Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Good Morning fam-dam.

I am grateful for the CRAZY amount of syncronycities I experienced with my tattoo artist yesterday. She shares a birthday with me and a moon sign, she has a dog named Lace and there were others but I will not get into them. I felt a deep connection to her which was awesome as she drew on my body with needles. I am grateful that the 3.5 hr session didn’t throw me into a flare up, yet. This is the first time I have been tattooed since being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have been avoiding it because I wasn’t sure how it would be for me now. In the past I have withstood long sessions, up to 7.5 hours, quite well but now I just don’t know. I am grateful that my artist decided to break up yesterday’s session over two weeks and I will go back on the 3rd of August to get the line work for my sleeve done. I am grateful that I am not trying to control my life anymore and for that desperate feeling I was talking about the other day being gone. I have patience today and I have love and compassion for myself. I am grateful that today it’s more important that my body responds well to something than I get something done in what I used to consider a timely fashion.

I am grateful that I trust myself today and that I trust the people who are in my close support group. They know me well and they want what is best for me. I was asked to be a speaker at a speaker meeting and I was feeling weird about it… in my gut, not my head. I sat on it a bit and I talked to a friend who supported me in going if it was what I wanted to do. I am grateful they added “be honest with yourself…” When I got off the phone I sat with all of that. The offer to be a speaker, the self honesty, the knee jerk reaction I have to people please and what my heart told me was that I wasn’t ready to stand infront of people in my area for 30 mins and tell my story. I am grateful that I was honest when I responded to the organizer and I am grateful that he thinks I am ready. I will keep coming back.

I am grateful that it’s a long weekend this weekend and I have no plans. I was asked to go on a bike tour but I was honest, I didn’t want to!!! I am learning not to take it on when someone is excited to invite me somewhere and then doesn’t go when I say I don’t wanna go!!! I am grateful that I had a good 2 years in recovery before I got into a relationship. I am grateful that my very independent almost stand-offish at times personality is balanced by my man-friends very codependant almost suffocating at times personality. I think between us we might be able to learn healthy interdependance! Hahahah. I am grateful I openlying joke with him about how completely fucked up we both are and that I love it. :heart:

Edited to add: I opened up Facebook to this…

I am grateful for the reminder of why I am the way I am and that I do not need to be this way anymore. I am grateful that learning to trust people and be vulnerable with people is coming slowly but it’s coming. Thanks to everyone who is helping me to get there.


Grateful to have made it to one week sober. I still have a lot of work to do but I’m grateful for the new found motivation I have and all the support systems I’ve begun to build.

Also very grateful for some good news I had this morning and this feeling of hopefulness I have today. Sending lots of love and good vibes to everyone on their respective journeys.


Congratulations on one week sober!!! Thats a huge accomplishment!!! :hugs:


I am filled with gratitude. I just came back home in hypoglycemia. Anyways.
Back from my home group where we discussed a lot about the group last week. The guy announcing his ‘relapse’ left our WhatsApp group.
During the meeting I said that I am grateful for AA and that I made some steps like the first and second. I am grateful that I don’t have to discuss this (anymore). I feel that there is a lot of semantics around this. I am grateful to recognise myself in one of the members who tried to convince me of my wrong thinking. He cannot because I have been where he has been some years ago. I still go through these phases.
I saw today what my psychologist was telling me relentlessly. It has to be felt, it has to sink into your heart. And gratitude is part of this. When I feel it, it is completely different to something that my rationalisation and my mind is trying to convince me of.

I am grateful for all the points of views I can get here almost for free here every day if I am willing to be open for them.

I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful to God please continuing guiding me through this day clean and sober while doing my best to follow your will. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for All my family and friends and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for daily readings that hit just right, prayers that give strength and music that fills my heart and soul. I’m grateful for the people that reach out to me. God give me strength and help remove my defects.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to take a moment to just smile and breathe it feels good. Ya You!!


I am grateful to be sober and cruising thru the work week slow and steady.

I am grateful that I am trying to be more patient with myself throughout the day instead of feeding into the negative self-talk.

I am grateful for my family and my fur babes.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Day 12! I am grateful for……

My family!

My friends!

And sober living. Waking up with a clear head and energy to take on my day!!!



Checking in on my official completed Day 1. Last drink was Tuesday, but the count starts after 24 hrs, and I made it roll over at midnight this time so I don’t celebrate early like I’ve done before.

Now for anyone that’s still awake after my compelling start… :yawning_face:

I’m grateful I’m sober and have no desire to drink. I’m grateful I realized I was blaming disease symptoms on my sobriety. I’m grateful I have a place here and I’m always welcomed. I’m grateful I’ve made true friends on this forum. I’m grateful you’re all in my life, sometimes it’s lonely on your own, but knowing the light is always on here helps. (I think that’s similar to an old cheap motel commercial). I’m grateful that I have a hobby to fill my down time. I’m grateful for my job that keeps me busy throughout the days. I’m forever grateful for Max and Riley and their unconditional love. :heart:

Eric, I’m going to try to post on this thread (home group) every single day like you do, even if I don’t post elsewhere. Because everyday is a blessing. :hugs: :pray: :dog::cat::tulip:


I’m grateful for this forum and my friends within.
I’m grateful for my dogs and their unconditional love.
I’m grateful for @anon74766472 for pushing me to join this thread.
I’m grateful that I’m returning from an eye doctor visit and my vision hasn’t gotten worse and also that I was able to afford the overage on the bill I wasn’t expecting.


Im grateful you are back on the sober train with us @maxwell . To be 100% i havent finished my painting yet, didnt feel right sharing without you here lol im weird i know. You were missed


congratulations for your effort, you are not alone and you do not have to go through this alone, hugs to the heart


Today I am grateful for being aware of my thoughts and actually following thru with the right choice

Grateful for my husband and son and the health of my family

Grateful for my ability to help others

Grateful for my TS family and for my days clean

Grateful to God for being my rock

Grateful for the upcoming fall season :fallen_leaf::maple_leaf:

Grateful for life in general :pray:


I am so grateful you are here and posting.
I am grateful for day 1 completed. Day 1 is always the hardest for me.
Im grateful you didn’t simply leave and stay gone. You would be missed!
The light is always on :hugs:


You’re not weird, that’s so nice of you :heart:. I saw your post earlier, I hope you’re feeling okay tonight. :hugs:


Thank you Shaunda, I’m happy you’re here too! :heart:


Last post before I get the error of :rage: ‘no more than 3 consecutive posts’

Hi Dana, I just want to say I’m grateful for you as well. You asked the right question when I fell, and It helped me back up. Sending love & hugs to you, your husband & little dude. :blue_heart: :hugs:


Welcome. First day is huge. Well done. Grateful you have found If I do say so myself the best group/thread/page of this whole app. There is real work being done, lives being shared and support being given. Very grateful for all you gratidudes


I HATE that error message when u can’t post more than 3 consecutively haha that made me laugh. I’m glad what I asked u helped but u did the work girl :slight_smile: I was concerned for u but I had this feeling that u wouldn’t be gone for long. I’m soo glad u came right back here. We all missed u
:tulip::rose::hibiscus::blossom: flowers for u!


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me through a productive day, clean and sober. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I know my value. I’m grateful I can admit after years of being here, (literally this thread) and in recovery I still seek acceptance and struggle at times with self acceptance. I’m grateful to be aware that putting myself back into the dating world again had revealed some of these defects like the acceptance I just mentioned. I’m grateful that I got a new sponsee tonight and my higher power put me and him in this position at the right time. I’m grateful despite my current failing, for lack of another word, others still see my value as well. I have been struggling in some area, obsessing a little about using to numb my broken heart and the continued rejections from a few different women, so I have been attending more meetings lately, trying to help others is what I can and need to do. I’m grateful that being asked to sponsor this gentleman tonight motivated me to do the same and I now have a sponsor and grandsponsor that I have already known for years. I’m grateful I have been working alot and starting to push back a bit regarding how things operate there and that its unmanagble. I’m grateful that my bosses brother is one of my good friends and is in recovery so that when I say these things to my boss he gets it and knows I come from a place of love, respect and trying to help better all of our situations. I’m grateful my Mom messaged today. I’m grateful I am spending the long weekend at my friends farm, house and dog sitting while they go on vacation. I’m grateful for muisc and creativity. I’m grateful for the twelve steps. I’m grateful I can call my friend and say good night now.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are absolutely amazing. Ya you!!
p.p.s. Glad your back @maxwell keep moving forward


Welcome! Grateful to see you here and conquering day 1 :hugs: