Day 1 (for the last time)

Hi everyone, I joined this platform to begin asking for help. When I first started this journey a couple years ago just reading the comments and stories on here helped. This time, I want to do this, and never drink again.

Any recommendations for the first couple weeks of coping having an issue, avoiding self destructive behavior?


Welcome Hopeful.
After I introduce my self here I started on my gratitude journey. I knew a good sober therapist who had at least 20 years at the time and he said he starts his day. Every day. With gratitude. I wanted what he had. So start my day right here :point_down:

Every day for the last 3 + years.

Meetings are a great idea to be in some kind of fellowship with people that understand what you’re going through.

Have a good read around. Join in when you’re comfortable. Being active on here helped me a lot. Still does.

Oh by the way. Your sober date on your profile is 9/13. Today is 8/13. Sorry if I’m being nosy.
Hope to see you around.

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Definitely 8/13 lol I appreciate the response it was heart warming to open and be apart of getting help. That made my day Ty

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My pleasure.
The check in thread is also a good one to be accountable on whether you got 1 day or a 1000. Lots of great people on there. Getting and giving support.

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Hello and welcome, this is a great place to be but make it one of many tools on your belt. It’s time to go to any lengths to stay sober. I wish you well on your journey :+1: