Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful I didn’t drink yesterday or want to.
I’m grateful my partner is still on his own sober journey, it’s so great to see and he talks about how much money he’s saving and how he feels better without the hangovers.
I’m grateful for a morning off today. I’m going to clean the house and get my things ready for my walk tomorrow. I’m grateful I won’t be doing it under a fog.
I’m grateful to be here with you :sparkling_heart:


In my experience, treating diabetics, and people with other diagnoses, such as seizures or heart problems, rely with experience of your own symptoms

I can tell if I’m gonna have a seizure long before my brain registers anything on an EEG, I can feel it, most diabetics can tell their sugar is low even tho the best monitors say otherwise


Yeah, but you can loose the sense for hypo or hyper as well. That’s why my doc always asks me if I still feel it. What is also ‘cool’ is that I can tell you the direction of going down. It’s not a nice feeling. I think I became more aware of it during my sobriety. It’s all related, isn’t it.


I’m grateful we got up way too fucking early to make sure we made it to the airport with plenty of time to spare.
I’m grateful I’m on a plane going to San Francisco. :scream: I don’t want to go to San Francisco. No body told me I’m going to San Francisco. But that’s ok. I’m grateful when our flight got canceled they just rebooked us the best they got without telling us anything about it. I’m grateful my wife is with me.

I’m grateful I have Al-Anon meetings to look forward to when I get home.
I’m grateful we had a wonderful trip.
I’m grateful we really spoiled the shit out of ourselves.
I’m grateful for all the English speaking German and French tour guides and their accents. And they were all so nice.
I’m grateful to get home to get my pets sometime. I have no idea what time it is anywhere right now.
I’m grateful I can get online while on the plane.
I’m grateful there’s movies and lunch and I still have my book.
I’m grateful for all the storks I saw.
I’m grateful I got to cruise on a canal in Alsace Lorraine. I’m grateful we got the best of both worlds with the French and Germans. I’m grateful for the bit of history I learned in this area.
I’m grateful for the funky street artist is Strasbourg.
I’m grateful I saw a guy painting with his strange looking marionette. And that marionette could paint.
I’m grateful I enjoy the sweet sound of German and French even though I have no idea what they’re saying.
I’m grateful for chef Louie.
I’m grateful for the 2 ladies that took care of our every day needs.
I’m grateful for the fresh chopped fruit i had in the morning.
I’m grateful I’m getting tired already.
I’m grateful for y’all and sharing my trip with you.
I’m grateful for the Sunflower fields. Saw more on the way to the airport.


Reminds me of Place Kleber in Strasbourg


I’m grateful for this beautiful day of solitude ahead of me, especio with my clear mind and healthy body.

I’m grateful for the beautiful weather in this part of the world today.

I’m grateful to live in a safe and loving home.

I’m grateful to know what makes me happy and to do those things that bring me joy instead of chasing.

I’m grateful to have learned how to be sober and to keep learning more about it every day.

I wish you all peace.


Good morning everyone!

I’m grateful that after 56 days on this app I finally figured out how to go to first unread post instead of scrolling and guessing :joy:. Proof you can teach an old dog new tricks lolol.

I’m grateful it’s Saturday and I have no plans so I can nap today after a rough night’s sleep. I’m grateful for my oldest grandson who watches over me at night although I hate disrupting his sleep. I woke up at 4am with a coughing fit and he was there instantly. He was special Ed all through school and basically unemployable so I worry constantly what will happen to him when I pass. We adore each other.

I’m grateful for the sunshine peeking through the branches of the tree I’m sitting under and for the gentle breeze keeping me cool.

I’m grateful that my serenity has stayed with me these last few days. I’m still feeling so much peace in my soul.

I’m grateful to have gotten to know all of you. You are a blessing in my life.

I’m grateful to be clean and sober today.

