Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Whoop whoop!!! 90 days! Thats awesome!!! :partying_face: congratulations!!!


Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober.
Still trying to get home. :grimacing:
Looks like another 30 hour day.
Iā€™m grateful I got a 2 hour nap in.
Iā€™m grateful travel fuck days are much easier to navigate sober. Frankly donā€™t know how I did it all those years. Iā€™m grateful I will not wake up with a hangover. If I ever get to bed :grimacing::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::hugs:


Iā€™m grateful that my first ever drinking dream was just that, a dream. It took me a few moments to realise it wasnā€™t real and I hadnā€™t been drinking, the relief was unreal.
Iā€™m grateful that we were able to go to the cinema yesterday, Top Gun, so good!! Iā€™m grateful for spending the time together, it was nice.
On the way home we nipped to do a litte shoppette. Later on in the evening my partner told me how heā€™d had a fleeting thought as he got near the alcohol. I asked him what he did, he said he just turned left and kept walking and that it was just a quick passing thought. Iā€™m grateful I knew exactly what he meant.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m waking up without feeling rough, without shame and without disappointment.
Thanks everyone :sparkling_heart:


I am grateful that finally I listened to my body and mind. The discussion is not over. To the contrary it only started but I will take it. I know these inner voices. We know them :crazy_face: I wonā€™t go into detail as this is not the right place.

I am grateful itā€™s Sunday and I donā€™t have to do anything. (Voices tell me but they have to shut up).

I am grateful for this community bc as someone said recoverywise I am a bit lost atm. Sobrietywise I have my group and thatā€™s fine but there is a but.

I am grateful I internalised that not everyone has to meet all of my needs. Itā€™s okay to have different persons for different needs.

I am grateful I have enough.


Iā€™m truly grateful for all of your posts. You fill my heart with gratitude when I am lacking and help me find some for myself. Thank you all for posting :hugs:

Today I am grateful that my 3rd wasp sting of this year didnā€™t full on surprise my with anaphylaxis instead I got warning signs and though a Saturday, I was able to find an open urgent care to call in an epi pen just in case. My mother went anaphylaxis at about my age so Iā€™ve been watching for it. Im grateful my sister is a nurse practitioner and I can call her when im unsure if im over reacting and she gives me stern instructions on what to do lol

Im grateful I am taking the dui class on my own and not court ordered, I removed my need for argument, character defect, by being proactive. Fortunately I did because the instructor definitely does not seem to like me one little bit. Within 2 hours I picked up on that. Im grateful I did so I could stop talking and just listen the rest of the day and not cause further friction with another human being.

Im grateful for the few people who were at the AA meeting I desperately needed last night. I didnā€™t want to drink per say but I wanted to numb the feelings of worthlessness and self pity I have been struggling with. My higher power put the right people there for me to hear last night. \ā—‹/

Im grateful this is the last day of that class and I wonā€™t have to sit uncomfortably in a room I feel ā€œless thanā€ anymore. I dont do well with that. This is just a blip in time.

Im grateful for quiet morning readings and quiet time for reflection and meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:


Good morning all,
Congrats on 90 @Cjp!
Iā€™m grateful we got some good rain yesterday and this morning is nice and cool. Iā€™m grateful I get to go on a walk with my husband when I finish my coffee. Iā€™m grateful that we are able to buy the things the kids need for school. Iā€™m grateful my life is manageable now. Iā€™m grateful I took time to do my nails yesterday. I didnā€™t have the attention span, nor did I feel I deserved it while I was drinking. Im grateful,like @anon74766472 , that I donā€™t have to do anything today(my voices can just shut up too!)
Everyone have a wonderful day- I hope you make it home soon @Dazercat :heart:


Hope you got more sleep last night! Blackie (?)seems like a sweet dog.


Iā€™m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while doing your will just for today. Iā€™m grateful for my recovery and itā€™s blessings and challenges. Iā€™m grateful for All my family, friends TS and the grati-dudes. Iā€™m grateful I have time to play where did Blackie hide one of my shoes, hope itā€™s in one piece Lol Wtf Iā€™m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude. Iā€™m grateful for music, creativity, humor and laughter. Iā€™m grateful for phone calls with friends even if they go on way to long.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. Enjoy the moments, smile and breathe, youā€™re worth it. Ya You!!


Gā€™morning yā€™all :sunny::sunflower::yellow_heart:

Iā€™m grateful for waking up without a hangover and not wasting my weekend drinking. Iā€™m grateful in the beginning of my sobriety I became more curious about, rather than obsessed with, my alcohol cravings. I truly believe curiosity allowed me to throw myself into learning and being mindful of the addiction instead of remaining swallowed whole by it.

Iā€™m grateful for @Twizzlers. Iā€™m so proud of you and happy for all youā€™ve accomplished. Iā€™m in awe of your strength after all youā€™ve gone through, and Iā€™m glad youā€™re here. :revolving_hearts:

Iā€™m grateful for @RosaCanDoā€™s presence here. Thank you for being an inspiration for me to keep on keeping on with my sobriety. I appreciate you. :purple_heart:

Iā€™m grateful to Eric for sharing his trip with us. I see you there, typing. :kissing_heart: You make me want to travel somewhere foreign. Iā€™m grateful I still have dreams and imaginationā€¦ that, along with your trip photos, keep my dreams alive. Iā€™m grateful for you. :pray:t3::blush:

Iā€™m grateful weā€™re having lunch at my MILā€™s house. It will give me another chance to work on old resentments. The work never really ends, does it? Iā€™m grateful for that, too.


Iā€™m grateful we made it home after a 27 hour clusterfuck of a travel day. Sober. Not hungover. Iā€™m grateful it was the best trip ever. Iā€™m sitting here gratefully dazed and amazed at the wonder of any trip like that to a foreign country. Itā€™s been awhile.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve been blessed to have had many trips abroad to Europe and ALL of them have have been a great big Hall Pass to drink all day every day. Even at 16 years old traveling to France with my parents, when I got my first most severe hangover. Iā€™m grateful this trip was very special in this way without booze. Iā€™m grateful I was strong and confident in my sobriety and I had absolutely no desire or urges to drink. For that I am truly grateful. And Iā€™m fucking proud of myself.

Iā€™m grateful our travel companions made it back home together to Austin.

Iā€™m grateful for the Norma video I woke up too. Iā€™m grateful I am already in the thinking planning stages of going to see my granddaughter in a couple of weeks. Iā€™m grateful my pets will just have to understand.

Iā€™m grateful our pets and I guess COVID have kept us from traveling and Iā€™m grateful itā€™s hard for me to leave them behind. Itā€™s that dang unconditional love they give me. Iā€™m grateful I reckon Iā€™m going to be doing it a lot and grateful it might get just a tad easier. Iā€™m grateful for all the joy my pets give me. Iā€™m grateful I would not trade that for any trip anywhere.

Iā€™m grateful I can sense my anxiety coming home and having to deal with my codependent issues. Itā€™s not like I didnā€™t have them in France. Iā€™m grateful I know what I got to do. Iā€™m grateful thereā€™s a meeting tonight. Iā€™m grateful I might go to it. Iā€™m grateful I might not. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m going to take it 1 hour at a time. And hopefully I can graduate and take it ODAAT. Iā€™m grateful I can pause and breathe and pray and hopefully remember to let go and let God.

Iā€™m grateful I was able to bring you all along for support. It was fun having yā€™all with me.

ā€œIā€™m grateful I didnā€™t drink on this trip and Iā€™m probably not drinking on the next tripā€


Good morning, I have missed posting a couple of days but I have been full of gratitude.

My life is amazing; itā€™s busy, full of laughter and love. I am grateful that I didnā€™t give up on NA a year and a half ago. Instead I found the courage to turn my nose in the other direction and got to meetings in another area. I am grateful I found my people there.

For the last week I have been very conscious about sitting with the depth of surrender in the mornings. I feel like the whole " my name isā€¦ and I am an addict." Sort of becomes robotic after a time, for me anyways. So sure I say I am an addict many times a day but I hadnā€™t been surrendering to that truth for sometime. I am grateful that the basics work and that whenever I lose footing if I just do what I did in the begining I will be ok.

I am grateful for the relationships that I am building because of my recovery . I am grateful for what they are teaching me about myself and about other people. I am grateful for DBT especially the interpersonal effectiveness module.

I canā€™t imagine living anywhere else on this planet, I just love where I live so much. I am grateful to be surrounded by water sources, different places to dip in the heat wave. Rivers, lakes, the oceanā€¦ I am grateful for the smell of the sea and the cool breeze that comes off her.

Brian, I am sending you lots of love. I am very grateful that you have a strong program to get you through these shitty times. Everything you said is true, itā€™s the time for growth, and growth hurts. :heart:


I am grateful to have today off and to be cooking a birthday meal of chicken cordon bleu, rice, and brussel sprouts for my sister which I will celebrate sober.

I am grateful to be with my sig otha. I am going to start saying something I am grateful for about him each time I post to shift my habit of looking at what annoys me. He is kind, patient, and funny as hell. :heart:

I am grateful for tv shows and youtube meditions.

I am grateful to be here with everyone. :two_hearts:


Thanks Stella. Grateful for the support, needed it. I agree and am also grateful for the sources of water, I certainly feel that more lately working on Great Lake Erie everyday.


Iā€™m grateful to have a clean house. Itā€™s nice to wake up and it not be dirtied after I clean it.
Iā€™m grateful for my friend C.
Iā€™m grateful to be starting another puzzle. I took a break but I miss it. Can really help a few hours pass right by.
Iā€™m grateful I finished all the days of this months fitness challenge.
Iā€™m grateful to be off work tomorrow.

I hope everyone is having a good day


Hi All,

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m accepting of all people and not quick to judge others, especially when I donā€™t know the entire story.

Iā€™m grateful I know itā€™s not my job to police others conversations even though on social media itā€™s easy. This forum has moderators to do that.

Iā€™m grateful I have stood up to bullies and have spoke up about abuse, both in real life.

Iā€™m grateful for all the stories and shares of people on this forum, you have no idea how much you have touched my life.

Iā€™m grateful for the love of so many here that has reached out to me. Iā€™m a private person in nature and coming here was a huge step for me. I hope someday my story that I have not yet shared, may help someone.

I honestly believe Iā€™m still alive because God still has a plan for me. :heart::pray:


Hey gratidudes,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, 91 days free from weed and alcohol
That hitting 90 days isnt the end of this journey
Next milestone of 100 days
My hubby
Hairy Boscoe
My parents who still love me like the baby
Using my patience while my dad was ordering me and my mom around to install a new car battery in my car lol
Found a deal on a spinning yard ornament and gifted it to my parents as a thank you for watching Boscoe while hubby and i are at work
@Dazercat had a wonderful sober vakay and is home safe, i see you on the meme threads :slight_smile: love it!
A much needed nap after the whole car battery experience
Everyone here sharing their sober journies.

Still time to slay the day soberly!


This whole last week has been challenging, im grateful I didnā€™t give up in the moments I wanted to.
Im grateful my sponsor was at the district meeting for the bridge the gap program I went to after my dui class. I really needed to see her and hear her words of wisdom and support.
Iā€™m grateful that after I had a hard time stopping crying in the class and the instructor asked if there was any questions before class was let out I had the courage to say yes. I had the courage to say I havenā€™t wanted to drink this bad for 2 months a 4 days. Im grateful I had the courage to say the extremely triggering videos set off memories of my past from abuse to death and put me in a mindeset I wanted to drink and drown out. Im grateful this instructor who had nothing for me yesterday asked me to stay after today and offered support.
Im grateful I have an open invitation to drop into any of his groups anytime I need or want to.
Im grateful I realize these emotions are just that, emotions. They will pass and there is nothing that a drink or a drug will make better today.
Im really working hard on changing negatives into positives and I truly belive gratitude is the first step in doing that. So thank you for letting me post often when I need to. :hugs:


Iā€™m grateful to not be alone
For hope
Iā€™m grateful I can recover
Iā€™m grateful for my God Mother Nature
Iā€™m grateful even on my Worst days There is a solution.
Iā€™m grateful this has become life or death for me and I have Acceptance.

More then anything Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not going to wake up sick tomorrow morning shaking, paranoid , drenched in sweat and crawling my way to the liquor store . Iā€™m grateful that I know tomorrow morning I will drink water and eat a good breakfast, go to the beach sober and healthy .

Iā€™m grateful for the change that is happening in my life


Beautifully said post. For me at this stage of my life, I have a new respect for gratitude. I look back a lot and see just how blessed I truly have been in recovery. Even in the losses I have endured I see I was blessed by those people who came into my life but had to go home. There have been times I did not think I could make it and the Alcoholic voice was right there saying go ahead it is okay. I am grateful for everything I learned in recovery to be able to say no and get back to gratitude, peace and the beauty of life.


All of my 20s I was just getting sober to save up for 6 month binges ā€¦ it was sad . I wasnā€™t done and I couldnā€™t simply Accept the fact that Iā€™m a alcoholic and a drink will always take me back to detox or just simply ruin everything right away for me ā€¦ I had to accept that for me drinking is never going to work . But the solution Iā€™m learning comes from daily communication with people who understand. Making staying sober number 1 over everything. I canā€™t beat my self up in took 15 years of playing with fire to learn . I finally get it