Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Thank you :heart: you are doing so well and have inspired me to make the change as well :blush:


Im grateful for being able to be truthful with my family about who I am and my struggles. Im grateful that they are supportive and try to understand and help me. Im grateful for living in a house with three stories and a comfortable dry soft bed in a big room where I can sleep safely. Im grateful for always having food and being abke go eat what I want. Im grateful that I am emploeyed and earn a paycheck everymonth. Im grateful that I have many nice coworkers. Im grateful that my work is safe and respectful and that I see many faces everyday. Im grateful I dont have too wash dishes andymore or serve plates. Normally. Im grateful for allowing myself to be mindful, killing off any rumination, worry, guilt, fears, negative thoughts etc. Im greatful that I can choose to see the good in everything. Im grateful that I have peace at home. Im grateful that I dont owe anybody anything, that Im not being chased or haunted or forced to do or be anything. Im grateful to live in a free country where I can be safe and be who I am. Im grateful that I know my passion and sense in life and that I am following it. Im grateful that Ive come the longest with it. Im grateful for being able to go to the cinema whenever I want. Im grateful for getting to eat eggs in the morning. Im grateful for the internet provuding so much knowledge to better underdtand myself and cope with my illnesses. Im thankful that Im doing experiment let go which is hard but rewarding. Im thankful that I can sleep in tomorrow. Im thankful that I have late shift. Im thankful that my job is relatively easy. Im thankful that I have a short commute. Im thankful for coworkers being tolerant people. Im tvankful for being able to make people laugh and smile. Im thankful for tips. Im thankful to be alive. To habe all my limbs, to be able to see colours and shaoes and the world and its beauties, to be able to hear music and voices of loved ones and birds chirping and people chatting. Im grateful to be able to smell coffe and the air and the rain and flowers and perfume and fresh laundry. Im thankful for having clothes and a washing machine so I can always wear clean clothes. Im thankful that I have a private shower in a private home where I can take hot long showers. Im thankful that I can wash myself whwnever I want to in a safd space. Im grateful for having a toilet that I can use whenever I need to in a private and safe space. Im thankful for the kitchen and allour pans and utensils to make and eat food. Im thankful for electricity and running water. Im thankful for the supermarket around thd corner. The fields near out home. Im thankful for this thread. Love yourself to the max. Let go of torturing yourself with counter productive negative perspectives. Let go. Find peace. Thank you that Im alive and can see the stars. Thanks for my car. Thanks for the gas station nearby. Thanks for being a free human being with all the possibilitied in the world.


Welcome Mulan. I am grateful you found the gratitude thread. Congratulations on the 1000 plus days I saw you post the other thread. That is some amazing clean and sober time.
I’m glad you’re here.


Thank you for your kindness. I can literally feel the warmth through the phone, haha! :heart: Proud of the fact that there are people like you among us


Im grateful for my 18 months of freedom. In the beginning, i truly thought that this was impossible. Gratitude for this forum and for God and for my recovery is in full force today.
Im grateful that im actually starting to like myself (and dare I say love myself lol). I actually am okay with who im becoming and im ao grateful for that.
Im grateful for fresh smelling clothes. Its very comforting.
Im grateful for my DBT workbook. Its been opening my eyes lately to my ED and helping me not to binge
Im grateful for my values… health, hope, family, comfort, and spirituality. Ive recently discovered what my top 5 values are and im grateful to be working towards these
Im so grateful for sooo much. But these stand out for me today!


Awww, thank you, friend!

I’m very grateful for you. For your presence here. For putting so much wind in my and all Gratidudes’ sails! For making me think. For making me chuckle. (Like the image of the mosquito doped up on blood from the before-times-Billy, lol). I effin’ love you.

All of you! Us. The thread and place and space.

And yes, I’m from the Great White North. Live a few degrees south of the 60th parallel. Some Canadians would call where I live north. But it’s all relative. My work has taken me to the arctic circle at least a dozen times (grateful for that) and up there, pretty much anything south of 60 is all “south”, lol.

