Day 1 for me 11.3.2022

Thats all. Tired of the roller coaster/ merry go round/ bullshit/ self-hatred etc etc etc.
I’ve had so many day 1s which are always fueled with fear. This has to be my main focus. Everything else will be ok if I can just kick this fucking annoying self distructive habit.
Thanks for reading.


Your making a great decision, welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:


Gotta start sometime. That’s wassup man no matter what just keep coming back. You only disappoint when you give up. Stay strong friend :v:


Welcome back! This community for support. You sound ready for some change- you can do this!

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Welcome back :blush:

I had more day 1s than I could count at one point, but this could be your last one. :pray:t2: Read lots here, and reach out if you’re struggling.



Hi Tyland,

Welcome to Sober Time (the app) and Talking Sober (The forum and community connected to the app).

Take your time in looking and finding your way around here. For more information on the app, you might find this link helpful: Sociosoftware - Sober Time

As to how this forum works, these links might be helpful: Welcome to the forum! 2022
Frequently asked questions about sobriety for newcomers

If you need support, please tell us a bit about yourself and why you’re here. You cold start your own thread, or post in this thread: Checking in daily to maintain focus #49 - #818 by Twizzle00

Welcome again, take care and all success! Goes for @peacelove too of course!


We have our good days and bad days. When I feel this way I just hold on to my seat, and say the serenity prayer. But awesome you’re reaching out we don’t have to do this thing alone :slightly_smiling_face: I don’t know what you’re situation is but feel free to message me if youre not comfortable here. Stay strong :muscle: sometimes it’s a moment by moment thing.


Thank you :pray::two_hearts:

Stay focused, you got this, one day at a time. Positive vibes :sparkles:

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