Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful to get on this morning and read this line. Sometimes I need that reminder and it gives me a kick to expect to see it. :heart:


That sound delicious! I wish we caught scallops. Id eat all the profits! :rofl:


Good morning family.

I am grateful that my daughter is stepping out of her comfort zone to spend time with me. She asked to go paddle boarding so that’s what we will do. I am grateful for all of the recovery I have under my belt so that when she was rigid about not leaving 30 mins sooner I could let it go instead of putting anymore pressure on her. I am grateful that it’s not too hot today, and that her UV suit showed up just in time. I am grateful that my child lives in her body as she wants to without bending to fit into places that will never work.

I am grateful for our open and honest relationship. It’s been very open and honest since she was about 7. The day she said to me ," I know you can’t make a baby by yourself mom…" and then told me never to lie to her again I have been honest, even with the difficult things. I am grateful she knows more about addiction and drugs then a lot of addicts do. I am grateful that she keeps me in line by saying things like , " would you have a bump of coke?" when I ask for a taste of her ice cream. I am grateful that I can just laugh and shake my head at her when she says things like that to me because she sounds just like her brutally honest mother. About time I got some back.

I am grateful for love and all the different ways that it shows up in my life. I am grateful for all the different ways it feels. I am grateful that 7 months ago I started the Let’s talk about L-O-V-E :heart: thread because I was questioning myself. I am so grateful for all the people who engaged in that thread and for how I felt after it all settled. There is no question in my mind that I know what love feels like now and I am grateful for that.


Congrats on the first 7 ODAATs Claire


Congratulations on your first week! Thats huge!


This evening I am grateful for

Going to a new meeting. Not sure if i will attend that one again, but there were a few good messages.

My sister and her family of 6 visiting. Im so happy they are home after a year of traveling the US and Mexico.

The rain that we needed.

A job that thinks I’m awesome especially when I dont feel awesome.

Elderberry, vit c and d and cough drops.

Grateful to be sober today.

I’m even grateful for a self forced gratitude list. Some I mean and others I muster, but I have a willingness not to give up just yet.
As they say, you can give up “tomorrow”.


It’s been a while since I posted on the gratitude thread, although this won’t be long it’s way overdue.

I grateful that I finally have some kind of health insurance. It’s not comprehensive, but it’s better than what I had.

Also, I just realized that as of Wednesday, I’ve been in this apartment an entire year. I’ve been homeless off/on since I got to Kansas (largely my fault), and it’s been several years since I’ve successfully maintained my own place for even one year. So I’m definitely grateful for that.
Finally, I’m very grateful I have this community! :hugs:


I’m grateful for @Bootz asking me about the invasive plants at my pal’s cabin. It got me thinking pretty hard. You know, we are all really altered landscapes ourselves, each in our own way. Some invasive species (called wine) took root in me too, for a good long time. The wine is out now, and “my ground” (kinda like a soul tank :wink: ) is ready for good things to grow again. For me to be my true self, and live my true life. I may look at me now and wonder when this is going to happen, when the early days of sobriety, the buds and suckers and pinecones, will turn to forest. Time, M, time. Trust in recovery as you do nature’s ways.

I’m grateful for growth each day, even when I can’t see it. I’m grateful for recovery showing up in micro-choices I make, miniscule moments of awareness. Just like removing plants that no longer belong - I want to be grateful that this is my journey. Weird, but without addiction, I would not have found “this”. Grateful.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

Oh, and I’m super grateful for new granddaughters and for 16-yrs-old birthday parties!, for rocky and scrappy too!, for what sounds like restless energy and exciting change in @PinkyP’s life, for @Misokatsu’s 2 whole years! for toasting @desert_rose and her alone time with my divine hangover-free morning coffee. :coffee: For @anon74766472’s courage to be sad, and to face change. I’m proud of you, friend.

And no, @Bootz, not blackberries! We’re talking old caraganas - quite the research project to remove. Sweet clover (tall) and ox-eye daisy too. The clover just takes over everything. Gonna google Hugelkultur bed now. Give my best to li’l toadie and the deer!


I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to.
I’m grateful for early nights and early mornings.
I’m grateful for bacon rolls.
I’m grateful for lazy Saturday mornings.
I’m grateful I got around to washing my bedding.
I’m grateful for contentment.
I’m grateful to love not drinking :sparkling_heart:


Sitting outside on my chair enjoying the solitude in the dark. Grateful for the alone time.

Woke up at 4am and was just sitting there outside. Watched two ladies (normies) come home from a rare night out with friends at the bars. Daughter was puking her guts out and feeling raw. I had to laugh at her while gratitude roared through me that it wasn’t me.

I’m grateful that I shared with friends here that I was going through a very dark time recently and felt I shouldn’t share it here because I felt I needed to stay positive in public. I’m grateful they all basically told me I shouldn’t hide what I’m going through because new people need to know that life still continues even with long term recovery. I’m grateful to understand that even on my dark days I need to reach out, even more than ever. I’m grateful to see that everything in life, both good and bad, can be a learning experience for both me and others.

I’m grateful I heard a strange noise and walked around the corner just in time to see a trash panda (raccoon) jump off the trash can and race away. I love seeing them!

I’m grateful for my grandson’s dog laying on the floor next to my bed. He has clung close to me for a week or so. Animals are very intuitive.

I’m grateful for another day clean and sober.

I’m grateful for this forum and every single one of you. :heart:


I’m grateful for granddaughters.
I’m grateful for being able to just be there for my granddaughter, son and DIL and help out wherever needed. Even if I have to sit on the couch for 2 hours and take a nap with granddaughter. I’m up for that task. I’m happy I could cook them a home cooked meal. I’m grateful they loved my shaken N bake chicken and roasted veggies. I’m grateful to see my son be a Dad. I’m grateful they make a great team and work so well together. I’m grateful while I was napping with Norma my wife told me how concerned Sonny was because you’re not suppose to sleep with baby in case you roll over and is she ok etc…. Is she still breathing she never sleeps this long :joy:. I’m grateful having babies is for the young. I’m grateful we did it. But fuck me! I don’t know how we did that! And without all the help these guys have. I’m grateful my son said we had a hand in producing Norma. Because without us she would not be here. Like my son said THAT!! :scream:

I’m grateful I’m sober and got back to the hotel last night and went right to bed instead of bellying up to a hotel bar calculating how many drinks, divided by how many hours I can stay up. Plus how many I can carry to the room. Minus the numbers of hours I can sleep. So I can still get up the next morning and be functional. Kind of like that meme of the guy doing the math problem on the blackboard about why he can’t drink. Fucking exhausting.

Anyway. Got to get going. I’m grateful I’m going to cut this short so I can get a walk in a go back and play grandpa by 9am.
Love you guys. :pray:t2::heart::older_man:

I’m grateful to be a sober grandpa


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best clean and sober self while following your will, just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery and yours. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for long uninterupted sleeps. I’m grateful to notice the bacon didn’t smell right this morning while cooking it so I threrw it out and made french toast instead. I’m grateful for music and ceativity. I’m grateful its sunny and that means most of the day in the water should be warm, by the end of some days now its getting chilly in there. I’m grateful for the twelve steps, daily readings and prayers. I’m grateful that even while working through the emotions these last weeks and early days of being clean again I remember to pray and read and attempt to apply the principles as best I can. I’m grateful for my sponsor and that I get to see him tonight. I’m grateful to have fresh laundry and clean dishes. I’m grateful I didn’t go broke again during this last run it sure made a dent though going through half of everything I had, wtf. I’m grateful its only money and I can make more but still sucks. I’m grateful that last night while I was attempting to post here and read all your gratitude I caught up but fell asleep without actually posting. I’m grateful it gave me enough strength to not do something I would regret again, it was on my mind though as the physical, mental and spiritual pain is fresh and more present again. I’m grateful Eric got to meet Norma. I’m grateful for my apartment.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I beleive in you, why? Because youre amazing. Ya you!!


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful to be a recovering alcoholic
Im greatful for 104 days free from weed and alcohol
Im greatful my hubby has 30 days today off weed and alcohol
Im greatful @Twizzlers kept busy thru the night spreading support and strength thru the threads
Im greatful Brian @I.cant.We.can is back to his daily gratitudes and his awesome signoff msgs
Im greatful @SassyBoomer is being real with the fear and uncertainty and showing us newcomers there is strength in sobriety even when lifes shit happens
Im greatful @Dazercat is loving up his new granddaughter and rocking the sober grandpa title
Im greatful for this forum that has made me feel less alone and given me strength when i had none
Im greatful i get to go to an in person ladies mtg here shortly and i wont let my laziness detour me from receiving the message of strength and hope today.
Oh yeah and im greatful for my companion Boscoe. Cant forget Boscoe!

Let us all go out and slay the day soberly!


Thank you :hugs: I’m so gratefull your here.
Iv ran out of likes so doing alot of reading atm.
Just want to thank you too for all your support you show through the community too.


I am grateful for the ability to wake up and do what needs to be done.

I am grateful for stability, and the possibility to remain happy.

I am grateful for my friends, family and partner.

I am grateful for some good games, and warm summer days.


I am grateful to learn new English words of the botanical kind, like Scotch Broom and Peashrub. I have seen the plants before, but until now I would have to refer to it as “bush” :joy:. It’s so hard to learn words of the plant and animal category as a non native speaker. I am happy to build up my vocabulary here.

I am grateful to be out of the city for a weeklong getaway at the family summer house. Being out here at the lakes feels like I can finally breath again. Listening to the sounds of nature puts me in sync with the world. It’s a good place to be. Back in the days I would come here with my friends, solely to get drunk. More often than not nights would end in fighting and yelling at each other. I definately wasn’t the happy kind of drunk. Today just being here is enough. I don’t need alcohol. I don’t want it.

Looking forward to nightfall and trying to get a glimpse at the shooting stars raining down on us. Have a good time, sober crew. :orange_heart:


Good morning family.

Grateful for listening to my body last night and canceling my yoga class. Instead, I had a two-hour nap before bedtime and an eight-hour sleep. :wink: I am grateful that I am also taking care of myself by setting my phone to not disturb during certain hours. That took a lot of self-coaxing to do. Being available for people has been my thing. However, I assured myself I still am and used our fantastic technology to set my “favorites” allowance to contact me anytime. I am grateful to have found this helpful and now can share it as a tool in recovery with others.

I am grateful for insight timer and all of the meditations available for free. I am also grateful to see a few new faces on the Meditation thread and hear that they are gaining in their recovery from meditation. Meditation was difficult for me at the beginning, but it is the absolute foundation of my recovery now, whether that be simple mindfulness throughout the day, a 20 min guided, to a 60 min Ashtanga yoga class. I find that after practicing in many different ways over the last two years I can find peace inside myself much quicker when i need it. So grateful for that.

I am grateful as per usual for NA literature, today for the SPAD. It was approved and I have signed up to having them emailed to me daily. Todays’s reading was about anonymity, and I am grateful for that principle. Anonymity to me means that I can finally just be myself but sometimes I forget that. After years of adjusting myself to fit in whereever I could, just “being” takes some practice. I am grateful to have read this today…

“…In being our weird, wonderful selves, we allow a broader range of addicts to connect with the message and come to believe that NA might work for them, too. Collectively and individually, we are NA’s best asset. In fact, we are NA. When we share from the heart, others connect. Being ourselves to the best of our ability makes way for others to do the same. There is a place for all of us in NA. We all fit in when we focus on carrying and receiving our message of hope.”

This reading instigated a conversation between myself and another member who had asked me to be a speaker at their meeting. I had gotten in my head about it; I was torn between head and heart. The universe always sees me through and leads me in the right direction. I am grateful that I hand my will and my life over daily and that I am ok not being in control. I will speak at their meeting at the end of September. I am grateful to be of service to NA.


I’m grateful for this meme. It’s perfect.
Thank you :blush: :pray:


Grateful for antibiotics. Grateful it’s the weekend and I’m not missing work. Grateful for the attitude of gratitude that I must keep utilizing today. Grateful for these tools to use when sickness seems to pull my mental health down. Exceptionally grateful today to have a home, my own room, my own bed to convalesc in. Grateful for the little things today. Grateful for the back to basics reminders that getting sick always seems to offer.
Grateful for roommates that are picking up my slack.


I’m grateful for grace and remembering I can extend it to myself. Ive been judging myself harshly for not feeling gratitude and just going through the motions the last few days to make it through. A lot in my and my family’s lives has changed in just a few short months. From me being home bound, drunk and seeing them all the time to me being mobile, sober and getting a job and rarely seeing them. Even positive change is stressful. Im grateful for all the changes, they are positive, now I give myself grace and space to be “off balance” throughout the process.

I’m grateful I realize I also need to be careful to offer my family the same, if not more, grace as they also adjust to all these changes.

I’m grateful I pushed through whatever this gunk is and made it to work. Im a new hire and calling off sick doesn’t look good in the first 2 weeks. I think its just side affects from all the smoke in the air here but it sure feels like a summer cold. Either way, im also grateful for Elderberry, vit c and d and cough drops.

I’m grateful for year end clearance with additional 50% off so I can afford new clothes :smirk: and shoes :shushing_face:

I’m grateful for guided meditations and folks making recommendations. When something is new it can be overwhelming to sort through and find what im looking for.

Im grateful im going to sleep REALLY early tonight. Im choosing physical health this evening. A meeting will still be there tomorrow.