! That is some strength my friend ā€“ keep going strong :hugs:


Quaking Quail

Alas your first earthquake and centered in your own back yard. California Welcoming!


Iā€™m grateful

  • for being able to get things done today: buying supplies, getting the remont started, ect
  • for my friend letting me stay at her place again
  • for a good repair man who is reliable
  • for my dogs who are being good at their suddent change of house
  • for the community here who are supportive and helpful
  • for going to the moncho with my friend tonight to wind down and relax in the sauna and cold pool
  • for feeling peace even in more stressful days
  • for lavender tea

Thanks everyone :heart:


After a not so great night I went out for my morning run. I am grateful I had the energy to do so despite the lack of sleep. I am grateful for my new morning routine.
I am grateful I feel like I found a doable approach to my gameā€˜s story and looking forward to trying it out tomorrow.
Grateful for the sun at noon, my walk to school. So grateful for my first class, new kids, new excitement, all new energy and a new digital board in the class room.
Grateful for coffee and a nice self massage that helped with my beginning headache.
Grateful for the interesting encounter with the DHL-guy.
Grateful for reading, a good book is so important to me.
Grateful for yoga, relaxing in the evening, hoping for a night without panick attacks.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: