Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Today I am grateful for:

Waking up 251 days sober
Having patient, love, and tolerance
For this website!!
My children & family
Having a job because I am SOBER :slight_smile:
Helping my fellow addicts/alcoholics


Having a great day today. Day 7(almost)


Good day.

I am grateful that my child can pretty much take care of herself.
I am grateful that my dad brought me some grapes.
I am grateful that my dogs seem to know I am not 100%
I am grateful that I don’t feel like this everyday.



I’m rooting for you! :hugs:



I’m grateful I’ve had 18 consecutive days sober! According to this app, I’ve had over 111 days total over the few months I’ve been here. I’m pretty proud of that. :sunglasses:

I’m grateful I’ve had a very busy day at work today.
I’m grateful I will receive a bonus this month! :moneybag:
I’m grateful I have a carrier for Riley’s vet appointment Sat., but putting it out early was an epic failure, she peed in it. :pensive::smile_cat:

I’m grateful even though I have some bad pain days, I’m powering through and not using vodka to mask them. I would like the pain to ease up though. :pray:

I’m grateful a friend at work switched positions and I will be working with her more, she’s my favorite person to talk to, and the only one that knows I’ve stopped drinking. :star_struck:

I’m grateful I’m almost done with my 2nd diamond painting and I still like doing it. :gem:

I’m grateful for Max with his subtle clues when he wants to go out, usually by panting or fart bombing me. (As he’s doing now) :nauseated_face:

I’m grateful for all of you! Day 1 or 1001, you have something special to share and I’m happy you’re here! :heart: :hugs:


Today I’m grateful for 20 days of being AF!
I’m grateful to actually be experiencing and feeling.
I’m grateful to be back in the gym.
I’m grateful I was able to push through 20 minutes on the stair master.
I’m grateful for freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
I’m grateful everyday is easier than the day before.


Hey sober fam,
Doubling down on gratitude today.

Im greatful i could work through my self doubt and negative thinking today.
Im greatful for my family.
Im greatful my mom invited me in for dinner when i picked up Boscoe.
Im greatful my mom stocked up on my favorite strawberry buble. She loves me. She really loves me.
Im greatful i wasnt offended when my dad wouldnt eat with us because i still have covid. He had it bad and didnt want to risk it.
Im greatful i made a therapy appointment for oct 1st.
Im greatful hubby and i are still going camping this weekend.
Im greatful for my aa zoom meeting tonight.

Never short on blessings, just need to open your eyes and mind to see them all.


Today I am grateful for:

  • TS and all of your support day in and day out! Helping me to see what I unable to see at the moment.
  • Eric @Dazercat for commenting and validating my feelings and always being a support and a friend to me
  • Good food
  • Sticking to my healthy eating for 3 days straight
  • Seeing some physical results from consistent exercise the past 3 weeks
  • The color orange and red
  • My family
  • My sons school and how well they are teaching him
  • My sons homecare at night so I can sleep
  • Nice showers
  • Meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:
  • Fresh bed sheets

I’m grateful for the clouds. Running today just for the sake of running put me in a meditative state where I was very aware and content I guess and the sky just looked so real and I was present.

Very grateful for my wife. She travels with me, supports me, stabilizes me and I keep the idea that I owe her everything close, hopefully I can repay her a 10th of what she’s given to me.


Today I’m grateful I finished all ice cream in the fridge.

I took to heart the advice that, in early recovery, everything that is safe and legal is ok to keep the drinks away. Even ice cream for dinner. (@Matt @Faugxh :blush::heart:)

I’m closing in on 5 months, and the ice cream industry where I live is thriving, even with astronomical prices for crappy ice cream with frozen cristals in it.

I’m grateful I recognize that the amount of sugar I’m consuming on a daily basis absolutely needs to go down. My children think my husband is the culprit, as there is no way their fairly slim mom is responsible for the empty cartons they see in the bin in the morning. I use my husband’s mug to for the ice cream. It’s a great decoy. He has a giggle out of the ruse.

I’m grateful I bought “butter pecan no sugar added” ice cream to try and reduce my sugar consumption. I’m grateful I will let it stay in my freezer for a long time, one scoop missing and the rest remaining untouched for the rest of eternity. It tastes like the first four letters of its flavor name. I’ll keep it as a symbol that my 5-month free pass on “all you can eat ice cream” is expired. Or expires in 2 days :wink:

I’m grateful I’ll start the weekend with a race with my oldest…I’m so grateful I won’t have to worry about being hungover when the alarm clock rings at 4.

I’m grateful to feel healthier again. Present. Clear headed. Strong to deal with the tough things in life. And honest with myself about things that need to change.