Be blessed. :heart:


Good morning all,
I’m grateful to be sipping coffee on my porch swing listening to the birds and the crickets. I’m grateful I don’t have to work today and can spend time with my daughter having a “girls day.” Im grateful we got some rain and the desert looks green now. I’m grateful for our home, and my family.

Travel safe @Dazercat


I’m really trying hard to focus on gratitude and remember that my fellow brothers and sisters in this world are sick just the same as I am. I am to treat them with love and the same kindness, tolerance and love I would a sick friend or I would want to be treated with.
Edited to add that I fail at this often but I’m working on it.

I’m grateful that I can now acknowledge when my head is messing with me. Im not well just because I stopped drinking. That was just a dulling agent for the real problem. ME!

I’m grateful I have and am willing to use the tools available to me to work through those problems.

I’m grateful that while I wish it would magically work and I would have serenity now ( screamed in the voice of George kastanza father) I know it takes time. All I can do is the footwork and do whats in front of me to do this day.

I’m grateful for my higher power, I wonder if its already tired of me saying it’s name and saying You got this right? Cuz we both know I dont. Lol

I’m grateful for the sounds of all the birds this morning. It feels like they are cheering me on.

Im grateful for the class im attending this weekend on my own free will. I dont do well when authorities make me go, so I’m going before im court ordered to get the most out of it. Im grateful that I know myself well enough to know this about me so I will engage instead of be closed off.

I’m grateful for prayer and the silence of meditation.

I’m especially grateful for coffee this morning :yawning_face:

Have a wonderful day friends :hugs:


I’m grateful to God please help be my best clean and sober self while doing your will just for today. I 'm grateful for my recovery and it’s blessings and challenges. I’m grateful for All my family and friends and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for the puppy breath that woke me this a.m. and that we had a nice night getting to know eachother. I’m grateful I have this time to watch my friends house and dog that I hadn’t met and knew I could trust him and vice versa when he said the dogs a big baby.

I’m grateful it will be busy at work today. I’m grateful for this coffee since Blackie kept waking me up last night Lol think he misses the three kids and parents that usually keep his home busy. I’m grateful for music and exercise. I’m grateful a handful of my friends and I have a routine of messaging every morning and that my new sponsee has joined in. I’m grateful Devon my sponsee, daughter turns one today and he is also attending a wedding and wanted to make sure he could reach me if needed, good for him. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya You!!


I’m grateful I’m on Day 3 (it’s okay that I’ve had more than one day 3).
I’m grateful for Max :dog: being so patient in the morning and always waits for me to go out.
I’m grateful for Riley :smiley_cat: who wakes me up, I’m assuming Max is bribing her with treats to do it.
I’m grateful I have more than enough food to eat in my fridge.
I’m grateful I have the day off today, I would like to get some things done, but I won’t beat myself up if I don’t.
I’m grateful for humor and laughter which I believe we all need more of.
I’m grateful for Eric having a wonderful trip and sharing it with all of us in pictures.
I’m grateful for everyone here on this ride together called Sobriety :ferris_wheel:. Hugs. :hugs:


Today I am feeling grateful for:

  • My job and being able to bring in the $ that I do
  • The cooler weather
  • TS bcuz honestly I think I’d feel pretty alone in my recovery without you all
  • Being in Calgary and away from Winnipeg where violence and triggers and drugs are super rampant there
  • Our fish and eel and frogs that I love to watch
  • My story bcuz I am realizing how powerful it is in helping others

This late :sunrise: morning ofy 134th day I. Am. Grateful.
GRATEFUL that I got to pick up my daughter last night for the 2nd weekend in a row, grateful I got to wake up to her sweet face.
GRATEFUL that our AC is still working (we thought it blew a couple days ago) during this severe heat warning we have going on us Seattle.
GRATEFUL that my mind is open to possibilities and new adventures and I’m applying at a new job. But also grateful for the job that I do have and that I got my foot in the door of the working world after a long hiatus of addiction.
Epically grateful that I am taking my fiance into detox and his bed date for inpatient is immediately following detox. Grateful for a chance to watch him bloom and succeed at life. Grateful that I’m finally understanding that this is his journey, NOT MINE. I can only loan him map, that’s about it. Lol. Not an easy one for me to learn.
Grateful to wake up clean, grateful I know that if I keep doing what I’m doing I’ll go to be clean and sober too.


Hey sober fam!

So vsry greatful for…

My sobriety, 90 days free from weed and alcohol!!!
A morning AA meeting about The Promises
Celebrating my 90 days with like minded but very different ladies
Saying yes to lunch with a fellow addict after the meeting
Being of service
Growing spiritually, i feel like im blossoming and loving it
Being patient with figuring out who sober me is
My hubby and his two weeks free from alcohol and one month free from weed, so excited to fight these addictions together
Finding an artist to draw my tattoo idea!
Cleaning, it feels good although ive been procrastinating
Hope, joy, and patience growing with each day
All of you, sharing your sober journies too, i put in alot of reading time around these threads

Still time to seize the day soberly!!


I’m grateful for a Saturday. Lotsa overwhelm and little time this week, but nothing a long weekend can’t take the sting out of. Oh, and this thread! I’m so grateful for it, that I could pop on during the craziness when I needed to drink from the cup of Gratitude and my own cup needed replenishing. I’m grateful I could never catch up on this thread because the posts were so abundant! (But yes, would be too much for me to take on the Checking In Daily thread, at least these days.) I’m grateful for a quiet morning at home and time to catch up on my home thread now. :wink:

I’m grateful to be committed to my recovery, that I can rely on my tools in difficult circumstances. I left work at lunch one day to get some space from the toxic situation and for some perspective. (I often come home at lunch to “pee the dog”, so this didn’t appear unusual.) While walking along our trails, the dog girl’s and mine, while acknowledging my thoughts and feelings, and pondering how to respond and not react, while simply trying to take deep breaths, it dawned on me I had not planned to submerge the situation in a bottomless glass of wine after work. It actually made me laugh out loud on the trail! This ain’t no job for wine… these hooks could hook a humpback whale! I’m grateful for this moment.

Lots to do this weekend, but lots of rest to catch up on too. I’m grateful for plans to tackle some things at my desk and also take some good breaks too. (No longer is a drink a break - phew). Off to the farmers market now. My fave yin yoga class later. Reading with dog girl hanging out beside me. Grateful to enjoy all of these the only way they can be enjoyed - sober.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

@maxwell no matter what day it is, me and my avatar will always be grateful to greet you and yours! :relieved: :pray:

@I.cant.We.can yes to self judgment, pity, and perfectionism fucking right off! You rock too. Ya you.


I’m grateful we were fully staffed today and the day went smooth and I wasn’t stressing.
I’m grateful that I’m having some alone time.
I’m grateful for y’all :heart:
I’m grateful for the small break in the heat.


Congratulations on 90 days!! That’s awesome :confetti_ball::tada: you are doing great!


First off wow I’m so grateful to be part of this online community I’ve never been big on this stuff but it’s awesome to see like minded people really encourage this new way of life so many never thought was possible. I’m so grateful for those that comeback after a relapse. I’m so grateful to be alive today (I’m tearing up goddamnit lol). I’m so grateful today that I have a higher power I can lean on and believe is always available to me. I’m so grateful I have the ability to not just pray for guidance in my recovery but more importantly to ask for blessings towards alcoholics, adicts, normies that I know need some of the serenity I feel today. I’m grateful to know that when I feel amazing I’m aware that (THIS TOO SHALL PASS) & remind myself as long as I practice the principles of recovery in all of my affairs I have nothing to fear. I’m blessed :blue_heart: :pray:


90 days is out.stand.ing!!! Many things to be grateful for!


Small one but fills my heart,

Im greatful to watch Boscoe enjoy car rides with his face in the wind. Looks like he’s smiling. Makes me smile, wish i could capture a candid photo.