Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful for my sobriety even with its up and downs.
Grateful for my counseling appointment today in our group we talked about anger.
Grateful I got a lot of miles on the bike today so far. 10 miles so far today I definitely could feel the heat but I had electrolyte packets with me and snacks.
Grateful to be going back to work tomorrow at this restaurant that is walking distance. I’m going to be washing dishes which is one of my favorite things to do in the restaurant business. I’m just going to go in with a positive attitude and try my best.
Grateful for a positive conversation I had with my mom talking about where I’m at in my recovery.
Grateful my anxiety is under control. And because of proper medication I haven’t had paranoia or delusions in a long time. I’ve been on the same meds for two years and even in jail they gave me it.
Grateful that just for today I don’t have to drink or do any sort of opiates. The one day at a time thing really helps.
Grateful for music And YouTube comedy standup.
Grateful for my higher power.
Grateful for this community! :sunglasses:


I’m grateful for a relaxing day and easy traveling today. I’m grateful for a good time and conversation with my friend. I’m grateful for visiting one of my favorite places today and showing it to my friend. I’m grateful for laughter and meeting new people. I’m grateful for good food and tea. I’m grateful for how tired I am tonight and for getting the chance to check in and write these gratitudes out.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
Today I am grateful for:

  • a long bike ride in the rain
  • no crowds on my bike trip due to the rain
  • more ideas from my doc how to deal with my anxiety problems
  • the sudden and short moment of sunshine in the afternoon
  • good food
  • my daughter slowly recovering from her migraine
  • pain killers
  • a really long nap in the afternoon
  • a good yoga practice
  • some work on my prototype
  • hope
  • being ok in the world
  • inspiring thoughts from yoga into my life
  • prayer

I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I have an interesting one today. The past 4 years I have been having to go to a not great dentist office because that’s who my insurance covered. We got new insurance at work and I found out they cover a different office. This office is full of really nice and caring people. I went last month to get checked out and because the other office wasn’t doing proper cleaning (like they would just scrap a tooth or two and say I was done) I am having to have deep cleaning and scaling done. Today, the hygienist did my right side. It was uncomfortable and took a long time but she was thorough and the dentist numbed me up really good. I am so grateful that my insurance covers this new office and I can get my teeth back on track. I even told the hygienist that I was so grateful during the cleaning :joy:


I am grateful.

Drive with spouse not terribly horrible today. Pretty sure praying helped.

Surgery recovery not so painful today

A nice running comfortable car.

A familiar place to stay when traveling.

For God staying so very close during my sober journey

I am grateful so many Talking Sober friends know what to say and how to answer questions from new comers and those that are really struggling. (I am too new to sobriety to offer advice only a presence to vent to)


I’m keeping it simple today. I am grateful for food in my fridge. I am grateful I have a fridge in a safe home. I am grateful that I am alive and healthy. I am grateful for lemon cookies and coffee.


I will join @TrustyBird and just keep it simple. Today I’m grateful I woke up and was able to contribute. Grateful to have a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in tonight.


Good evening.

I am grateful that G had a good sleep in my bed last night, that his restless leg didnt keep him awake. I am grateful that he was here to wake up and work with my dad. I am grateful he doesnt get too offended when he finds me on the couch in the morning. I am grateful I have somewhere to escape his snoring.

I am grateful that I had nothing to do tonight but take care of me so I have been laying in bed since 6. I have been having a flare up for weeks and just havent been able to shake it. I am grateful that the pain I get is managed pretty well with medication. And I am grateful for the random breakthroughs of excruciating pain that remind me of where I used to be.

I am grateful for meditation and how it allows me to positivly disassociate from my uncomfortable, exhausted body. I want to meditate all day long. I am grateful that I can take small bites of my days for the next week.

Night night friends. :crescent_moon:


I am grateful that

-My kitty girl kept me warm all night long
-I had the day off and could lay around doing nothing
-My kitty boy wanted to do the same
-I still managed to cook a nice dinner and get to the dishes
-I started getting a headache on my way to the chiropractor and she was able to fix it before it got worse
-My daughter finally agreed to watch a childhood favorite, Fern Gully, with me
-I’m going to listen to my body and go to bed early


I’m grateful for the time I spent with my grandkids today. They are my world. While my job is stressful
, I’m grateful for it. It affords me the life I enjoy. A safe home, air conditioning, a comfortable bed and the ability to take care of my fur babies.


Grateful for my sponsor, who talked me through some complex stuff yesterday.

Grateful for my cats, who are always good companions when I’m home.

Grateful for having access to safe food and water, both of which I use every day in cooking (which I love).


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for…

A late start this morning
An AA meeting to look forward to tonight
Boscoe swallowed his meds after i covered em in gravy
Hubby made dinner yesterday
Casual work environment
Boscoe cuddles
Youtube entertainment
Our kingsize bed is paid for
Its no longer monday


I’m grateful for today being slower paced and more relaxed. I’m grateful that this trip went so well. I’m grateful for a beautiful sunset tonight and for being able to play with some dogs (I am missing mine while away). I’m grateful my dogs are being taken care of and that my dog sitter sends me pictures of them. I’m grateful for my friend and that she has also had a good trip. I’m grateful for how tired I am tonight am hoping that means a good sleep. I’m grateful for the fan and a real shower.


Good morning @Cjp
I’m grateful my dogs use to love peanut better for their pills. I’m grateful for Greenies Pill Pockets.

I’m grateful Alice is on my lap.
I’m grateful I already had my coffee.
I’m grateful I sleep good. Real good :relieved:
I’m grateful I’m over the funk I had about a loved one’s drinking. I’m grateful for all my recovery efforts, but sometimes I’m just gonna feel sad and lonely about the situation. And you know what? It’s not a relapse. I’m grateful I use to think it was. It’s just sad. And I can feel sad and lonely and still be happy. Holy shit!! I can? Ya I can!! I’m grateful I don’t feel resentment or anger. I’m grateful I’m not
Q-tipping :upside_down_face:

I’m grateful today is going to be another great day as long as I don’t pick up.

I’m grateful I got a chiropractor appointment this afternoon. I’m grateful my Scottsdale chiropractor has a network on Facebook and recommended someone here 15 minutes away who uses the technique I want.

I’m grateful for a week of getting established like chiropractor appointments and bug guy. I’m grateful I got an AV guy coming tomorrow. I’m grateful the AV guys are much more fun than plumbers.

I’m grateful I’m going to hit up 2 Al-anon meetings this weekend. 9 am men’s group. And grateful I found a book study Sunday afternoon. They read from Opening Our Hearts Transforming Our Losses. I love that Al-Anon book. It’s full of real life stories of experience, strength, and hope, about people who love addicts.

I’m grateful the Catio officially opened yesterday. And it was a beautiful day sitting out there relaxing in the morning and after my first home cooked meal. I’m grateful for chances to relax around here after the stressors of moving into a new home.

I’m grateful for people from Scottsdale that have reached out to me. I’m grateful I’ve reached out to others and it’s going to make me reach out to my sponsor. I’m grateful I don’t know what to say to my sponsor that I left behind in Scottsdale and it seems to me like I’ve left him hanging. He hasn’t bothered me since I left. Which is nice. I’m grateful instead of just letting it die I will reach out and give him a call and see what happens. I’m grateful I’m not use to this stuff. I’m grateful it’s uncomfortable so I guess I can ask my higher power for help and guidance and do what I feel is right.

I’m grateful for y’all.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts


I’m grateful my eyes opened to another day of possibilities. I’m grateful I have a kitty waking up next to me.
I’m grateful for a sunny walk to work. I’m grateful we sold a car to make us a one car house for a while. It makes for a slower year, but then I have to wonder if I’m hiding or isolating.
I’m grateful for coffee and quit lit to start my day and for old meme threads when I end my day.
I’m grateful for this whole interesting journey. :coffee:


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
Today I am grateful for:

  • The last class of Creative Computing for this school year. All the fun projects, the student‘s enthusiasm, their work, all our time spent together. I am grateful for the upcoming break, and I am already looking forward for the next semester.
  • More sun than was advertised, and overall better weather.
  • The short grocery run with my bike. I love my bike, love riding a bike.
  • Finishing the next phase of my prototype. The game‘s core structure, its core systems are taking shape nicely. I love this work.
  • Far, far less anxiety since many weeks now. I hope the doc was right, and it‘s just the dosage of my meds needs adjusting.
  • My daughter feeling better today. The nice walk we took in the gardens in the afternoon. I hope her anxiety stays down and she will be able to go to school tomorrow.
  • My ex visiting. We had a good talk, spend some time. It‘s all become more peaceful. We both respect each other‘s boundaries and do our best to stay nice and supportive.
  • A good yoga session. Just being able to get on the mat, breath, move, flow from pose to pose, meditate. Finding peace.
  • The end of the day with reading, anime, closing the day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful for my sobriety and really feeling like I can do it this time as long as i don’t forget where alcohol and drugs will take me if I pick up.
Grateful for my family and the love and support. I’m
Going to be there for them down the line when they really need me. Can’t let my brother do it alone.
Grateful my first day at work went well. I actually don’t mind washing dishes. Though it’s a bit hectic and busy but I will take this one day at a time. Eventually I wanna go back to school just don’t know for what.
Grateful for food, water, and my bed. So many times in my addiction I neglected all aspects of my life and feel grateful my needs are met.
Grateful for music and movies. Grateful my favorite show Peaky Blinders is coming out with a movie. I think they started filming not sure when Netflix will release it.
Grateful for my higher power Mother Nature.
Grateful for Talking Sober and this wonderful community. I been reading a lot of different threads.
So very grateful for so many things!!!


Today I am grateful for chocolate and this community. I’m grateful for my doggy and my great niece. Love from the most innocent beings feels so wonderful. Grateful for 166 days of sobriety


Today I am grateful for

Sleeping as long as I did
This streak of cool weather we’ve been having
Having an unexpectedly busy and fruitful shift
Having a trainee to help out with said shift
My body that keeps going when I need it to
My mind that tells my body it can
My family
Quiet time


Some quick morning gratitude.
I’m grateful I slept well and a lot. I’m grateful the massage yesterday was wonderful and I rested afterwards. I’m grateful for cats sleeping on and beside me. I’m grateful I texted the ex and got a lot off my chest. I needed it to adress all this crap to the person it belongs to. I’m grateful I don’t expect a reaction. I’m grateful another year’s anniversary is there: One year ago the ex left the farm and moved back to the city without any notice. Time flies.
I’m grateful I live here in peace, working daily on a good life, taking it easy, being kind to myself, spoiling the cats. I’m grateful for my friends, neighbours and nice people in general. I’m grateful meditation and prayers help me to find peace and calm the sadness that arises every now and then. I’m grateful for healthy grumpiness, it’s not necessary to take or tolerate every shit.
I’m grateful a nice hot shower is waiting for me. ODAAT