Much love to you all :heart:

PS: I’m also grateful I had one of the toughest, most heartbreaking conversations with my husband yesterday. I’m grateful I listen better. And know with a clear head that sometimes there is nothing, absolutely nothing I can do to take the pain from someone I love away. This has been a very tough lesson I learned in the last month.

But I can be there. Listen. Try to understand. Be present when they need to talk. And let them just be for a while, because they are the ones who need to process the pain.

Eric, could you share where this comes from? Always curious about new ways of thinking, ways to change my perspective. Always good to have a big tool box to dig in when things get tricky :blush:


I’ve been listening to The recovery show podcast. Therecoveryshow.com
It’s Al-Anon based. I’ve been getting a lot of great tools from it. I’ve listened to so many episodes I can’t remember which one that was from. If I’m advising or suggesting something to my alcoholic loved one I hear it’s best to:
Get in.
Get out.
Be gone.
Otherwise it’s nagging.
I see ya up there Bootz :joy:
And whatever Bootz says. It was Spenser.


Love it! Will use it this weekend, as a matter of fact :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Thank you!!


Congratulations Anna, that’s wonderful news. It’s not an easy road but it is the road that takes you where you need to be - and you’re already seeing the fruits. Happy for you :innocent:


This morning I’m grateful for the waking up on my 8th day without alcohol and feeling like my body and brain are getting back to their natural states as opposed to being surrounded in a bloated fog. Not sure if that makes any sense, but that’s the best way I can describe it. I am grateful for my aching joints and muscles reminding me that I have worked very hard and stayed active for the last several days, which is helping my body to regulate (want to go to sleep when tired, feel appropriate physical hunger, etc.) On the other hand, I’m also grateful for the book Living Sober serving as a guide reminding me “Easy does it.” It talks about bout how we like to try to do everything that fell behind in active drinking all at once. Yup, nailed it. I’m grateful for the reminder that one day at a time is best.


Good morning :yawning_face:
I am grateful my daughter accompanied me to another meeting last night. It was the 2nd time she has done so. Im grateful that seeds are being planted in her for future use should she need them and also grateful that my 16 year old WANTS to go sit and listen to a bunch of drunks talk about feelings to support her mom. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for my sore body lately. Ive gone from being homebound fearing long term care to being a fully functioning member of society again and some mornings I just can’t believe how my health has returned.
I’m grateful for the 7th step prayer and meditation. I never could meditate well in the past. Seems today I thrive on it. I need that connection with my higher power…I need the quietness and calm in my mind.
I’m grateful for this chance to do it again. I almost lost it all and could have easily taken so much from innocent others. Im truly grateful my eye opener did not physically harm another person and that I have this chance along with my freedom to do differently.
I’m grateful for all of you and your shares. They really touch my heart and uplift me. :hugs:


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for 5th day no binge eating
Grateful for opportunity to study
Grateful for my kids’ easy first day at school
Grateful the rain stopped
Grateful for husband’s easygoingness about dinner
Grateful for cooler weather
Grateful to make a batch of oat pancakes to have yummy breakfast the next few days


Good morning all,
I’m grateful to have slept hard with no dreams( that I can remember). I’m grateful I have a little time to sit in my rocking chair and have coffee with y’all. I’m grateful that I feel I’ve gotten more help around the house from my kids and husband since I asked for it- novel concept huh! I’m grateful for books and podcasts and documentaries. I’m grateful for my family and our home, and that we have what we need.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

I am so very greatful for

This forum and all who contribute.
My sobriety, 4 months free from weed and alcohol.
My family.
My hubby and his sobriety.
Boscoe and his cuddles.
My mom watching Boscoe while we go for a camping trip for my birthday.
A fulfilling, challenging job
A long weekend coming up
Excitement to pick up my 4 month chip tonight at the ladies aa mtg.
Baby steps
Learning patience
Growing spirituality

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Grateful to wake up after a crappy night’s sleep and to a bitchy roommate and know that I’m still going to do what I do, make the choices that keep me clean and sober. Grateful I have the strength to continue on to work today no matter the obstacle, as I see so many around me just choose to not try and stay home for the smallest of reasons. Grateful to know this kind of behavior won’t get me anywhere I’m trying to go.
Grateful for the power I know I have to thrive in the face of any adversity. Grateful at this point that any adversity or struggle will just make me more determined to beat the odds.
Grateful I was able to make it down to dinner with my youngest last night before school starts this morning.
Grateful that I can feel a hell of a learning day coming on today. Grateful for the awesome lessons it is no doubt going to teach me. :purple_heart:


Hi Anna,
I really like your shares. I had to laugh because I had just finished my breakfast that consisted of Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream, right out of the carton. :grin: