Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful that the past is past. I can regret it. I can learn from it. I can do my best to not repeat it. But what is important is now and where I’m going to be later.


I’m grateful your here with us LovelyL.
Congratulations on your 2 weeks AF
That’s HUGE!


This morning I am grateful for a full day of sobriety yesterday, for waking up well rested and feeling ok. I am grateful for the woman appropriately named “Love” who answered the phone when I reached out for help yesterday. It was a sure sign I was on the right path. I am grateful for the resources available for recovery and for this one day as it is all I can focus on right now. Today I am grateful to not desire a drink. I’m grateful for you all and this forum. :heart:


I am greatful for all of you and sobriety. It was hard to do on my own!!


I am grateful for 4 months clean. No opiates no weed no problems :blush:


I am grateful for the feeling happening in my body at this very moment. If I were to describe it I would have to say it feels a little uncomfortable, but I know that I am safe. What I am feeling is they absolute beauty of being alive and the impulses of energy that I can feel surging through my body.

I am grateful for therapy and therapists, and for all the old timers in the 12 steps programs that are still coming to meetings making sure the doors are open for us in our early recovery.

I am grateful for my senses and how alive they are. I sat in amazement as I watched the sunrise this morning listening to the waves ripple against the shoreline and the crickets singing in the brush beside me.

I am grateful for skills that I remember to practice during my days, simple ones like being non-judgmental. Just the facts… “The sun was orange as it rose this morning.” Rather than " The sun was bright orange as it rose this morning " Learning that my perspective is not a fact has been golden for me.

I am grateful for people who bring out the worst in me. The people who shine spotlights on my character defects are the people who seem to keep returning. Am I surprised? No not at all. I am grateful for my recovery and self awareness today. Because of all the work I have done I can notice things and stop them before they happen.

I am grateful for trust, intuition and love. I am so grateful for the SPAD reading today my HP has my number EVERY DAMN DAY.


Thanks @Dazercat do glad I found this community. Y’all make it much easier for me cause I know I’m not alone.:heart:


Today I’m grateful for listening to my body, taking it easy when I can and only doing things that need doing.
I’m grateful to feel more myself the last couple of days.
I’m grateful to realise that the extreme tiredness is most probably due to my age and time of life. I’m grateful it’s passed for a while.
I’m grateful to read today’s gratitudes, they really meant something to me. I love taking from what is shared and like to think that now and again someone will take something from what I share.
I’m grateful for Mark Twain’s quote, he is spot on for me. Nice one Eric.
I’m grateful I’m feeling loved up. I’m in a good place atm and am enjoying being me :sparkling_heart:


Congrats @Lovelylisha! Love it, you can DO THIS!!


Thank you. I never heard of diamond coloring.

Ya it take a lot for me not to walk out of the video meetings i hate them. Matter fact i am about to head to one here in about 45 mins.


I am grateful that I am sober and that my cravings to drink during the work week have totally dissipated after 5 years of working at it. I NEVER thought that would happen as it was a huge trigger an routine.

I am grateful for house music and the 3 mile walk I got in. The positive shift in my brain chemistry is obvious after it.

I am grateful to be early to work, sitting in my car doing my list, easing into the night.

I am grateful to be here with you guys. :two_hearts:


Today I am grateful to be up very early with a full day ahead that includes a walk first thing as well as a virtual meeting and an in person one. I feel good and somehow rested and am grateful for the lack of hangover. I’m grateful to hear the neighbor rooster and for the delicious, hot cup of coffee :coffee: that soothes me in the morning. I am grateful to be looking forward to taking on the day instead of dreading what is to come amd trying to figure out how I can muscle through a hangover and tiredness. I am grateful my son had the courage on his own to bring up his feelings of anxiety to his doctor. That is a huge step in a healthy direction at a young age, and I think that is what I am most grateful for as it opens the door for healthy coping and management as opposed to how his alcoholic mom has typically dealt with things. Grateful for another day to live freely without a drink.


Never alone here!!!


Day 15
This morning I woke up and I’m grateful for that. I slept ok even though I woke up a few times in the middle of the night to use the restroom. I think I drink too much water before bed.
Im grateful my hubby took the kids to school this morning so I have time to write my gratitude list.
Im grateful I took off this weekend for a wedding that I decided not to attend. So I pretty much have a free weekend to do whatever my heart desires.
Im grateful I was able to help my aunt take care of some personal business yesterday. My drunk self would’ve put it off until who knows when.
I’m grateful to be sober and can help others in need.
I’m grateful I made it 15 days without alcohol.
I’m grateful for you all.


Grateful I curbed out super early last night and am up with energy this morning. Grateful it’s FRIDAY! Grateful that before the first of the month I will have September’s rent taken care of, it’s the first month where I’m paying half my rent and I’m feeling good that I’m on top of it. The program is working for me because I’m working it. Grateful for one more wake up before BOTH of my daughters are up here with me. Grateful I have an evening to mentally prepare for where I want to be emotionally and spiritually when I get them.
Grateful I can see and feel my life and recovery kicking into high gear, excited to see the changes. Excited to FEEL the changes.
Grateful for the healthy boundaries I’m learning and a very busy schedule and how much easier it makes living in this house that 7 other women also live in.
Grateful for the curriculum about gratitude last night in IOP and that I felt I really had an advantage because I’m already training my heart and head in gratitude. It affects everything I encounter in my days, for the better.
Grateful summer is still holding on with a death grip. Grateful for the warm weather even though the sun rises later and goes to bed earlier, I still have very warm weather.
Grateful to wake up to 162 days clean. :hibiscus:


Good morning :yawning_face:

I’m grateful I accidentally overheard one of my supervisors talking about my work yesterday. Although it was awkward and I had to leave the area quickly, it also felt good to hear positive reviews.

I’m grateful I have a job. Im grateful I have a bike to ride to work. It may not work well, the derailer my husband bought for it doesn’t fit the best and the chain gives a pop a lot but I’m grateful I can get to work in 7 minutes ride instead of 22 minutes walk. My thighs on the other hand are not pleased with the change of transportation :crazy_face:

I’m grateful I can allow my 16 year old to make choices for her life that she needs. I see a lot of parents that don’t and their kids come and have melt downs at my home. It breaks my heart. Im grateful I can guide her with love through her choices and acknowledge that she is almost an adult and needs these skills to be successful.

I’m grateful for my husband, warts and all. He does so much to ensure I have what I need.

I’m grateful I choose sobriety. Im a much better person to everyone when I am actively working on being a better human instead of slowly trying to drown myself.


I forgot to mention I got a message last night that my best friend was passing out in Walmart. She was rushed to the hospital.
I’m grateful her husband messaged me last night and said she got released.
I’m grateful after checking on her this morning she says shes feeling better and will call me later.
They think it’s early menopause.
I’m grateful for her…. We’ve been friends for over 20 years.
I don’t know what I would do if something happened to her.
Grateful she’s ok.:heart:


I’m grateful I went to bed before 8pm yesterday and slept 12 hours.

I’m grateful I don’t feel unwell this morning, just a faint headache. Much better than last evening. I really had chills and body aches. I have no idea what was going on, but it wasn’t pretty.

I’m grateful my hubby had a good boys’ movie night with the kids.

I’m grateful I gave my body what it needed: rest. I’m grateful I didn’t mask the unwellness with alcohol, only to make it worse in the morning. Very, very grateful.

I’m grateful I woke up to a hug of my youngest, who asked if I was feeling better. I’m grateful this is not because I needed to “sleep it off” or because I was hungover. I simply was feeling sick. I’m grateful I don’t feel embarrassed, because it wasn’t self-inflicted.

I’m grateful for overripe bananas that make the perfect ingredient for banana cake with chocolate chips. I’m so very grateful to see my family enjoy it still a bit warm, coming out of the oven for a late breakfast.

I’m grateful that I can handle the stress and will handle any turmoil that may come our way with a clear head.

I’m grateful for all of you. I’m grateful for my sobriety journey, every and each day of it.

Much love to you all :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can sweat.
I am grateful I have all my limbs.
I am grateful for clean water and fresh food.
I feel a bit of anxiety for what the future might bring. Noone knows and this is okay. I will do the best I can to manage my life, today.
I am grateful I have enough.

I miss Brian here, @I.cant.We.can hope you are doing okay-ish somehow


Good Morning All,

I’m grateful I’m 13 days sober. :partying_face:

I’m grateful I woke early and showered before Max woke up. :dog:

I’m grateful Riley is a little better, I wished her vet appointment was sooner, but I’m grateful I have one. 8 days :crossed_fingers::smiley_cat:

I’m grateful one of my work deadlines is not due until Monday afternoon, so my boss told me to enjoy this afternoon off. :nerd_face:

I’m grateful I have a lot of things to do this weekend to keep me busy that doesn’t include alcohol. :star_struck:

I’m grateful to God for answering my prayers to stop drinking. :pray:

I’m grateful for Kcups, my morning coffee is always ready to go. :flushed:

I’m grateful for all of you, all your love and support. All your shares and struggles. I couldn’t have done it without you. :hugs: :heart: