Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful I’m sober.
First wine tasting. Still AF :white_check_mark:
I’m grateful I’m up early before everyone. And grateful I don’t have a hangover.

I’m grateful this trip was bought and paid for back in summer 2019 when I was drinking and COVID kept rescheduling our plans. And as extravagant as this trip seems. And I’m grateful and blessed it is. It kinda seems like a free trip. All that money has been long gone for almost 3 years now. So that’s pretty cool.

I’m grateful my wife made it to bed last night. I’m grateful I got Al-Anon meetings I can go to when I get home. Last night I realized just how traumatized I have been about her drinking. She didn’t do anything wrong last night. Neither did I. I just couldn’t sleep until she was safely in our room 2 hours after I left her. I’m grateful I tried everything, hot shower, 2 long guided meditations, deep breathing. But I could not stop worrying about her. So I’m grateful I really realize how traumatized I am about those last 2 restaurant scenes back home this summer. And I’m grateful if there was ever any doubt in my mind about going to Al-Anon when I get home. There isn’t any doubt I need Al-Anon 12 step meeting asap. I’m grateful I’m good. I’m real good. I’m grateful I got my homies to dump this on so I can get it off my chest and have a nice day :blush: For the most part everything has been good on the trip in my codependency issues. It’s been great!

I’m grateful I got no problem leaving the gang while they’re drinking at night and going to bed earlier.

I’m grateful after this G-List I’m going to have an early morning walk about in Saverne. My last one :cry:

I’m grateful the vet sent pics of my babies.

I’m grateful to get almost caught up on here. Happy birthday M. Nice to see a Chicklet. Especially grateful to remember CJs hubby’s sobriety. That’s a beautiful thing :hugs: nice to see you again Becker. I’m grateful people like following me on my trip. I’m glad you’re enjoying it remotely too Jason. Your presence is huge for me on this boat. I hope that anxiety can fuck right off. I guess after last night, for me anyway, I just had to power through it sometimes. Using my tools. Let it happen until it goes away. It’s certainly not worth giving in to.
I’m grateful for strong sobriety.
And, it’s an oldy one but a goody.
Its easier for me to stay sober than start over.


I’m grateful to see you back and you make a wonderful addition to our home thread.
One Stinkin Grateful Day At A Time :blush:
The light is definitely always on.

Little extra gratitude here.
I’m grateful everyone else stayed up late drinking. I’ve had the boat to myself for 3 hours this morning and the most lovely walk around Saverne watching all the bakers open up shop.


:100: I started my sobriety day midnight the day after drinking. I feel I’ve taken it more serious that way, as I waited a full 24hrs after drinking and then waited until midnight that night. Previously I had started from the last drink I had and somehow always relapsed.

Well done on your journey to sobriety so far! :star2:


I’m grateful to read the gratitudes, there are some great ones this morning, makes me think about things I’ve not thought of.
I’m grateful for the realisation many months ago that it was time to change, change my outlook, my lifestyle, my health and my habits.
I’m grateful I stuck at it. I can’t imagine doing now what I used to do most nights.
I’m grateful there is so much support around if you want it. Books, podcasts, meetings, forums, friends, family, journals, websites…
I’m grateful I found all of these :sparkling_heart:


Oh fantastic!! Congratulations @Twizzlers !!! 300 days is epic!!! I know how hard you have worked on your journey and I am so proud of you. :hugs::pray:t2::two_hearts: sorry I’m a little late to the party, got loads of stressful stuff on at the moment and I’m just trying to keep putting one foot in front of the other a step at a time. One things for sure, drinking would not make all of the things we’re dealing with any easier. I’m so glad I stopped when I did, I bet you are too? Great work my sober friend! Let’s keep on going together :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Happy to see you back here :heart:


I am grateful for meditation. It’s really incredible how far I have come with meditation in such a short time. I am no master by any means but I am a far cry away from the woman who threw logs around the back 40 as meditation in the begining of my recovery. I am grateful that I never gave up and that I learned the principles of humility, compassion and patience. It’s not a competition, it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s and it will never be “perfect”. I am grateful for my journey inward through therapy, stepwork, yoga, meditation, shadow work, and writing. Every little thing I do allows myself to feel safer, get more curious and shine brighter.
I am grateful to have read about spiritual materialism and how fine the line can be between self responsibility and narcissism. I have to say… one would probably want to file me under spiritual materialist after they saw the plethora of books I have read, am reading and plan to read on spirituality, different religions, scientific theories etc. I have an unquenchable thirst… its happened to me before. :wink: This morning I woke up at 4 and started to get caught up in thoughts. Fortunately I have some wisdom in me and she led me towards a meditation. I am grateful for that meditation; I cried, no I more than cried I sobbed. I shared at my homegroup last night how I have been finding myself in silent tears as memories come into my mind. I am not sad, it’s hard to explain. The only way I can describe it is that I finally feel safe enough to cry, it’s not from pain though, maybe it’s from relief. Relief that I know I am slowly letting go. I am grateful that I feel lighter today and that I was able to catch the first sunrise in a couple of months. Unfortunately there are a lot of :fire: and it’s pretty smoky. I am grateful I don’t live on the mainland anymore and I pray for everyone’s safety.


I can really relate to this, I have shared before that I notice a running dialouge of gratitude going on in the background of my mind. What a difference gratitude has made in my life. Thanks for your share.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 89 days free from weed and alcohol
My job, fulfilling and gives me purpose
My hubby
Boscoe cuddles
Personal growth and exploration
Everyone here sharing their sobriety journey.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Good morning :yawning_face:

I’m grateful for quiet mornings for my studies, readings and meditation
I’m grateful for a great first day at work yesterday.
I’m grateful that even though they scheduled me for this weekend I can realize it was a mistake since I already told them I was unavailable due to a class. A simple reminder is all that is needed, not an over reactive response.
I’m grateful that I dont have to be an emotionally charged over reactive person all the time any more. That I can be a rational person like a normie.
I’m grateful to be back in society and being a contributing member of my family. Ive never in my adult life gone this long without working. It really messed with me.
I’m grateful that I can pause, breath and ask for my higher powers guidance in stressful situations.
I’m grateful I dont have to walk through this day full of self pity and selfish motives.
I’m grateful for all of you :hugs:


I am grateful to wake up without having to think about getting well.
Im grateful that although my heart hurts, my mind is not thinking about which substance will numb it.
I’m grateful to have the ability to sit and think about the part I have played in a somewhat dysfunctional relationship and what I can possibly do to make it better. I’m grateful for yet another learning day on the horizon where I can stop and consciously pass it over to God, becauss I can not fix this, can not do it with my “knowledge”.
Most grateful for the moment of clarity it brings me to pause and write this out.
Here’s to day 134. Woke up clean and sober and sure as shit plan to go to bed tonight clean and sober.


I am grateful for senior citizens. They make the world so interesting with their stories and wisdom and knowledge.

I am grateful that I’ll be 20 on the 15th of August. I have made it this far in life and i can keep going. I know i can.

I am grateful for creative expression! Without it this world would be boring, i think so anyways. Everyones art is so beautiful and unique and i love it.


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while following your will, just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery full of challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. I’m grateful I don’t have to get any of this right so fuck off self judgemnet, pity and perfectionism, I am trying to live on lifes terms and it isn’t always easy but its better than waking up not knowing where I am or where my next meal is coming from. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful I am in pain, physical and emotional, it gives me something to focus and work on and through, knowing I have got through this and worse before and after that’s where the healing, growth and good days have followed.,. Praying they will again. I am grateful to God please give me strength, remove these defects, help me find peace, Amen.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You rock. Ya you!!


Good Morning TS Family: :sunglasses:

I’m grateful I’m on Day 2. I’m grateful when I woke up sore, I know it had nothing to do with not drinking. I’m grateful it’s Friday. I’m grateful I’ve picked up my weekly groceries this morning. I have a local store that has drive up and go, so I get all the sale prices, same as shopping myself, but they shop for me. I’m grateful for my ankle brace this morning.

I’m grateful for my home and it’s mine. I do live alone, but unlike @Fury I’ve never thought of taking a dump on my coffee table :rofl: (it’s funny because a lot of people won’t know what thread that was from). And I’m grateful to Chris for watching Stranger Things, I’m on season 4. :hugs:

I’m grateful I’m back and will not beat myself up if I fall behind on reading posts. I’m grateful to Max and Riley always being under my feet. :dog::cat: I’m grateful for my friends here and the support they give me each and every day. Have an awesome AF day! :star_struck:


Good to see you here, Jen @Runningfree :slightly_smiling_face:

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I feel accomplished today. Tired and good. I am grateful for the rain outside. It’s calming.
I am grateful it’s the weekend.
I am grateful I continued with my teacher training today. It’s a lot of long practices. I will do it one after the other.

I am grateful I laughed out loud during my workout today. :see_no_evil:

I am grateful I’ll have enough time to do my move in 5 weeks. I don’t like moving but waiting for the last minute to organise everything is far more stressful.

I am grateful I called the addition counselor in our company today. Just to get the situation with the colleague off my head. I found out his last name today. I won’t do anything though. He is not willing to accept help. I am grateful to acknowledge that my own recovery is my number one priority.

In German AA says: we are there to share EKH. Erfahrungen, experiences - Kraft, energy - Hoffnung, hope.

I am grateful I have enough.

Edit to what I listened to as the opening words for yoga today concerning the element air: freedom, being open. Choosing freedom. And in contrast to the fuck it mentally of freedom as I do it because I can, freedom is also to say yes to what is. Like Byron Kathie would say: loving what is. My yes to choosing sobriety for today. No regrets.


Today I am grateful for:
• My eyesight - Being able to see beautiful colors, the birds ans squirrels. And lfoe all around me
• A positive mindset
• Exercise and the courage to challenge myself in certain exercises
• Honestly… im grateful today that my life isn’t a waste anymore. I’m not sure why it took me so long to have quality recovery (where I’m not constantly relapsing ior “white knuckling” it). But it took as long as it took I guess to learn what I needed to learn
• Wind chimes - my mom sent me a video with wind chimes showing the backyard that I grew up in. That really meant alot. Reminds me of innocence and my inner child


Please tell me you guys know that was a joke right??


YES!! Of Course! :rofl: Sorry, I remember funny things, and I’m easily amused.

TS Friends- it was a joke about living alone, I couldn’t resist. Sorry Chris. Have you blocked me yet? :joy:


Friendly suggestion. Chose one or two threads that have less posts. You don’t have to like and read everything. I have done the same at times as have many on here. It’s ok to fall behind you are where you need to be. Grateful for sunshine and wind


Hi Miranda, I also felt exactly the same, I couldn’t keep up and it was part of the reason I stepped back and slipped up. Please dont feel that way, seems we’re not alone. I want you here, and as I know now, I won’t be able to reply to everyone, and it’s okay. :purple_heart:

The quote below is from @Miranda, when I posted I was overwhelmed trying to keep up. Not sure how I screwed up trying to copy a quote, but to do it was stressful in its self :grimacing: