Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Good morning :yawning_face:

I am so grateful its my Friday!
I am grateful my supervisors ( i have many) all love me and wish they had many more of me. On the other hand I am trying to watch my ego. At work is where my ego will run out of control. Ive always been a good worker but I can let that go to my head and next thing you know I’m batching about everyone not working and trying to control everything. So I’m really working on minding my own business and just focusing on MY job. And my job is shaunda.
I am grateful our heater works, not so grateful that fall is in the air and it has to be on this morning. Notice my sad face. :sob: :crazy_face:
I am grateful my family waited for me to get home last night before leaving. It was my grandsons, Emiliano, 1st birthday and the whole family was here. Im so grateful I got to hug everyone that came before they left and get lots of baby kisses and hugs.
I’m grateful I am sober and fully here for that!
I’m grateful my husband cleaned house while I was at work. It was a little messy. Lol
I’m grateful I can self analyze and recognize ( for the most part ) where I need to work on shortcomings.
I’m grateful for my Higher Power who never leaves me hanging and somehow always indicates the next right thing to do for me.
I’m grateful for all you an your shares.

Welcome back @M-be-free49 glad you are home safe and had a good vacation and recognized when you needed alone time.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for an productive day. Packed 17 boxes which leaves me with 13 empty boxes. I am on track I think.
I am grateful for an funny audiobook to accompany my packing.
I am grateful for me laughing by myself about the story. It’s so funny.
I am grateful the smell of death in our building is gone!
I am grateful I made a pause, rode my bike and did the August challenge.


I’m grateful to God, my higher powers, my gratitude practice with you all right here, TS, and my will too, and the memes thread, that keep me sober and hangover free every day. And the calmness. Got to love :heart: the new calmness of life attitude. :heart:

I’m grateful for the warm Ol Burner on my lap and my fresh ground beans for coffee. I’m grateful for Alice cuddles and purrs at 3 am. :kissing_cat: I’m grateful for the indescribable feeling when her little nose and whiskers are in my ear sounding like a Geiger counter. I’m grateful she doesn’t stay there very long it would be impossible to go back to sleep. I’m grateful Benson and I have a road trip to the desert today. Just the 2 of us. I’m grateful that will be new for me and exciting but hopefully not too exciting. We’ve never separated the pack before. Never had or wanted too. I’m grateful I thought of this so it will make things easier for the wife at home.

Speaking of the wife. Or writing. I’m grateful for my wife. I’m grateful we had another great day yesterday. I’m grateful she’s working on the taxes and I’m grateful when she needs computer help I hear her calling me and I happily come to help with whatever computer or printer shit isn’t working :grimacing: like it should or usually does. I’m grateful we happily got a lot of things done together and separately. And I’m grateful I got some :pray:t2: :zzz: deck time in yesterday too. I’m grateful for the brief thunderstorms that come and go so quickly. I’m grateful we both yell at each other IT’S RAINING :umbrella:. If one of us sees rain. We’ve lived in many rain deprived areas in our lives. We love the rain. I’m Grateful when we see it down pouring on one side of the house and not the other.
I’m grateful my wife agreed to watch Jack Nicholson’s first movie with me last night. 1958 and we both enjoyed it. She’s usually not into those kind of things but it was a fun watch.
I’m grateful she’s sleeping in. I’m grateful I’m grateful she’s sleeping in and it’s not because I get more alone time or resentfulness or whatever. No reason. Just good for her :blush:

I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful I’m not living in the wreckage of the future.
I’m grateful time and Al-Anon are healing my trauma from those 2 restaurant episodes from early summer. Which makes it easier to not live in the wreckage of the future. I’m grateful I feel so good about things I don’t have to go to Al-Anon. But I’m going anyway. If it’s working don’t fix it!
I’m grateful for you all :pray:t2:

Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe.
Neale Donald Walsch


I’m grateful I’m on Day 15, a couple thoughts of drinking crossed my mind this weekend, but left just as fast. :thinking:

I’m grateful I’m looking at my drinking a little differently, I don’t have to quit, I WANT TO QUIT. This helps my mindset and keeps me positive. :relaxed:

I’m grateful for Max making me laugh when he steals my seat. (We share a 2 seat couch). I’m grateful for Riley continuing to eat, drink and be her super loving self. :dog::smiley_cat:

I’m grateful I cancelled my store pick up so I have no where to go today.

I’m grateful to God for always being there and listening to me. When you live alone it can be very quiet and lonely. :innocent:

I’m grateful I’m dealing with my inflammation and accepting what I have and what I can do. I haven’t given up on myself. :hugs:

I’m grateful for my home, food in my fridge, streaming and cable TV & A/C. :house_with_garden:

I’m grateful for everyone here, I’m grateful I know I have friends who care. God Bless, love and hugs to all! :heart::sunflower::four_leaf_clover::star_struck::tulip: Enjoy your day! :grin:


Day 17 :tada:
I’m grateful I made it to Day 17! The temptation was definitely there last night!
I’m grateful I chose to stay sober instead of drinking the drink I had my husband pour for me.
I’m grateful I still managed to have fun sober.
I’m grateful to hear the ice cream truck outside right now as my son begs me to get ice cream once they come on our street. But I tell him no cause we can get ice cream cheaper from the store lol.
I’m grateful to be able to forgive my husband for getting drunk last night and pretty much yell the whole ride home.
I know alcohol is a disease and it had took over him.
I’m grateful we made it home safely.
I’m grateful I attended the wedding it was nice.
I’m grateful for the hood and the bad.
I’m grateful I can sit here a reflect on the event.
I’m grateful I remember everything that happened.
I’m grateful it’s a pretty day outside.
I’m grateful for this new day and opportunity to make the right choices.


I’m grateful I can find comfort in small things. A funny joke about work. A puzzle piece that finds its place. A cup of coffee in the morning. A quote from @Its_me_Stella’s thread. A walk with my dog. A shared cake recipe. A long walk, talking difficult things through with my husband. A race with my oldest. A smile from my youngest. A call from my mom. A hug from a friend I hadn’t seen since May.

I’m grateful I chose not to drink today. That’s the reason all those small things could happen, be noticed, and bring me a warm, cozy feeling to replace the grumpy one I started the day with.

PS: Thank you for this…It was what I needed today :heart:


I’m grateful it’s Sunday :sunglasses:



I’m grateful to catch up here and the checking in thread. It’s good to have an insight into so many people’s lives and recoveries.
I’m grateful to have been walking today in the Peak District, UK. We really do live in a beautiful country, it was so scenic and I met lots of new people.
I’m grateful there was some lemon drizzle cake left when I got home, I’d been thinking about it all the way round.
I’m grateful the people we shared a lift with didn’t want to go to the pub after, I definitely didn’t want to.
I’m grateful to be walking with them again next week.
I’m grateful for not drinking today or wanting to :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful for another day on this planet
I’m grateful for shelter, food , water
I’m grateful for mamba candy and watermelon juice / orange soda / honey
I’m grateful for music and movies
I’m grateful for my friends and family
I’m grateful for my support and help

I’m grateful for this spiritual experience. I’m grateful for this change inside my soul. I’m grateful for the tears today . I’m grateful to be feeling so much ! Grateful my heart feels heavy. Grateful I lost my mind . Grateful I’m slowly finding it


Good evening beautiful souls.

I am grateful to have been apart of such an epic recovery event this weekend that raised enough money to send 9 addicts to extended treatment at a private facility.
I am grateful that after years of living as the problem, creating the problem and suffering in the problem I am actively part of the solution today.
I am grateful for the Island that I live on and all of its surrounding beauty. While I ride on the back of that motorcycle I just take it all in.
I am grateful that we made it home safe, that we had great conversations and lots of fun.
I am grateful to see all of the milestones popping up on this thread they bring big smiles to my face, congrats to you all.
I am grateful for the new literature I purchased it’s a line by line NA basic text (are you kidding me.) Best study material EVAH!
I am quite grateful I get excited of such things as recovery literature now… big change from the past life, big change.
I’m also grateful some peeps are getting things from the Spiritual Principles meditation posts… such a great little meditation. I can’t wait for the print copy to be out, grateful they will email me when it’s available. I will post on that thread when it’s released in case anyone wants to order it.

Here is my party for all the milestones!!!



@Its_me_Stella that sounds like an awesome event.
Grateful to have been so caught up in my daughters today that I’m just now getting around to my gratitude in the evening.
Grateful we went swimming! Grateful for my friend that said she was going to be our bus driver for the day. Grateful my kids loved her as much as I do and we actually got to put the swimsuit to use I painstakingly purchased this week. I love water, love to swim, I raised my hapa haoli daughters in Hawaii so water has been a big part of my life. But of course I haven’t been swimming for like as long as I was in active addiction because we rarely do anything joyous or fun while we’re killing ourselves. But today…I jumped in from a running start. I did. And Im very, very, very, grateful for it.
Grateful to be going to my homegroup right now with both of my amazing daughters in tow.
Grateful to wake up to my 164th consecutive day clean and sober and knowing that because of my choices today I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight.


@Its_me_Stella that is so beautiful :heart_eyes: I am grateful for the beauy of your spirit of your giving nature. I had dinner at Thai Palace with my 92 year old mom last night. I’m blessed beyond gratefulness to still have her. We enjoyed ourselves mom even had a glass of wine I was happy to see her relaxed and enjoying that. Gratefully had Thai iced coffee,love those flavors swirling around in my mouth. Grateful for the whole experience not just the delicious meal,green cury with tofu and brown rice,but also the beauty of the presentation of the meal and the attentiveness of the server. She was lovely. There’s been some conflict in the family recently. Last week when I phoned my sister who also lives here,she started crying as soon as she heard my voice. My other sister who lives in Massachusetts,Gail,had upset my baby sister that much. Without going into the dynamics I’ll just say this happens repeatedly and Gail is also unkind to Mom. Blessedly she ignores me. I asked my baby,I will always perceive her that way as I am 10 1/2 years older than she,to block Gail on her cell and landline and she did. Told her she isn’t obligated to be trashed by Gail and never unblock her,please. I think I may have ended this saga. Neither mom nor Meg will speak up but I will. I saw a short excerpt on social media titled Dear Adult Children Your Parents Don’t Owe You Anything. Basically said we should be contributing to easing life’s hardships for our aging parent and doing the opposite is dysfunctional and manipulative. Time to grow up. I sent Gail a screen shot and added seek help you are mean and nasty. And then oc blocked her! I am grateful that even though I am living a very peaceful life now and developing loving kindness and compassion in each moment I still have the cajones to do what is necessary to protect the ones I love. I have more gratitude this moment. Grateful that Alobar is draped over my leg and hugging my non typing arm. He’s so loving and lovable. I’m over the moon grateful that when i brought mom back to her home she told me how proud of me she is!! :purple_heart:


Today I am grateful to wake up feeling really good and ready for the week. So many Sunday afternoons and nights have been spent woth alcohol at the helm to somehow help me “vacate” over a weekend with the premise that I work hard and “deserve it.” All I was really giving myself was a hangover, restless sleep, a raging appetite the next day, lack of productivity around the house, less $, more weight gain and the ever-present internal conflict of knowing drinking is the last thing I need to do, but I’ll do it anyway. I am so grateful today for changing those behaviors this weekend and grateful to have next weekend to try to do the same. Taking it one day at at a time though…which leads me back to today. Today I am grateful for my son’s coaching and work opportunities after school, keeping him active and engaged; grateful to see my Mom today and for a nice walk ahead. Happy Monday!


I am grateful to be sober. I really am.
I am grateful that most things worked out well today.
I am grateful I could still use our almost free public transportation ticket. In 2 days it’ll be back to incomprehensible and expensive bullshit.
I am grateful people were kind today to me.
I am so grateful that the countertop fit into the apartment. I mean it fits into the kitchen but I was afraid that there wasn’t enough space to get it into the kitchen/living room.
I am grateful I brought my yoga mat to lay down some minutes. I am grateful the guy from internet arrived already and not in 4 hours.
I am grateful I am on my way home. Wherever that is.


I’m grateful for my little boys road trip. Just me and the Burner.
I’m grateful I miss all my guys.
I’m grateful I miss my wife.
I’m grateful it was so freaking easy to just feed and walk one dog and my chores are done.
I’m grateful I have 6 pets and a wife who love me.
I’m grateful my 2 hour drive took 3 and a half hours yesterday and I didn’t care. I’m grateful I passed yesterday’s patience test.
I’m grateful I got to listen to 2 Recovery Show podcasts instead of just 1.
I’m grateful I blew off the Al-Anon meeting last night. Well I would have blown it off, but I got in so late I missed it. But I’m grateful I made the decision to not go before I knew I was going to miss it, because I didn’t want to frantically try and make a meeting.
Patience and self care :white_check_mark:
I’m grateful I felt comfortable sitting at the restaurant bar having dinner with a strawberry spritzer mocktail and my fish and chips. The martini and beer next to me didn’t give a shit about me and I didn’t give a shit about them either. I’m grateful I don’t need to tell you what I usually would have done after that drive.
I’m grateful it’s always a nice feeling driving home not thinking about how much I had to drink and am I ok?
I’m grateful I don’t have a hangover this morning. It would have been a doozy.
I’m grateful my wife’s walk with Minnie will be easier than her walking 2 dogs and carrying a water bottle and poop bags.
I’m grateful I rather get back home to my wife and the gang than stay here alone with Benson.
I’m grateful I watch the movie Bill W. Last night.
I’m grateful for this grateful thread of gratitude.

I’m grateful I know this :point_down: to be true.
I become powerless when the first drink hits my throat. I will do and say things that are full out insane.
It’s all about today.
If I don’t take a drink today then my day is good
It’s a simple formula.


As I sit here waiting for and watching my daughter during her physical therapy, I am so grateful to be sober and present not just in her life but in life again. The last 4 years I completely checked out of life and into the bottle. It does feel good to be present and involved again. I know I forget that at times, but in this moment I am completely aware of how good it can feel.
I am grateful for long sleeve shirts! :cold_face: fall is in the air this morning. It is warming up quickly and I will head home to change to my swim suite and bask in the healing of the big ball of fire in the sky while I can. We have very dark skies 9 months of the year in northwest Montana so I am super grateful for any amount of sunshine I can get.
I’m grateful my husband made me a delicious breakfast this morning. I appreciate his consideration of ingredients for me.
I’m grateful we have a car. 2 would be nice but how fortunate are we that we have 1.
I’m grateful for the bike I have to get me where I need to go when I dont have the car.
I’m grateful for all of you and your shares.


Grateful for the excitement and enthusiasm in which I had when I came on the forum this morning. This is the first morning I read all your gratitude with urgency, really excited to find out what was going on my friends. It’s a nice feeling! And what wonderful posts to read this morning. I too, am feeling elated to be feeling back in my daughters lives. I’m so grateful for this long weekend with both of my daughters, for these wonderful little vampires and the amazing two nights when they’ve really come alive and weve had some great bonding time. Grateful for these moments as they take me even further away from any desire to want to go back to the horrific nightmare of using. Grateful to so clearly see the ebb and flow of my emotions and to be able to be getting an understanding of how when I’m feeling anxious I can almost guarantee this means things are about to get really good, really good and I just need to hang on for a minute and let it happen. My gratitude for the quality of life I’m experiencing is off the charts. In just 5 and a half months my life has gone from a heroin addict literally homeless and back on the street, not seeing her kids and the guilt that kills along with it, stealing everything I need, zero hope, zero joy, legal problems lingering from 5+ years on my shoulders, writing in a journal in the bushes somewhere about how miserable my life is…to today. In a beautiful home where I have my own bed and a room my youngest has helped me bring good energy into, where I have shown compassion and love to a roommate that has just moved in, with a finished garage that I can use for my “weekend bungalow” with my daughters, a homegroup that I love and that makes my week so much fuller, my legal problems already 98% cleared up, working on continued care in an IOP group that I truly appreciate and enjoy with people that I have actually connected with and feel concern for, a fiance that finishes his residential inpatient treatment tomorrow and has a month clean (what???:grin:) and these beautiful little creatures inside that are still sleeping, who still love me despite all the shit we’ve waded through and still want me for a mom. This time with both of them this weekend had been …momentous. It has given me so much hope and and REWARD. I was feeling like maybe too much water had gone under the bridge with my 17 year old, I was mourning the possible loss of my first born and this weekend where she’s been vulnerable around me and had fun with us and opened up a little, maybe a lot in some moments, when they even come to my homegroup with me…I know I don’t deserve this, but I am so grateful that I’ve done something to make them see that I am dead serious about my recovery and I’m so fucking grateful that they can see a difference in my life so as to be willing to tip toe into a relationship with me again…my heart is near to bursting right now. Im grateful it’s going to be SO HARD to take them back to my parents today. Grateful I’ll have my IOP group to cry to immediately after when I do. :purple_heart: Grateful that we already have a plan for a back to school dinner Wednesday night and I only have to be 2 1/2 days away from them.

Grateful to myself for deciding to fight on March 6th. Grateful that I found the strength to say I can and will do this. Grateful that I found the courage to just not pick up those first few weeks out of treatment before the obsession dimmed and my recovery really kicked in. Grateful for my 165 days of transformation. It has been worth it’s weight in gold 100 times over.


Day 18
I’m grateful to be 18 days AF!
I’m grateful to have peace in my life and home.
I’m grateful for my kids and husband
I’m grateful my anxiety has gotten so much better since I chose to quit! It was getting so bad I was nervous to drive. Thankfully it has gotten so much better.
I’m grateful for this calmness I feel.
I’m grateful the depression and lonely days are leaving and I’m starting to feel content with my days.


18 days! Congrats!! :tada::partying_face::tada:


Thanks so much❤️