Daily Reflections & Daily Readings

Happy New Year my loves!

I had this idea on my heart for a while and today was the perfect day to start.

I wanted to share the daily reflections and other daily readings for those who also wish to read them.

Here are todays:



Following and look forward to reading these daily!!


Many thanks. This will be a big help to me.

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@MandiH thank you! I too read the daily reflections.


Thanks. Just getting back on the sober train. Will def be checking in.


January 2


January 3


Added bonus for today: morning prayer


I absolutely L.O.V.E. todays readings! Feel free to share how they speak to you each day my friends! :heart:

Love the readings good way to start your morning :sun_with_face: :sunrise_over_mountains:,Put it in your mind your spirit,have a grateful day family.

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“No one can make me change. No one can stop me from changing. No one really knows how I must change, not even I. Not until I start. I will remember that it only takes a slight shift in direction to begin to change my life.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Excerpt From
Courage to Change
Al-Anon Family Groups


I love this!

January 4

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Today’s bonus that I made pretty, the Set Aside prayer. I use this one often and it makes a big difference in my life. :heart:


January 5


The readings I post daily are from these books, in case anyone wanted to know that information. :slight_smile:

I was thinking today that I really get more out of these readings when I discuss them, so feel free to talk about what comes up for you!

Today’s daily reflection really brought me back to when I quit drinking. Just like it said, I couldn’t imagine my life without drinking but I also knew it was going to kill me if I kept drinking. I watched it happen with my dad, then my aunt and since then countless people in my life have died from these addictions. It REALLY is life or death.

I had no idea what life could look like sober. Legit, none. I really only knew one person ever that was in recovery, and he was one of my favorite people. Yet I saw him being sober as a “flaw” when I was in my own addictions. I once said he would ne PERFECT for my mom, except he was sober and that didn’t jive with our lifestyle. The thing is though, him working his recovery program is likely exactly what actually drew me to him. I can see this now with my sober eyes. He was a safe space. Full of wisdom, gratitude and fun.

At the end of the day, I absolutely am an alcoholic and I have addictive tendencies in many areas. From alcohol to sugar to my collections, etc. And working my program is what helps me to find a new way of life. Like layers of the onion, I continue to discover more as I continue my journey.

This program allows me to actually LIVE. And I am grateful to be in recovery today. :heart:


Good morning. I truly appreciate you starting this thread and making recovery lit so accessable.

I like the statement “success is a process, a quality of mind and way of being”. I want to reach my goals now. I want to be successful now. In early sobriety i wanted to be where im at today now.

This statement reminds me that its a journey of continued decisions to do the next right thing. And the power of positive thinking and action.

Wow do i relate with this statement

Have a blessed day @MandiH


January 6


Ohhh i love todays readings. The utter defeat i remember was exactly where i needed to be to have the openness and willingness to listen to others with a program of recovery. I had no hope. No energy. I just followed the steps.

Ahh hunter s thompson lol drugs worked for me to ultimately get to the other side and find a wonderful way of living. Its hard when i was deep in addiction i couldnt see any other way…until enough was enough. Another job lost, a new low to my self esteem, the drinking was no longer fun. I had to get fed up in order to take positive action


Yes!!! I first read that lime and said whaaat…and then I thought well it’s not wrong lol.

I tell my sponsor often that I’m so grateful I became an alcoholic and had that chance to see how much I needed an entire life overhaul. This program helped me to change everytbing and I never would have found the design for living that has made my miserable existence a thing of my past. :heart: