Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Grateful for my sponsor. I called him yesterday and he had some simple tips that helped me get my feet back on the ground :relieved:


Today I am truly grateful. Yesterday I hosted a lunch and afternoon with my three oldest friends from university. They each had to travel up to 3/4 hours to be with me and gladly did that.

Iā€™m grateful they all came with open hearts. We laughed and cried (honestly all of us did at one point) and just showed everything we had with kindness and honesty, no walls or barriersšŸ˜­.

Iā€™m grateful they filled my spiritual cup to fullness.

Iā€™m grateful that they brought delicious cordials, strawberries, snacks and chocolate rather than alcohol.

Iā€™m just so happy and grateful today that I have these people in my life the past 25 years, they are entirely epic and my heartbeats. I love them endlessly.



Good morning everyone!! I hope that you all have a fantastic day!!
I am grateful to be able to take on projects at work! Now that I will be staying at the store Iā€™m currently at a little longer I get the opportunity to work on backroom space and getting it to where I like to have it and organized!
I am grateful to have been able to do some smaller 500 piece puzzles after work. I used to LOVE doing puzzles, but I got to the point I would start one, lose motivation and stop. It also doesnā€™t help that if I knew I couldnā€™t finish it I would have to destroy it to make sure the cats didnā€™t destroy it and lose the pieces! But these 500 piece ones I can finish before bed!
Iā€™m grateful to have my phone appointment tomorrow for intake to be able to start my intensive outpatient treatment on Tuesday! Iā€™m hoping to be able to connect with locals that are struggling with addiction too other than my husband!
Iā€™m grateful that the anxiety that I have been feeling has been minimal, normally itā€™s quite a bit to handle and I would drink. Iā€™m not sure if the anxiety was because I wanted to drink or if drinking helped to quit the anxiety (Iā€™m pretty certain itā€™s the latter). Iā€™m hoping this treatment along with my individual sessions will give me some techniques on dealing with the anxiety!
Iā€™m grateful for 41 days! Itā€™s the longest I have been sober in 6 years!!!


Morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My recovery
Up early and a quiet morning me, boscoe, coffee and sunshine
Finally spread some of my new mulch, im coming around to this homeowner thing
Date day with hubby, lunch out, then moulin rouge
Boscoe enjoys going to grandmas while were away for long periods
My folks
My mobility
Sundays arent wasted in sobriety
Mental health stabilizing
Fresh air
Pumpkin spice overnight oats
Sobriety and all the 12 step promises coming true


Good morning friends,
Iā€™m grateful for a productive, but relaxed day yesterday. Iā€™m grateful my parents made it home safe from their long TV trip. Iā€™m grateful that they can travel and that they have good friends. Iā€™m grateful for air conditioning because I live in the hot desert. Iā€™m grateful for family. Iā€™m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Day 27

Finally taking sometime to reflect and Iā€™m feeling very proud in this moment. Iā€™m grateful forā€¦

  1. Expressing my sobriety to my brother-in-law and his wife. We hung out with them after the birthday party yesterday. This is the first time Iā€™ve been sober with them. We usually vacation together, theyā€™ve never drank before but always tolerated me without judgement. I could actually feel them being proud of me for my change.

  2. Actually having the desire to exercise. Iā€™m going to work out after my reflection time. It doesnā€™t feel forced, itā€™s the first time since the first or second week of sobriety. I have consistent energy now and donā€™t have the couch potato vibes anymore.

  3. Understanding that I can have a negative outlook without reasoning. I learned yesterday that I just need to live in the moment and do. I would smoke and drink through the ā€œboringā€ moments or to numb myself to kill the time to the ā€œfunā€. There is joy in the journey and if I keep an open mind, I can experience it in the moment.

Enjoy the day everyone!


Iā€™m grateful I found a menā€™s Al-Anon meeting yesterday. Grateful I liked it. Iā€™m grateful I was asked to read the Al-Anon promises. Iā€™m grateful I realized I was cringing when someone read an Al-Anon prayer. I thought it was too religious. Iā€™m grateful I thought of my good Al-Anon friend who would have said

So What!!

I mean reallyā€¦.

Who gives a shit!! ?

Read it. Say it. Donā€™t say it. Donā€™t read it. Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t judge the whole meeting because of some stupid, to me very religious, prayer. Iā€™m grateful for my open mind. Iā€™m sorry for the circumstances but Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s 5 other guys there and 4 or 5 on line whose loved ones are killings themselves with alcohol and they canā€™t do anything about it. Sounds very familiar. Iā€™m grateful maybe I can learn something from them.

