Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober and that I want to be.

I am grateful that when I have an argument with my partner (2 days ago :roll_eyes:) it provides an opportunity for me to look within myself and see what it is I need or what I can do to make myself feel better and whole.

I am grateful for the car rides I take with my pup Rubie and how she looks over at me with those big brown eyes from the passenger seat. Melts my heart everytime.

I am grateful for the fresh salmon and salad that I will have for lunch with my seltzer water.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Iā€™m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while doing your will just for today, but omg sometimes Godā€™s will is hard to be grateful for. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings, but omg some days the challenges are real hard to be grateful for. Iā€™m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes but omg sometimes people are hard to be grateful for Lmao. Iā€™m grateful for humor and sarcasm and laughter. Iā€™m grateful when these challenges arise I have places to turn, sometimes itā€™s inward, sometimes itā€™s cookies or ice cream, sometimes itā€™s humor or man yoga, phone calls to support someone else, lots of tools. Iā€™m grateful I slept really good once I actually crawled into bed. Iā€™m grateful that I can go buy a blue tooth speaker cause some songs are meant to be played fucking loud and my current tech isnā€™t cutting it. Iā€™m grateful that online dating really sucks, one of my friends was saying it will help you boost your confidence and yadayda, I call bullshit, I like to think I am decent person in many categories, personality, smarts, looks and I have received literally zero interest talk about ego deflation( suddenly an inner voice creis out but Brian you need to be patient and I cry out go fuck yourself I have been patient for years) Lol Iā€™m grateful I know I can put all these things in Godā€™s hands, refocus on recovery, family, school and work. Iā€™m grateful I get to work this afternoon with my friends at the beach. Iā€™m grateful I discovered the neighbor at my work is in the program so when the guys I work with get glorifying or using to much I can see if heā€™s around. Iā€™m grateful I can just focus on work, most the time, can bee hard though as the sober teammate who tends to do the lionā€™s share of work since my sobriety keeps me more motivated than most active addicts. Iā€™m grateful my problems today are very different than struggling to find housing, food and my ā€œmedicineā€ I am very grateful to have all I need and enough to share with others. Iā€™m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. Iā€™m grateful for all you gratidudes once again and this special home group thank you for helping me more than you know, every day I get something from one of you or more #blessed
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Donā€™t forget to smile and breathe, it feels good and looks great on you. Ya You!!


Yay 80!!! :grin:


Hi Eric :blush: Yes, itā€™s pretty difficult for me. This isnā€™t a new thing, either. When the kids were babies, I left groceries in carts a few times, because I couldnā€™t stay in the store a moment longer. I felt awful about it afterwards. Iā€™ve found that when Iā€™m in a calm state of mind, itā€™s much easier to block out others, focus on my shopping, and pretend itā€™s just me. If I can string together enough of those calm moments, I make it out the door with my groceries. Paid for! :upside_down_face: Iā€™m grateful that happens more often than not. :wink:

Iā€™m sorry youā€™re experiencing this. But I also thank you for understanding. Iā€™m sure it sounds silly to some. I wish you strength and calm. :heart:


Iā€™m grateful for choirs and singing in groupsā€¦ I nearly cried today it was so beautiful in school
Iā€™m grateful for restaurants so I didnā€™t have to cook today
Iā€™m grateful for my childrenā€™s school teachers who have worked so hard for them and wrote them lovely school reports
Iā€™m grateful for my children who have tried hard at school and been polite and caring to their teachers and friends
Iā€™m grateful to this thread for encouraging me to take the time to reflect on what Iā€™m grateful for
Iā€™m grateful for opportunities that have been given to me at work, both in the past and coming up
@ShesGotMoxie Iā€™m grateful for online shopping as I rarely go to the supermarket coz I find it a horrible experience
So many things to be grateful for todayā€¦ itā€™s been an emotional day, but Iā€™ll save some for tomorrow.


Good day

Today I am grateful for new ideas, inspiration and imagination. I was grateful to read that creativity is energetic force from the universe that runs through usā€¦ no wonder it feeds my spirit so richly. I am grateful that I love myself and that I trust myself enough today to let go creatively and allow the universe to guide me.

I am grateful that I am less controlled by fear today. That I try my best to live my life in the high vibration emotions; happiness, joy, gratitude, love. Due to my sensitive nature when I am met with lower vibrations I can easily be brought down, but I go down fighting!!! I am grateful that crawling along the ground is really uncomfortable for me today, I donā€™t want to live there anymore. Putting in extra effort to help those around me do better so they can feel better can be like playing Russian Roulette with an addict. I am grateful I have always been a gambler and enjoyed a challenge. I am grateful that I have a lot of faith in the program of Narcotics Anonymous when it is worked as suggested.

