Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful when the universe speaks to me.


Hi everyone :revolving_hearts::tulip:

I’m grateful @Cjp’s husband is 8 days sober. That’s fantastic, and I’m so happy for y’all. :blush:

I’m grateful my husband never had a problem with alcohol. I’m grateful he stopped drinking when I did. That has been a blessing for me.

I’m grateful for wild sunflowers. It’s like traveling down a magical, flower-lined path just going into town. I love wildflower season.

I’m grateful @Dazercat’s trip is finally about to happen. I know you just want it over with at this point, but I hope you savor every moment of freedom your sobriety gives. I’m excited to see pictures! :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep, for an inspiring and heart touching meditation this morning, and for the chilled honey crisp apple I’m about to enjoy.

I wish you all a beautiful day. I’m grateful for y’all. :white_heart:


I’m grateful to see Paula and Dora.
I finally know which on is which :crying_cat_face:
Paula is the black one. Right? :grimacing:
I’ll miss you ladies. Enjoy your new home. Looks like you already are. :heart_eyes_cat::kissing_cat:


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while following your guidance, just for today. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for doctors and dentists, even though I avoided them over half my life so far :grimacing: I’m grateful to have my smile back and when I make others smile, it warms my heart and soul. I’m grateful for daily readings too @Its_me_Stella and the program of NA . I’m grateful for my new bluetooth speaker and hat , music sounds better and new crisp hats look saweet. I’m grateful for humor and laughter.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are absolutely amazing. Ya you!!


At this moment, in my warped alcoholic mind, I am grateful for page 417 in the big book of alcoholics anonymous.
Acceptance was the answer, acceptance IS my answer.
Im grateful I know what pages to turn to when my head is messing with me.


I am grateful for my local cricket club for taking my rounders team on.
I’m grateful for my team mates
I’m grateful for no pressure from them to drink
I’m grateful for my family for coming to watch me play.
I’m grateful for my daughter looking after her daddy who doesn’t feel very well.
I’m grateful for my husband for going to work even though he doesn’t feel very well (he works alone so can’t make anyone else ill)
I’m grateful for summer holidays


I am grateful to be sober and I am looking forward to my anxiety lessening hopefully soon. I have a ton on my mind lately and it is taking a toll on me.

I am grateful for a/c because it is waaaay too hot here in Massachusetts. :fire:

I am grateful for my fur babies Will, Frank, and Rubie. :cat::cat::dog:

I am grateful for books and the distraction/break from worrying that they provide.

I am grateful to be here posting with everyone again and not just lurking. :eyes: :two_hearts:


Honestly right now I’m just grateful I found this forum. And of course for my two beautiful healthy children.


We’re glad you’re here.


Yeah, Paula is the black one. I am happy they kept their names. I think I found a good new home for them. He wondered if he was having cats with him when he went to the vet as they were so nice. :see_no_evil::upside_down_face:

Early gratitude: I am grateful to be sober. I am grateful that autocorrect is suggesting me this sentence first. There seems to be a pattern.
I am grateful that my apartment cooled down after the humidity and heat of the last days.
I am grateful I have work. I am grateful I can do much more than I used to think I could. Living without alcohol is still one of the most amazing things.


I’m grateful this doozy of a week is done.

I’m grateful that - though the messy work situation will linger for some time - I feel better. Even today there was still some super yuck. In the before time? I’d have planned, by mid-afternoon, to justifiably feed my rage with wine all night. But this is now, and I’m grateful I have new tools to use - at work and after work too. I’m grateful for the long chat I had with a dear pal after that bad day, for the talk with a trusted colleague yesterday, for my boss being reasonable and objective and supportive.

I’m grateful for the rain tonight. I’m grateful how some music calms me. For the smell of the dog girl when I bury my face in her neck. For tea, but mostly for coffee. For candles that smell fantastic.

I’m grateful I have an extended long weekend - 4 days off! - to tend to some things at home. To play! For some much needed self care. For a chance to exhale.

I’m grateful that I had a dharma mtg tonight. I’m grateful that I looked forward to it instead of wine (or those damn little bottles of bubbly.) I’m grateful I have therapy tomorrow, and that I’m looking forward to it too. Who even am I now? :joy:
I sure like hanging out with sober M more than rage-drunk M. Methinks the snoring dog girl likes sober M more too…

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to see @Peace! Hi Jen! And hi to Will and Frank and Rubie!

I’m gonna give a shout out of gratitude to all the gratipets! Grateful for Boscoe and Maxwell and Scruggs and Windy and Bonita and agressive chihuahuas too! Rocky counts as a gratipet for sure. And of course Dazercat’s clan.

I’m grateful to see pics of Dora and Paula, and to know that their person Franzi @anon74766472 is adapting well to the changes because they are too. :relieved:

I’m sure I’m missing a bunch of 'em. Sorry fellas! Good thing the Gratitude Lounge is pet friendly. :pray: :orange_heart:


Today I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to.
I’m grateful for a lovely day at my daughter’s graduation.
I’m grateful I wasn’t over the limit on the drive there.
I’m grateful I wasn’t desperate for the day to be over so I could get home and start drinking.
I’m grateful to spend the day with my 2 daughters and enjoy a nice lunch.
I’m grateful that drinking isn’t a part of my life and doesn’t take over my thoughts.
Have a great day :sparkling_heart:


Just did any amazing gratitude meditation, if we’re not use to doing this I find doing it with a app or headphones over the course bof a few week really gets you in the correct phyce. My gratitude today is being right where I’m meant to be and if I can help or be helped I’m open to receive :pray:


I’m grateful to see you post Emma :hugs:
Welcome back. Stick around if your willing.
We’ve missed you :pray:t2::heart:


I’d like that info too, please.


I’m greatful to read all of your posts. I don’t always get to respond, but I appreciate everyone’s story and how their handling there shit!


I’m grateful for the beautiful sunrise I get to watch as I write this from the comfort of my air conditioned living room.
I’m grateful it seems really special this morning.

I’m grateful for the 5 day break I had. :cry:
I’m grateful I know a shit load about addicts.
I’m grateful I didn’t get my hopes up with any expectations.
I’m grateful I enjoyed and saw what life could be like those 5 days. I’m grateful I got my Al-Anon and addiction tools and there’s no fucking way I’m going to drink about it. I’m grateful I’m not a heartless motherfucker. Because that is was I’d have to be to not feel sad, frightened, bordering depressed. I’m grateful I can’t just pretend everything is ok.
I’m grateful I’m human. I’m fucking sad. It hurts.
I’m grateful I’m not surprised or upset with her personally. But it’s hard for me not to show that.

I’m grateful I say Luther’s prayer every morning and when I got to the part ……… For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me,……. I felt God wrap His eagle like wings gently around me. And I felt Him here with me. And had a good cry.

I’m grateful I got to see so much of the sunrise this morning from barely light out to very light out as I’ve written this.

I’m grateful the pets are safe at the vet and I can begin my long awaited adventure. Sober as fuck.
I’m grateful for y’all and my home group.
I’m grateful I know I’ll be ok. I’m grateful I got God on my side. So who can be against me?
:pray:t2: :motor_boat::fr::baguette_bread:

today, I know my life is my responsibility and I have to work on it every day
Todays Hope.
BTW. I this this fucking sucks too :point_up: Maybe I can take a week off. Soberly that is.


Grateful for your post :heart:

Your gratitude list resonates with me so much! Also having a very crappy situation at work, that would have set me off into a drinking binge before.

I’m so grateful this has not been the case for 110 days. Your post makes me feel less alone in this struggle. I’m happy you’re well and handling the situation in the best possible way. You inspire me.

Wishing you - us, actually - the best possible outcome out of this work situation!


I am grateful today for my recovery and my partner’s recovery. It allows me to face hard things with a calmer head and less self-endagering involvement. my good friend is in a toxic relationship and I am grateful I am somehow (as of yet) finding the right words to act and speak that support her but also convey my opinion. I am grateful I am not losing myself in this battle. I am grateful I can be a friend I would like to have, myself.
I am grateful for my partner’s recovery who’s coming up on a year in a few weeks. I am grateful I can look forward to giving him his gift which is a wee brass ring with a special stone. grateful for our growing closeness and intimacy in words, touch, honesty, taking time with and from each other. I am grateful I am feeling things, trusting things, calm things, that I never knew really existed and could be part of love. that’s great.
I am grateful for this place and for my trying to let myself be seen more. interact more. I am thinking of making a thread for myself. I don’t know yet if I will do it. but the thought alone makes me kinda happy and I am grateful for that.
sent before it was ready, I am grateful I am technologically challenged lol.
on we go I am grateful for my MIL who supports me with kind messages when I reach out to her.
I am grateful I am now so far along in my recovery that tools like HALT actually have a chance of working with me. I never had low enough anxiety and high enough emotional stability to benefit from these solid tools. and guess what, now I fucking do. I can take my own advice sometimes, I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for all the ppl of TS who are working for their own happiness and health. it NEVER ceases to lift me up and inspire me. a couple ppl on here I often think of in my regular life with much fondness.
I am grateful for my houseplants which are thriving. I am grateful for the love of my beautiful Queens. I am grateful I carried Pompeija home today the last leg of our walk and she smooshed her head against my shoulder in thanks. she was also grateful.
I am grateful for relative sanity and the absence of total dread in my life. very grateful indeed.

@Dazercat you liked before the edited part was done which actually you’re co-meant by, so.