Fellow G-dudes @I.cant.We.can and @Its_me_Stella are :canada: too, and there’s some honorary Canadians for sure. :wink: Some even call us “hosers”…

(really hard to find a picture of them without beer… :see_no_evil:)

Grateful for you, @Soberbilly :people_hugging: :orange_heart:


Yes this! It’s why I though I’d go for it on holiday…different place, out of routine, plenty to keep me occupied. There are still lots of the same points in the day I would ordinarily vape, but hopefully enough different to give me a bit of an edge. :crossed_fingers:


Good morning sober fam!

Im so very greatful for…

My growing sobriety!
470 days no weed and alcohol
13.39 days no vaping
Woke up before my alarm
Got an early morning workout in
My pumpkin spice overnight oats taste delicious
Cucumber water
Boscoes companionship
Quality time with hubby
Well rested on a monday morning
Clean water
My mom and our relationship

Much love my people


@dilettante Congrats on your day 1 of no vape – Keep strong my friend. You and @CJP will be kicking some serious vape ass!
@mia2 Love all the gratitude’s! It really made my evening reading these before bed. Love that you are with us on this beautiful journey Mulan

OOOH – YES dare to say and feel it! That is so beautiful Dana! I love this for you and happy to hear you feeling this way.

Happy Monday morning my beautiful sober companions
What a lovely Monday morning - grateful for another day of being alive and breathing the clean fresh air!
I am so grateful that I was able to spend some quality time yesterday with my cousin and her fam. It was tiring and i pushed through everything cause my heart was overwhelmed with joy. I am hopeful that they will have a few hours today to spend with me as well. Lucky for me - we have the pool so i can chill and talk with them without have to exert myself.
I am so grateful that i woke up to some peace and quiet on this beautiful Monday morning (seems the lawn maintenance folks are running behind schedule)
I am so grateful I am relaxing and enjoying my coffee this morning. Still unable to fully open my eyes but i am trying to catch up here before day gets busy. So grateful that each day seems like more to catch up on - love seeing new faces on threads!
I am so grateful that my mosquitoes bites are not bothering me this morning - i did think of you Emm last night as i was swatting them away. I did apply some bio-freeze (a roll on pain reliever i use for my muscles) - seems to have helped with the itching and swelling
I am so grateful for my family - get to see my sister tonight for a bit. Love that we have a wonderful bond and do live fairly close. My mom is so beautiful - calling first this to make sure i am ok. I feel like shit but i also know that today will be last day for me to see my cousins so i feel like i need to push through. Will see how i do - i do get that energy boost when i am around all that love.
I am so grateful pain and symptoms are bearable today.
I am so grateful i do enjoy doing dishes - we have soooo many piled up and dishwasher is broken… love that i find the water soothing.
I am so grateful for the cooler less sunny day - feels welcoming!
I am so grateful for my meditation / prayer - my HP and my deeper connections to myself and to Him. Grateful for always learning and growing.
I am so grateful for positive energy - sometimes we have to manifest it for our surroundings but living in this energy field is so gratifying.
I am so grateful for music, laughter, jokes, memes, funny videos!
I am so grateful for healthy fruits and vegetables! Grateful for the healing properties and the deliciousness
I am so grateful for this community! You all make my ODAAT enjoyable and much easier than i would have expected - thank you for being so amazing and for being on this journey with me.
I hope you all have a positively charged addiction free day - sending much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning CJ :sun_with_face:
I’m grateful for coffee and memes in the morning.
I’m grateful to be up before the sunrise to watch it.
I’m grateful for my view.