Iā€™m grateful we got some Gus time yesterday. Iā€™m grateful I got some SIL bonding time yesterday putting together a Hanging Double Egg Chair from Loweā€™s. Iā€™m grateful he was in to taking a selfie of the 2 of us sitting in it that we sent to the girls inside playing with Gus.
Iā€™m grateful the swing chair has a 480 pound limit we got in just under and didnā€™t stay long.
Iā€™m grateful I told him how much fun I had. Iā€™m grateful my SIL bought lunch.

Iā€™m grateful we have another day off from people in the house. Maybe another day off from Gus. Please donā€™t tell them. Grateful I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything for me to put together today. Grateful I can just putter around and organize. Grateful if I actually rest a bit. Grateful my back felt good this morning but after bending a doing a few things already I feel it hurting.

Iā€™m grateful I followed my wifeā€™s lead and had a gorgeous cheeseburger for dinner at a nice restaurant. I wanted to try the sushi and some other delicacies but we were exhausted :weary: again :grimacing: and that cheeseburger was amazing.

Iā€™m grateful I got a great night sleep and didnā€™t drink too much wine last night and fall asleep in the chair til early hours of the morning. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Iā€™m grateful I woke up refreshed and ready to go :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m grateful I bought a couple of rubber tree plants for the Catio and chatted up the guy at the nursery, to make sure I got some good potting soil for potted plants and etcā€¦.
Iā€™m grateful in this instance Iā€™m finally thinking Iā€™m not bothering this guy. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m thinking heā€™s sharing his wisdom and knowledge of plants at this nursery and doing great customer service with me. Iā€™m grateful he might even be enjoying sharing his knowledge and wisdom with me.

Iā€™m grateful I still have much work to do on this old dog and itā€™s never too late.

Iā€™m grateful it makes me happy to come here and share with you all.
Wow :star_struck: Gratitude and Happiness :blush:

If it makes you happy :musical_score:
It canā€™t be that bad :musical_note:
If it makes you happy :notes:
:musical_note:Then why the hell are you so sad?

Sheryl Crow


I am grateful today

Sober 103 days
Slept in own bed.
Dog Yunna makes me laugh. When spouse starts Quad YUNNA runs to her swimming pool and pulls out this awful thing called a blanket and runs behind him. You can see her smile through the wet raggedy thing.
Grateful for hot shower, grab bars, and bench
Grateful for my husband and pray daily to God to soften his heart and give me wisdom for a great healthy future with him,
Grateful for my sponsor who has to learn all the shitty stuff that happens daily.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am so grateful my mental difficulties have been lessening day by day, so very grateful today felt mostly normal. Endless gratitude for being able to feel grateful, to feel peaceful, to feel something else then anxiety, restlessness, doom, and depression.
I am grateful I was able to actually feel connected to all of you when checking in this morning. Actually feeling like I wanted to reach out, be useful, be of help.
I am grateful for sleeping an, taking my time this morning with yoga and mindfulness meditation, a good breakfast.
I am grateful for my weekly review, for closing this last extremely difficult week, and looking forward to the next
I am grateful for all the sun, a walk through the woods and the gardens, the beautiful flowers, trees, shrubs, insects, birds. All that life. Me being life, feeling life.
I am grateful for mindfulness training and prayers having helped me through the worst.
I am grateful for friends and games last night. Weā€˜ve known each other now for so many years. Itā€˜s good to be understood just like that.
I am grateful for yoga, breathing exercises and meditation. Grateful I can see how unhappy my ex is and not trying to fix it. Not feeling responsible for his feelings.
I am grateful my daughter is so exited about her upcoming trip to the UK.
I am grateful for books and video games.
I am grateful I live in a place where I can go and vote without having to be afraid, without being harassed. I am grateful I grew up under a totalitarian regime and I am never taking a working democracy for granted. I am grateful I know the good things require work from all of us.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


This is a kohlrabi or german turnip or turnip cabbage. You can eat the bulb raw, or cooked. But you have to peel the thick green outer layer. The white stuff inside is the good stuff. Have fun.
I personally like it raw but donā€˜t care much for the cooked taste. But tastes differ.


Today Iā€™m grateful for Jesus
Iā€™m grateful for lcrunchy snacks! Especially little crunchies to put on top of a salad!
Iā€™m grateful that there are people in this world fighting everyday to make a change/difference in this world.
Iā€™m grateful for this app and for all of you in it.


Grateful for another day sober.
Grateful for coffee and the positive push it gives me.
Grateful for my family.
Grateful Iā€™m looking forward to my counseling appointment tomorrow.
Grateful Iā€™m not hungry and have a safe place to sleep and get my life together.
Grateful for air conditioning even though the heat doesnā€™t really bother me. Iā€™m a Floridian.
Grateful For dreams.
Grateful for my bike and how much it helps my anxiety. Move a muscle change a thought!
Grateful for this community.
Grateful for how much it helps to read around on here!


I am grateful:

  • To be alive and knowing that I should be grateful and wonder more often about what is supposed to be next - not wondering so much, ā€œWhy did that happen to me?ā€
  • Found some cash and got coffee and dog food, grateful I didnā€™t dip into the beer area because it hit my mind more that beer can shut it up, at least for awhile.
  • Knowing thatā€™s why I drank for a long time - to shut it up. Knowing that I have known a long time and that is why I only drank beer - to keep me out of some deep shit.
  • My brain is operating in its super-smart land for about 5 days. My brain/mind can be scary - really. Thereā€™s a reason it wants to be shut down - history and upbringing wise.
  • Knowing I donā€™t need to be that smart to be successful. Being moneyless has hit me in a way I have never had. I know it should give me a ton of appreciation that I have never faced that.
    Day 163 - Currently a wild 73 days more than ever before. Thank you accident for making me see a big reason.

**And @Dazercat get the damn sushi to go! Breakfast!


Good day.

I am grateful for the connections that I made yesterday. I am grateful for like minded people. I am grateful for mediums and their clear sight, sensing, knowing. I am grateful for gratitude practice. I am grateful for love, and purpose. I am grateful for honesty, kindness and faith.


Grateful for Sunday Funday and that I am able to just have a day of doing things at my own pace. Grateful for the perfect weather and spending some time outside. Grateful to be alive and living life sober. Grateful for this community thatā€™s filled with great people :v:


I am grateful for the weekend. Iā€™m grateful for lovely ripe, juicy cherries. Iā€™ve eaten so many. Iā€™m grateful for the Libby app so I can check out books from the library and download them on my Kindle. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s in the 80s today instead of 105 of a couple days ago. Grateful for you all sharing your hearts :heartpulse:


Grateful for the recipes on the internet. Iā€™m making my lentil soup today, and the recipe (and how to make the parts, like the mirepoix flavour base) is all stuff I learned from recipe notes and chef shares online:

Grateful for my wife, who is doing regular meditation work recently and it is showing up in how we have been communicating over the last few weeks.

Grateful for my recovery group and for my sponsor especially, all of whom have taught me many useful skills I am using today in my recovery toolbox.


@acromouse Turnip was my first guess when I saw it. Apparently my dad used to grow these where I grew up but I donā€™t ever remember seeing one. Some veggies I like better raw and some cooked, so Iā€™ll try both ways.

Today Iā€™m grateful for

-Being out of work and having tomorrow off
-My daughter going to her friendā€™s so I could have a short nap and some quiet time
-The metal garage band Iā€™ve heard practicing every Sunday for the last 6 years
-Comfortable weather
-Sleeping well the past 3 nights from working so much
-My chiropractor that Iā€™ll be seeing tomorrow
-The bar manager who told our manager the truth about how miserable sheā€™s making all her employees and that she needs to back off and let us do our jobs
-The fact our manager has left us alone the past couple days (and the job still got done :astonished:)
-My sobriety
-Clear thoughts


Iā€™m grateful I was able to find the gratitude thread from 16 hours ago. Iā€™m grateful even though I am headachy my back doesnā€™t hurt.
Iā€™m grateful for my coffee. Iā€™m grateful I got to bed early last night. Iā€™m grateful we have no workers scheduled in the house this week. YET :grimacing:

Iā€™m grateful it will be a phone call day to get other things done and scheduled. Therapy. And trying real hard to cook a dinner at home. Some exercise, besides walking the burner, would be nice too.
Iā€™m grateful I can putter around and put things here and there in their places and organize other things.

Iā€™m grateful to see the sunshine out back this morning for a minute. And grateful to see the fog rolling in out front this morning. Iā€™m grateful I thought weā€™d have a sunny day but Mother Nature seems to think otherwise.

Iā€™m grateful I got my spa fired up yesterday and took a soak. And even work in the spa clearing the over growth from the garden that was hanging into the water.

Iā€™m grateful Benson and I made it a spa afternoon on the chaise lounge for a couple of hours of relaxation.

Iā€™m grateful I get to post here with yā€™all.

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love grace and gratitude"
Denis Waitley**


Today Iā€™m feeling grateful to be in a foreign city about to reconnect with an old colleague I am very fond of. I wish he still worked for me. Maybe after we meet today he might do so again, you just never know.

I have stopped checking in on the daily checkin thread as I donā€™t like counting the days go by. If we are lucky then on average we get about 30,000 days and I donā€™t want to check them off any more.

I feel like I am released from the control that alcohol had over me. Something that has taken several years of work, of false starts, of trying again, of support from the amazing community here. Of getting the fuck back up when I knocked my self down again. I donā€™t want to count the days going by any moreā€¦ I just want to live one day at a time and count the blessings I am lucky enough to have. I hope that makes sense.