Daily Greeting

You should see what I can do with a turnip…


Wow what a difference Kairi. Brilliant sparkling eyes.

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From everything I’ve read that you’ve posted so far, I think you’re a pretty great person as it is :hugs: And your transformation is amazing! Beautiful inside & out


Hey guys. Been super distracted today. Good day though. Got an Instant Pot today that I’d been putting money aside for, so that’ll be a really nice improvement. I’ve been getting by with just one medium-sized pot and a frying pan. I also voted in the :canada: federal election today! Feels good :muscle:.

@keiti Hope you’re feeling more yourself soon. I can’t think of anything to say that hasn’t been already been said by others. :hugs: And that’s quite a transformation! Must feel so good.

@ChicagoT You just reminded me, I haven’t had fries in soooo long! Maybe once in the past year! Three times if you include sweet potato fries? :yum: Now I’ve got a craving for some fries…

@Fireweed Is that an orange onion? :rofl: So cute… but also… what do you do with it now? Orphan soup? :flushed:

@funnydad If that ever happened when I peeled a banana… :scream:

Guess who is enjoying his new lair…


Awe, Ronin’s got a new house. Used to have one that would sit in it for a while, feeling safe, glaring at the world.
Then she’d rip it to shreds.
I think she might have had some anger issues going on.


Ronin - should you ever find yourself in Chicago, our names our popsicle and mahalo, and we live with Tom and his family. We’ll show ya a great time. Sober of course, we had a little milk problem. So we only drink water now.


Oh My god that’s creepy. Can’t get this out of my mind.


It will follow. Not that you aren’t a good person but you just don’t like yourself yet. Took me long time to accept me and realize I’m not a shitpile. Goes along with the change of behaviour. All is already in you waiting :wink:


You should see some of the other ones, people have way to much banana on their hands…

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No darling, It’s a pumpkin. Sometimes I buy them instead of flowers cause think pumpkins are beautiful. Now it has a face on it and I have to take care of its needs :expressionless:


Now I really don’t wanna know :joy:

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You’re right, you’re better off…

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How are you? Buzy weekend

Morning / evening guys. Hope everyone is ok.


I’m sitting outside tonight with a cigar and coffee listening to my drunken neighbors loud shitty music and very shitty singing and thinking to myself I’m glad I’m not that person anymore. But I was and from my perspective I’m sure I thought I sounded as good as they think they sound. Its corny. There’s 2 couples and it sounds like there singing duets. Yet oddly enough I can tear myself away. It’s strangely reinforcing…


Hey folks. Doing good over here…enrolled my son in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) early childhood special ed. Preschool program today …very nervous about him starting, but we know it’s for the best. Only glitch is that CPS is set to go on strike next week…so we may have extra time :sweat_smile:


Will he have his own aid, Tom?

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How are feeling this morning Kairi?

I toured the room today/met the teacher. She was really great - young, dedicated and passionate. It’s only 5 students, 1 teacher, 1 aid, a speech therapist and occupational therapist in there 3 days/week. So really small ratio…almost 1/1


Geoff, I was talking (via text) with an old friend this evening and apparently hes taking a liking to British vernacular. Made me think of what your reaction would be had you been part of it…

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