I’m grateful for the wonderful day I had on my own yesterday.
Grateful for my mani pedi.
Grateful I returned a shirt at the mall.
Grateful I went to True Food kitchen and enjoyed my fave avocado toast.
Grateful I got my little car a hand job.
I’m grateful it will be all clean and sparkly when we are united in a couple of weeks.
Grateful I got home for a meditation.
Grateful I went to my fave pizza place. Grateful, since I was alone, I got to have olives and onions on my pepperoni :pizza:
Grateful I miss my wife. Especially when I ate the whole fucking :pizza: It was thin crust only 12 inches. I’m grateful it was so fucking good and all I had was avocado toast yesterday.
I’m grateful I weighed in with a good weight yesterday.

Grateful my wife and I texted a lot yesterday.
Grateful I topped the day off at my Sunday night meeting and a couple of people were surprised excited to see me and I got big hugs.

I’m grateful the AA meeting next door was loud and I could here people celebrating and I saw someone bringing in a large cake.
I’m grateful I think I’m most excited about that :point_up:
I’m grateful for both my recoveries.

I’m grateful for the time away from the wife.
I’m grateful to get back home to wife and pets in a couple of hours. Maybe I can still walk the Burner. Maybe my wife will come with.

I’m grateful for Zillow.
I’m grateful I found 3 gorgeous houses I love but it’s way too early for that and grateful I can let them go. I’m grateful while searching on Zillow I’m learning about different neighborhoods in Cali and how far away they are from Gus. And the beach :desert_island:

I’m grateful and hopeful (did I say, write, or think hopeful :thinking: :scream:) that I really do want to do this and settle down in Cali. It’s been a wild ride from the east coast since 1978.

I’m grateful for my home thread of Gratidudes.
:pray:t2: :pizza: :heart:

Our society is much more interested in information than wonder, in noise rather than silence. And I feel that we need a lot more wonder and a lot more silence in our lives.
Fred Rogers
Disclaimer: not the quote I was looking for. But you can’t argue with Mr. Rogers.


Today I am grateful for the mental health day I decided to take. I have been feeling a lot of anxiety lately n decided to take this day for myself to try to relax.


I’m grateful today is the day I went to renew my motorcycle permit before work and I got to sleep in a bit during this cool, rainy weather. It was such a sleepy morning the dogs didn’t even want to get up! I’m grateful for the fun and restful weekend, grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time with friends, grateful for the puppy playtime, grateful for a lazy Saturday with my special man. Grateful I’m sober so when the dogs decided 6am was a great time to begin the day I was ready for it (sort of, I guess lol). Grateful for a sober Monday and a fairly quiet week ahead.


Today I’m full of gratitude. Let’s go backwards.
I’m grateful for

  • the noisy hedgehog behind me sniffing and munching through the high weeds in my garden :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • the wonderful evening I spent with my friedns chatting and enjoying each other
  • being able and on time to prepare food and clean up the garden mess
  • therapy. My therapist was excited when I mentioned a new era started with doing my teeth and digged deeper. There was so much more I didn’t recognize. Maybe a new era for me started silently until all the babysteps added up to be seen and recognized. I feel content, a bit overwhelmed and it makes sense :pray:
  • siesta with cats instead of buzzing around. Everything turned out fine in the evening and I had some rest instead of stress. I’m grateful I come to terms how to manage things and trust myself again :pray:
  • driving to the farm and do necessary work. Very emotional. Now that I checked on issues and set up things I feel a lot better. Happy. Relieved. It was ok, I was ok, no big deal :pray:
  • doing office work in the morning with a lot of cattitude :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Final check on my mum’s heritage is finished and submitted.

I love Ferragosto, it’s such a powerful time. I’m deeply grateful that I’m me again. At least on a good way to become me again. I’m grateful for freedom, the life I live and all my blessings. I’m grateful I’m a caring person and I learn to let go. I’m grateful my ex is my ex and the way I feel, care, think about him changes :pray: I’m grateful there is no more anger, just insight that he has been always like this. I was the one who masked it. It’s my turn to let go of expectations and I’m fine with that today. ODAAT


Thank you for saying my gratitudes have made your evening. You saying that now makes mine!! Haha. How amazing this is. Im humbled and proud that I can be a part of the journey with so many others. Thank you😇


I am thankful for a friend who I broke connection with during my early days of sobriety. 29 days now sober she texted me to reconnect. Grateful to be sober and live in the moment and focus on the moment.


