Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m tired today, running so low on energy.

Even so: grateful I’m working from home today.

Grateful I’ll see my boys tomorrow.

Grateful to have a bit of peace and quiet with my dog.

Grateful for unexpected friendships, that flourish from a place I never expected, just naturally. Effortlessly. Very, very grateful for those :heart:

Grateful I can go to bed early today. I think I’ve been running on empty.

@Shaunda and @Dakotahjae I hope you get some rest and feel better soon :pray:


I feel the same @desert_rose. So tired, low energy. I think it is the weather here tbh.
I’m grateful for cancelling walking with my new group today. I didn’t fancy 6 hours in 33° heat.
Grateful to cook a meal for everyone today.
I’m grateful to get through the week, it was hard; busy and tiring. I’ve done nothing after work all week, not even cooked.
I’m grateful my family are very independent and don’t rely on me to look after them, they’re adults after all.
I’m grateful to have my jobs done now so I can relax for the afternoon.
I’m grateful Columbo shows all day on Sunday :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful when people Burst Out!! about LOVING THIS THREAD!!! I don’t know…… it just makes me feel good. It’s my strongest tool. And I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but reading other peoples gratitude and listing my own to share makes me feel good.

I’m grateful for room service Perrier with lime last night when I got it. I’m grateful the mini bar doesn’t calling me anymore. Wrong Number :scream:. You 5 soldiers and the grapes can just stand there looking pretty all day and wait for the next guy!!

I’m grateful for room service coffee.
I’m grateful I’m up early without a hangover. It felt sooo good on day nine :wink: and it still feels good and I’m still grateful for that over 900 days later. I’m grateful I’ll never hold that “Chicklet,” (thinking of you Moxie and praying for you and your son,) thinking a Bloody Mary would help me feel better.

I’m grateful my wife never gets hangovers. Never!! So she’s never a bitch in the morning. So I’m grateful I got that going for me. Does that count on saying something positive about my wife this morning? I’m grateful to watch my wife’s motherly loving silly instincts kick in with her grand baby. I’m grateful to know my wife would always put Norma ahead of any drink. I’m grateful I told the kids your mom would never jeopardize her grand babies over a drink. She’s just not that kind of a drinker. But afterwards all bets are off.
I’m grateful when our daughter out west felt lonely and pregnant last night she reached out to her mother, and my wife promptly called her on the phone. My wife does not just pick up the phone!!
I’m grateful I get to see my wife be a mother. Grandmother. I’m grateful she’s so good at it.
I’m grateful to list good things about my wife.
I’m grateful she’s up and we’re chatting together and I don’t feel she’s bothering me while I write about her here in real time :joy: We are both grateful I got us the 10 am shift at the kids house this morning. It was a long day yesterday as there was other family around to meet and greet and serve and put my restaurant skills to work especially when it came to serving and cleaning up the dinner they think they hosted. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful I finally got some Texas peaches @Alisa screw the sugar counter. I’m grateful that peach cobbler from the BBQ joint was sooooo worth it :yum:
I’m grateful if y’all aren’t tired of my grand baby talk escapades.
I’m grateful for this family of Gratidudes on here.

The simplest toy, one which even the youngest child can operate, is called a grandparent.
Sam Levenson.

I’m grateful for my grandmother who mostly raised me, and my grandfather who did his best to spoil me. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:


Ah, this made me cry x


Good morning all,
I’m grateful to read @Dazercat talk about his family and that it made me smile. I’m grateful for all the glimpses into everyone’s lives that I get here, and how it makes me feel like I know everyone. I’m grateful that yesterday was not the relaxing, food prepping, nap taking day I had planned for myself. I ended up running the kids around all day to hang out with friends, birthday shop, go to uncles house , etc. I couldn’t and honestly wouldn’t have done this in the before time. What- give up my drinking time so the kids could have fun, no way :roll_eyes:. I’m grateful I don’t think like that anymore. I’m grateful I have today to accomplish some of the things I wanted to this weekend. Especially the nap!
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful God gave me another day
I’m grateful for shelter and the food in my fridge/ running water

I’m grateful I haven’t had a desire to drink in a long time and alcohol is the same as Poison !
I’m grateful I haven’t forgot my last binge and hospital visit . I’m grateful to view alcohol in a completely different way . I’m grateful I know I’m a alcoholic.