Currently I am working on Step Two of the Inner Bonding steps, it has been so revealing and I am excited for whatā€™s to come. I am grateful for the people who take their time to write books which help people like myself.


Grateful for therapy, meds and taking steps for myself over the last 6 months to start changing my neuropathways and be clear headed.

Grateful for children that love me for simply existing.

Grateful for my husband and his optimistic patience and belief in me.

Grateful for the house my in-laws let us live in with them.

Grateful for here, this place is so good.

Grateful for piano and learning for my own fun sake.

Grateful for my body, for carrying me through so many seasons and journeys graciously.

Grateful for my Medicaid coverage, keeping me in therapy, covering mine and my childrenā€™s needs.

Grateful for my perseverance, growth and wading through the lows and reframing my thoughts in places like this.


Wow! I really just am so grateful and really enjoy reading all of your gratitude. They really touch me. There is so much I want to respond to but my brain just doesnā€™t function the way it used to. So simply thank you to everyone that shares from your heart. I really feel like I get so much insight reading here.

Iā€™m grateful im exhausted. Though I need to rein in my service work, just the feeling of earning my exhaustion is a good feeling.

Iā€™m grateful my daughter is enjoying her 2nd job. Im so proud of her. 16 and working 2 part time jobs. Sheā€™s my joy in this life. I dont know how she turned out so amazing but Iā€™m grateful she did.

Iā€™m really trying to be grateful for phoebe, my husbandā€™s long haired chihuahua. Little hussy bit me again today. Not hard enough to draw blood but dangit, I give her all the special treatment and I cant even kiss my husband :rofl: she weighs all of 8 pounds and is the ruler of this house. Im really trying to be grateful for her but I find im only capable when the husband isnā€™t home and sheā€™s being nice to me. :rofl: does that count :thinking:

Iā€™m grateful for summer. The spring was long and we get so little summer in northwest Montana so im truly grateful for all we get.

Iā€™m grateful for first fruits. My raspberries were late bearing this year due to a long wet spring and today I got to enjoy a few. The next few weeks are gonna be delicious :yum: :grin:

Iā€™m grateful for being able to listen in the meetings today. Soaking up the wisdom from others I can mull over tonight and hopefully apply as possible in my life.

As always, Iā€™m grateful for another day to try and better myself.

Have a wonderful evening friend :hugs:


Iā€™m grateful to God thank you for guiding me through today. Iā€™m grateful I finally got the call from the gastrointestinal Dr. I have been waiting for since November. Iā€™m grateful the appointment is for Friday afternoon. Iā€™m grateful I get a couple days off and can afford to miss work. Iā€™m grateful my parents agreed to take me to the hospital an hour away and I will get to spend some time with them. Iā€™m grateful we got some rain its needed. Iā€™m grateful my friend Bill who I used to live with years ago and lives down the hall is on day 3 sober. Iā€™m grateful my back is only a little sore and not making life unmanagable. Iā€™m grateful today marks 35 months since I had a herniated disc removed from my lower back. Iā€™m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You frickin rock. Ya you!!


Today Iā€™m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to.
Iā€™m grateful for a phone call with my friend yesterday.
She was sharing her problems with me and in the past I would have given her tough love, it didnā€™t work but I hoped it would. Anyway yesterday I found myself being empathetic and listening more. Our conversation went so much better than usual and we both noticed that we got a lot more from it that we normally do. I realised that I have taken in so much of what is shared here and the advice given. I was using it with my friend. And it was working.
Iā€™m grateful I feel different, not just about the phone call but overall. I wonder if this person has been inside me all along. Probably not, I have changed in recent months to be more mindful, looking after myself and being more aware of other peopleā€™s feelings and needs. I know for sure gratitude has helped with this enormously.
It felt good to help instead of being a dick!
Iā€™m grateful for change.

Oh, also Iā€™m grateful to be going to my daughterā€™s graduation in Leeds this morning. Proud mum here :mortar_board:


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful today! Im greatful for:

My sobriety, day 81 free from weed and alcohol
My hubby quit drinking 8 days ago!
Boscoe and his love
This forum and everyones shares
Productive work week
My program of recovery
Looking forward to a ladies aa meeting tonight
Knowing that missing this years family boozy reunion is the right choice for my sobriety
Sleeping thru the night!
Waking up before my alarm
All of you and your growing sobrieties

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Hey @Mindymoo ive been going to in person aa meetings for the past 2 months. Theres something about the ladies only meetings that is special. I tried aa years ago but i wasnt ready. This time around its been an amazing support! I do 3 in person meetings and 3 on line meetings a week.


I missed one day and so far behind here.

I am so grateful:

I got to visit them and they are doing fine. I need to process this a bit. But I am happy I found a good home for them. :heart::sunflower::innocent:


Would you be able to share the info for online ladies only meeting? I still havenā€™t attended any meetings, and in-person meetings are not an option. Would like to give it a go but feel very intimidated by the whole thing.


This beautiful morning of my 126th day clean of opiates and 100% sober I am grateful that I woke up before my alarm and Iā€™m feeling fantastic. My life is so full with work, IOP, my daughters, and enjoying the (albeit few and breif, lol) moments in between. I am in love with my life that is clean of any substance. I am immensely grateful to be living a life of love worth living. Iā€™m grateful to have come out the glorious side of victory over the last few days of struggles at my clean and sober house. I knew it would be beautiful on this side and I was right. Im grateful I found the breathwrk app last night and the immediate difference it makes in my mood and physical feeling.


Grateful for the last day of vacation. The first vacation Iā€™ve ever had with my children when I didnā€™t drink at all. What a blessing it is to have the memory of all these simple, clear, unforgettable moments!

Grateful Iā€™m making progress to change jobs. Very grateful I have the option to move on from a toxic environment, created by a new boss. Trying to let go of the resentment and see it as an opportunity for me to push outside my comfort zone.

Grateful for my husband. Feeling hopeful we will find a solution to an impasse weā€™re going through at the moment. Grateful beyond words for his support of my sobriety.

Grateful for my boys. They will be away at camp for over a month, and I will miss them every minute.

Grateful my oldest is becoming a wonderful teen. Heā€™s so much like me, but so much better than I ever was. Iā€™m ridiculously proud of him.

Grateful for the hugs, pure love and honesty of my youngest. Heā€™s so much like my husband, and I canā€™t help but smile to see the two of them walking hand in hand.

Heart full of gratitude.

Sending love to you all today :heart:


Waking up before the alarm is the best gift and the best way to start your day! It happened to me this morning and Iā€™m so grateful and joyous about it! Little things can be so huge!


Goooooood Mythical Morning lovely people!
Today I am grateful for the opportunity to have known my fur babies Windy and Bonita. They are no longer with us, they both passed on sadly. I am grateful for this forum and my sobriety and cleanness. I am grateful for DBT and my support team.

Have an awesome day everyone! ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„


@Cjp and @Dakotahjae - yes! :heart:


Iā€™m grateful to be tagged when someone replies to the first post on this thread.
Iā€™m grateful I said that yesterday or the day before but Iā€™m grateful it really warms my soul. Iā€™m grateful gratitude works for me and I know it works for others. And Iā€™m grateful to see it working and be validated.

Iā€™m grateful the OP is not my words. I stole them. Just like most of my other quotes and slogans. Except one.

Iā€™m grateful I too got up before my alarm because I forgot to set it last night :rofl:

Iā€™m grateful for my 5 day break.

Iā€™m grateful itā€™s finally SHOW TIME!!!
Iā€™m grateful we will be all done with self imposed quarantine. I pray God we did not get COVID. Iā€™m grateful I get to take action for my trip now. The waiting has been killing me. Iā€™m grateful the long 3 year COVID canceled dreaded trip is finally, God Willing, happening. Iā€™m grateful I had it planned all so well back in 2019 with family and God just laughed again at my perfect plan and decided I needed to wait and get 2 and a half years sobriety under my belt before my first trans Atlantic flight and all inclusive Holiday. And give me my first granddaughter instead of having my son and DIL on this trip.

Iā€™m grateful I feel very strong in my sobriety and thereā€™s no way Iā€™m drinking on this trip. And Iā€™m probably not drinking on the next trip either :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Iā€™m grateful I have absolutely no control over anyone elseā€™s drinking on this trip. No I donā€™t!
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be the only one at the champagne reception not drinking champagne. Iā€™m grateful I know what happens if I have one glass of endless Champagne. And Iā€™m not talking those little bottles M. :scream:. Iā€™m grateful I wonā€™t have a crushing headache from all the bubbles and be trying to fix it with Bloody Maryā€™s. Like that ever actually worked anyway.

Iā€™m grateful my friends on the boat donā€™t drink too much. Iā€™m grateful the husband just kind of stopped drinking basically. Iā€™m grateful he didnā€™t have a problem with alcohol he just doesnā€™t want to drink anymore. Go figure.

Iā€™m grateful we will do Alice fluids today so vet vet wonā€™t have to do it tomorrow.

Iā€™m grateful to get this trip over with. Iā€™m sorry if I sound ungrateful about it but Iā€™m honestly pretty stressed about it all. Iā€™m grateful the stress isnā€™t making me think a drink will help. Iā€™m grateful I have tools to deal with the stress. Iā€™m grateful I know once Iā€™m at the airport tomorrow and pets are safe at vet God Willing, Iā€™ll be good.
Iā€™m grateful to share here with the Home G-Dudes. Iā€™m grateful it helps release some of the stress so I can continue my day.

We can only be said to be
in those moments when our hearts
are conscious of our treasures.

Local Adventurer.