@dazercat Grateful that you are home safely and hoping that Burner is doing well and eating now that you are home
@soberbilly Grateful for your gratitude’s – love the a-z :wink: you are such a sweet soul!
@erntedank Hell Yeah to all of it – what a fucking amazing gratitude girl! I was highlight my favorite portion but it’s all my favorite! Absolutely rocking this and grateful that you are finding your way back to being you again :people_hugging:
@mia2 absolutely love that we could each make each others day :wink: Have a wonderful evening dear friend
@tailee17 love love love seeing you back on the threads! So grateful to your 29 days and counting.

I am filled with love and gratitude today. I am grateful to have had the energy and push through today – I am not well now but I did manage a full 2 days with my cousin and her family. Her eldest daughter kept hugging me and said that she already misses me and wants to spend more time together – that was sweet to hear. I am grateful that I came home and ate something (we have been on the go all day and I can’t eat out due to my restrictive diet so its been a loooong day. I am now in bed and catching up here. Grateful that I am exhausted and will be sleeping at a decent hour tonight. Grateful for my doctors appointment being at 10 tomorrow so I will have some time to relax in the am. Sweet dreams my dear friends – I hope everyone had a wonderful addiction free day – sending much love


I’m on day 2 after a binge and blackout on Saturday. It’s scary. I keep thinking the cops will show up, I’ll get a nasty letter from my apartment, or something.

But I reminded myself I’ve been through worse. I’ve woken up in the hospital before. I’m alive. Whatever happens I’ll sort it out. My therapist said that I have a need to control my life, and the moments I lost are this ambiguous situation I can’t control. As is my relationship with booze.

I have a wonderful boyfriend and supporting family. I’ve been on this platform on and off for years. It makes me feel less ridiculous and embarrassed. I feel like I’m the only one sometimes. Thank you all.


This was beautiful. I’m glad to read all of it.


I’m grateful for a good Monday.

I’m grateful I had a big task at my desk - I started, I did it, I finished - and in between I giggled like a teenager at barbie selfies. I saw Billy’s (wtf? i look the same) just before my online Dharma meeting and I lost it. I couldn’t focus at first during meditation - kept giggling. But, as Anne Lamott has said, laughter is carbonated holiness. :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful for my meeting tonight. Heartfelt shares. There is a lot of painful stuff going on in people’s lives. I’m grateful for my Sangha. I’m grateful for this home thread and forum. For all of us finding a new way to deal with the pain of life. For finding gratitude in the midst of it all.

I’m grateful for the basics. Food in my frig. Chores to do - it means I have a home. Work on my desk - it means I have a job. A dirty car from driving to my camping adventures the last few weeks. Friends I can call family. The dog girl and even her dad, that he is in my family of friends.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I’m grateful to God for helping me abstain from my addictions while following his will, just for today. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful I got notified today that I start in a new department, on a different shift this coming Monday. I’m grateful that I am going to remind the manager he said we’ll talk about a raise. I’m grateful when I got called to the office on Friday, I wasn’t in trouble, it was to tell me they see me working hard, being clean, not clean and sober, which I have admitted, Im grateful I recover out loud, but shaving, tucking in my shirt, smiling, being positive and wanted to give me a chance to learn another department and advance. I’m working on being grateful that means no more 8a.m. -5p.m. stocking shelves and dealing with customers, where I thrive, its 5:30a.m-2:30p.m. receiveing the transport truck deliveries and learning more about how the warehouse works. I’m grateful I spoke up at my home group tonight and said that I need to not just call the newcomers and my sponsor but to also call the longtimers regardless if I think they are doing well and not just because I need someting, all the connections can be worked and have value. I’m grateful for music, prayer and meditation. I’m grateful for starting to understand that the traditions are to the group what the steps are to the individual. I’m grateful for humor, laughter and sports.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!