Day 1 - Let’sGo

Hey everyone! I have made it officially through my first day (I started on Sunday with one addiction and another started today).

I’m super excited to be on this journey to recovery as I have labeled what it is that I do that has been passed down generationally from my Dad. I’m making this change for me and my future family so they don’t have to struggle like I have in the past 9-10 years.


Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on day 1!! Take it one day at a time and before u know it, ull have days built up in no time :slight_smile:


Awesomeness!!! Great to see you here :sparkling_heart: They say “one day at a time” but sometimes I take it a minute at a time!! Congrats :clap:


Same here :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone

Welcome @DanielleT and @Jj19 to TS! We’re glad you’re here and on the journey of healing with us! Congratulations on those first 24 hours! :piñata::sparkling_heart::confetti_ball:


Welcome for the both of you @DanielleT and @Jj19 Hope to see you around here a lot because it helps to be here much.
First year of my recovery I was here daily to talk and read. I learned so much about my addiction as well as about myself.
Sober for almost 6 years now with the help of this app. Not to bragg, but to show you it can be done :wink:

Congratulations with your first day and a little more! :facepunch::facepunch:


Did you find sponsor here? :heart_hands:

Thank you :hugs:

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No, I do not have a sponsor.
This is not the place to find one. For a sponsor you are going to AA.


Did you make all the way without it or went to AA?
I was thinking to attend it, but somehow I feel strong to get over it. But of course, I want to be successful on this journey of mine and happy to know all the way to done it.

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Every recovery is different, because everybody is different. I gave myself 1 year to try to do it on my “own” with the help of this app and the people in it. I made a promise to myself if I didn’t make it then I would go to AA ore my doctor.
Here is some explenation how I did it. This thread I wrote when I was 2 years sober:

I’m still here almost every day! Connection is key in addiction, so I guess this is a kind of AA place for me. I listen, help and share here.
And get help if I need some myself ofcourse!
It’s a good place to be despite the circumstances. I do not like my addiction, but it’s a part of who I am and since I’m sober it’s giving me back instead of taking.
I have a lot of new friends and my selfasteem has grown a lot. My life became full and colourfull, I became colourfull too :blush:
Sometimes I even dare to say I like myself.
I wish you the same!


Soberwalker I like you too. Glad you are here.

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Oh, you are so sweet. Thank you for saying that :blush::pray::heavy_heart_exclamation: