Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Good to see you here, Jen @Runningfree :slightly_smiling_face:

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I feel accomplished today. Tired and good. I am grateful for the rain outside. It’s calming.
I am grateful it’s the weekend.
I am grateful I continued with my teacher training today. It’s a lot of long practices. I will do it one after the other.

I am grateful I laughed out loud during my workout today. :see_no_evil:

I am grateful I’ll have enough time to do my move in 5 weeks. I don’t like moving but waiting for the last minute to organise everything is far more stressful.

I am grateful I called the addition counselor in our company today. Just to get the situation with the colleague off my head. I found out his last name today. I won’t do anything though. He is not willing to accept help. I am grateful to acknowledge that my own recovery is my number one priority.

In German AA says: we are there to share EKH. Erfahrungen, experiences - Kraft, energy - Hoffnung, hope.

I am grateful I have enough.

Edit to what I listened to as the opening words for yoga today concerning the element air: freedom, being open. Choosing freedom. And in contrast to the fuck it mentally of freedom as I do it because I can, freedom is also to say yes to what is. Like Byron Kathie would say: loving what is. My yes to choosing sobriety for today. No regrets.


Today I am grateful for:
• My eyesight - Being able to see beautiful colors, the birds ans squirrels. And lfoe all around me
• A positive mindset
• Exercise and the courage to challenge myself in certain exercises
• Honestly… im grateful today that my life isn’t a waste anymore. I’m not sure why it took me so long to have quality recovery (where I’m not constantly relapsing ior “white knuckling” it). But it took as long as it took I guess to learn what I needed to learn
• Wind chimes - my mom sent me a video with wind chimes showing the backyard that I grew up in. That really meant alot. Reminds me of innocence and my inner child


Please tell me you guys know that was a joke right??


YES!! Of Course! :rofl: Sorry, I remember funny things, and I’m easily amused.

TS Friends- it was a joke about living alone, I couldn’t resist. Sorry Chris. Have you blocked me yet? :joy:


Friendly suggestion. Chose one or two threads that have less posts. You don’t have to like and read everything. I have done the same at times as have many on here. It’s ok to fall behind you are where you need to be. Grateful for sunshine and wind


Hi Miranda, I also felt exactly the same, I couldn’t keep up and it was part of the reason I stepped back and slipped up. Please dont feel that way, seems we’re not alone. I want you here, and as I know now, I won’t be able to reply to everyone, and it’s okay. :purple_heart:

The quote below is from @Miranda, when I posted I was overwhelmed trying to keep up. Not sure how I screwed up trying to copy a quote, but to do it was stressful in its self :grimacing:


Today I am grateful to be off work early. My schedule changed a while back and I get off at 1:30pm now every Friday.
I am grateful for my fitness. I didn’t want to do either challenge this morning but I did. I remember when I couldn’t even do a burpee.
I am grateful for the food I cooked today.

That’s all I got right now. This will be a challenge to find new things each day but I’m gonna try.


You’re welcome :heart: @Miranda made me feel better with her story and I know there’s many more that feel the same and hopefully we can help them as well.

I’ve slipped up 2x when I stepped back. But I now know I’m okay if I miss a day or two and I won’t feel guilty. There’s more than enough wonderful people here to help. I hope your headache is better :hugs:


I like the Gratitude thread as well as Checking in Daily, but CID thread, you blink and you’re 20 posts behind! :grimacing::grimacing: @Mindymoo




No I thought it was funny you referenced it, but I wanted to be clear I’m a little weird, but even that’s beyond my scope lol


Thank you so much :hugs::purple_heart:
I hope things get better for you, I’m here if you need me. X


Grateful I had a lovely dinner at some good friends’ house yesterday where the beverages of choice were lemonade, apple juice and water. It was amazing to see how an evening evolves naturally without alcohol…lots of laughter, great stories, amazing food, and a blissful hangover-free the following morning!

Grateful for this day sober, waking up well rested and taking care of things around the house with my husband.

Grateful I had the time to cook some healthy dishes to keep us eating well for the next few days. I like cooking when I have the time, enjoying each part of the food preparation. Chopping parsley, cooking with garlic, roasting pumpkin…all smells so good!

Grateful I talked to my kids today, who are away for the month…just hearing their happy voices makes my heart flood with love.

Grateful for all of you.

Sending love to you all! :heart:


I love that episode! :joy::joy::joy:

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I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that I got some sleep and that this is my last night of work as I am running out of steam. :sleeping:

I am grateful to be headed into a long weekend so I can visit with and help my parents and see my sister.

I am grateful that i will have time to spend with my sig otha as well because we work different shifts and that can be difficult.

I am grateful I will be able to have more play and cuddle time with the fur babes.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Okay no, i have no idea what post that was from- you are right! But I do watch stranger things and I’m on season 4 as well and I love it!

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Hi Miranda, I think the thread was something like What have you never done? I’m pretty sure it was an old one that was resurrected. @Fury is the one that got me started on Stranger Things when I pointed out a shirtless man in one of his pet posts. That’s what he had on his TV.

I hope you’re having a good evening, I’m about to watch season 4, ep 5. I’m going to need something after this is done though, will need to harass Chris for something new.:joy:

Have an excellent weekend! :heart: :hugs:


Only have one season but great

Wayne (Amazon prime)
Archive 81

Legit is on Hulu it was a fx show that was good but has 3 seasons, buyer beware, drinking and drug use as well as sexual content


Good evening all,
I’m grateful it’s Friday and work is done. I’m grateful that no longer means I dive into a bottle(or two) of wine, or a “few” beers, I just get to relax. I’m grateful that my husband starts a new job on Tuesday. I’m grateful for the meal preps the kids and I did have been pretty good, and super helpful. I know I’m missing some congratulations, some welcomes, some shout outs. But like mentioned above- that doesn’t mean I don’t care. I’m grateful for you guys!
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Thank you! I’m grateful I found this cool app called ‘Movie of the Night’ You can choose what streaming services you have, year, genre, ect. It is for Movies AND Series. Then click on ‘Get the List’


Oooo I’m gonna check this out thank you

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