I’m grateful for my support and recovery net work . I’m grateful for the lessons and blessings I learn .

I’m grateful for music and movies for healthy escape . I’m grateful for my skateboard and the basketball court and park next to my house , I’m grateful for the sunshine and heat but also grateful winter is on the way


TodayI am grateful for:

  • God
  • My recovery
  • My job and having a good work day today
  • My family and friends and our health
  • The diff colors that I see daily
  • Nature and the upcoming fall season
  • The ability to go on a date with my hubby tmrw
  • Life in general

Grateful I woke up clean to 150 days today. Very grateful for milestones and the mini celebrations they provide. 150 feels good. I have never made it this far in recovery, this journey of recovery is brand new, one I value above all else and I am indeed grateful for it.
Grateful for this newfound ability to sit with pain, emotional or physical. As someone who was a track star when it came to sprinting from anything uncomfortable this is a precious gift.
Grateful for modern medicine and that I don’t live very far from it’s access. Grateful to know I can handle pretty much anything for a short time, I learned this in treatment: I can do ANYTHING for two short days, if I can see the finish line I’ll be okay.
Grateful to wake up today clean and sober and to know if I continue doing what I’m doing I’ll be going to bed clean and sober tonight. :purple_heart:


I’m grateful for being over staffed at work, grateful for compassionate supervisors that sent me home to get better.

I’m grateful I will be able to drive my daughter to work so she doesn’t have to ride her bike today. She works 2 jobs and is tired today.

I’m grateful I will get to sleep in the yard today and let my body create all the vit d it needs with the help of the sun. Im freezing so the suns warmth will feel so wonderful. Blankets and sweaters just aren’t the same kind of warmth.

I’m grateful Eric is enjoying his visit with family and the new grandbaby :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: i love my grandbabies. They bring me so much joy.

I hope Anna and @PinkyP feel rested soon.

I’m grateful @Claire_Quit is enjoying morning walks, seeing the sparkle in her eyes again and hey, don’t we all love it when are britches feel a little looser :wink:

I’m really grateful that im starting to FEEL gratitude again and not just going through the motions. Being consistent and Journaling and posting even when I didn’t feel it, I believed helped. Meditation and affirmations I believed helped. Giving myself grace to just be out of sorts I believed help.

I’m grateful im sober today. More than not drinking, im grateful im choosing to work on me and how to be a better human, how to be kinder to those around me and to myself.


Good morning gratidudes!
Today I’m grateful for:

sleeping through the night, finally!
starting the day with a real satisfying breakfast
Neighbor Joe dropping in
Stranger Things
@Dazercat being a granddaddy!

Everybody have a wonderful sober Sunday!


Congratulations on 150 days sober! Thats awesome!


Thanks Shaunda, it FEELS awesome. :hibiscus:


I hope this doesn’t sound awful but I am both grateful for an “in my face” reminder today and I will keep this person in my hopes and prayers she finds sobriety.

I am grateful I drove my daughter to work. After we unloaded her bike, a young lady I had seen once before wandering in and out of a meeting ( clearly high) came up and asked me for a ride to the meeting. I happily agreed. I had to ask her over 3 times to put her seat belt on. I wouldn’t drive until she did, she finally asked if I was waiting for her to buckle up. I said yes please. I tried asking her small talk questions, she didn’t reply. She was very high. It made my heart hurt. She kept looking in the back seat of my car, down by her feet, opening and closing her back pack, wanting to use my phone. When we got to the meeting place she asked again to use my phone, I politely said only if you can make the call in 3 minutes because the meeting is starting. As a former junkie I know better than to just leave my phone with someone that high. She kept pushing things on my phone but never made a call. She lit a cigarette in my car. I said sweetie its time to get out of the car, I dont smoke and the meetings are starting. By now I was already out of the car waiting for her. I tried to get her to come in for a meeting, she tried to get me to give her a ride somewhere else at the same time she was yelling across the road at a friend that wasn’t there. :cry:

Tonight I am grateful that the one and only promise I’ve managed to never break in my life is when I promised my family I would never touch methamphetamines again. I would never put them through that hurt again. I would never destroy myself or them like that again.

Today is my 8060 day clean from that drug and I know in my heart I will never return to that.

I am grateful for that young lady today asking me for a ride. I do not look down on her or judge her, but my heart does indeed hurt for her. I sit here in my safe home wondering if she will be ok on the streets tonight. She didn’t appear or smell like she either had a home or had been home in some time.

I am grateful I have a safe home.
I am grateful things happened in my life the way they did and I was forced to get clean and then chose to stay clean.
I am humbly grateful for what I no longer suffer from but am also filled with empathy and concern for this young lady knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do because its her decision


I’m getting the vibe that a friend of mine is avoiding spending time with me. Maybe I’m reading her wrong but we’ve been friends since high school so I know her pretty well.
I’m obviously not grateful for this but I’m grateful that my almost 5 months of soberness and everything that I’ve read and learnt on here has taught me that this is actually OK. People deal with other people’s sobriety in different ways. I can’t expect her to be as happy as I am. She’s lost her drinking buddy and I get that. I’m grateful to realise that if it was the other way round, I’d be a bit miffed too.
But, although I’m grateful to understand how she’s feeling and acting it still hurts. It shouldn’t matter if what is in my glass is alcoholic or not… But in this society it does matter.
I’m grateful to take what she can offer as a friend until things level out between us. I’m thinking my not drinking has got her thinking about her own :sparkling_heart:


I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I’m not hungover.
I’m grateful for another hangover free sober travel day. I’m grateful traveling isn’t a great big hall pass to drink anymore. I’m grateful I’m up early with room service coffee and no headache.

I’m grateful for all the grandpa stuff I got to do yesterday and I get one more day today. I’m grateful I was around to help when my sons clogged up a/c backed up and started raining in his kitchen. :scream: I’m grateful the people he called were able to come out on a Sunday night straight away. I’m grateful I could pay for it for him. I’m grateful it happened around dinner time yesterday so I ordered sushi for us all. I’m grateful It didn’t happen tonight because he has clients on face time and school. Even though he has much more sobriety than his dad, he’s grateful for my attitude of gratitude that I practice in real time and thinks he needs to practice it more. With school a job and a newborn he’s been slacking in that department. Go figure. I’m grateful him and my DIL keep telling us how helpful we are and don’t want us to leave. I’m grateful I can time a nice batch of spaghetti in between his work and school tonight.

I’m grateful we were young when we had children. I’m grateful we can leave and come back again to help. I’m grateful they have lots of her family around to help and financially we can help in other ways. I’m grateful I was able to do some grandpa work playing with the 2 boxers yesterday. One of them is only 18 months. I was never a big fan of boxers. Kind of scared me. But I am now and they love their grandpa too. Holy Shit! They have their hands full.

I’m grateful the wife is still asleep so I got my alone time. I’m grateful I feel good about that and not resentful like I’m glad she’s not up yet :grimacing:. It’s hard to explain. I’m grateful I went to bed tired and sober all alone last night and really didn’t give a shit that she stayed up alone with her wine. And again I’m grateful I wasn’t doing that in a resentful way. No stinking thinking! I was simply tired so I simply went to bed. Huh. :thinking: Maybe if I work on keeping it simple stupid, while God helps me think of this differently, I can feel good about myself whether my qualifier is drinking or not. I’m grateful to see my wife’s natural motherly instincts kick in and take over. I’m grateful I enjoy watching her do that. I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for all the squirrels around my sons oak tree line street and his yard, makes me think of you Shaunda. Kinda like having a support buddy around. Or support :chipmunk: :joy: around. I’m grateful I saw :chipmunk: this guy stretched out on the wrought iron fence taking a nap. The heat must of been too much for him. And of course he was gone by the time I got my camera.
I’m grateful for all the Gratidudes.

Becoming and grandma or grandpa doesn’t mean you’re old. It means that you’ve been blessed with the most precious gift there is.
Becky Gill


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I woke up feeling more rested than the last couple days. I’m grateful to have been able to spend time with all the family yesterday. I’m grateful that my life is calm right now, no big worries or stressors. I’m grateful we have a safe home, plenty of food and water, and love.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I am soo far behind, one day but it feels far behind. I don’t have to catch up.
I am happy that we are so numberous now.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for my colleagues. I really am.
I am grateful the nights are getting longer so the heat doesn’t creep into the walls of the building like in June and July. I am grateful we got rain this night.

I am grateful for workout which makes me feel less shit.
I am grateful Yoga found me.

I am grateful for the people on the 30 day challenge. I think I improved a bit on doing jumping things. I avoided them like hell. @Runningfree , @Jesile @Becsta and many more I forgot.

I am grateful for food and that I can and am willing to pay for fresh food.

I am grateful to be independent somehow. I got like hundreds of messages today from the woman renting the apartment after me asking me questions to which I thought: how can she not know? She has never lived alone, having 2 kids. Maybe I should switch to moving counseling if such thing exists :crazy_face:


I am grateful that I was stubborn and mean and said “No.” my wife and I have been sober for 11+ months now. She got home from work on Friday and said “it felt like Happy Hour”. I definitely felt the craving and the romance of Happy Hour on the porch right then. She asked me if we should have just one, but I said “No” and said stubbornly that we hadn’t even been sober a year yet. I felt mean and hypocritical because I really wanted to have something to drink with her.
Later we cooked dinner together, took a long walk, sat on the porch and made plans for the weekend, had some snacks and watched a little tv, and she took a nap in my arms on the couch. We had a great night’s rest and a wonderful, sober weekend with no hangover or fighting. I am so grateful that I am stubborn and mean.


I’m so grateful I found my way to TS! I have found much support here.
I’m grateful for squirrels, even the naughty ones who cause ruckus. I appreciate how my higher power uses these little creatures and other things to remind us that we are not alone and are here for each other.

I’m grateful I have the day off and am able to lay in the sun this morning and absorb its healing warmth.

I’m grateful for a nosey looky lou, must be the neighbors squirrel, I dont recognize his behavior. Yes he, I could see the undercarriage from my point of view :rofl:

I’m grateful I am feeling better and coming out of that summer cold. My poor husband woke up with it though. Oopsie

I’m grateful for time well spent in quiet meditation.

I’m grateful my quiet time for prayer. Though I had to laugh at my husband. He kept interrupting me this morning, I finally gave way and my prayers waited until he sat down and watched a movie.

I’m grateful for time I will get to spend with my teenage daughter today. These are very short years so I value all the time we get to spend alone together.

I’m grateful im feeling more comfortable in these forums and branching out to different threads.


Hahaha. I am grateful for the chuckle twinnie, and I feel blessed to be apart of your first trip to meet Norma. :sparkling_heart:

I am grateful for my intuition. I am not really feeling this one woman… I got a vibe from her when we first met. Over the last year as I have gotten to know her more things have unfolded. I am grateful for opportunities like this where I can practice trusting myself.

I am grateful for the arts and how they ignite my soul in different ways. Music creates a deep burning inside of me while in fine art I find freedom. And literary art? Words, they have been like a candy trail for me, I just cant get enough.

I am grateful for all of me and how it works together allowing me to see, hear, taste, smell and feel the world around me. I am an extremely sensitive person, emotionally and sensually and at times it can be hard to deal with. It’s like I have super human senses… not only can I hear through walls but I can hear across properties. I am grateful I am not deaf. I am grateful that because I have been working a program and going to therapy I can choose earplugs at 7:30 am instead of rage screaming at my neighbor.

I am grateful that I am learning my limits and that I am aware my limit changes everyday. I am grateful that the need to fill empty, silent space between my father and I isn’t there anymore. I used to feel like I needed to keep the conversation going, like I owed him that. I don’t feel like that anymore… not at all.

I am grateful for small things like the above that I notice in my daily life. Small things but big growth for me.

I am grateful for growth.
