I found after detox I did fine without alcohol but found a bottle of tramadol and then when that was out went back to Kratom. I am shocked what a hold Kratom has and so quickly. I’ve always liked opiates and struggled with them for 20 years so I guess it makes sense that I have leaned on Kratom. It’s easy to get…started about 20 days ago and already was up to 30 grams a day…that is a fast progression. Starting all over again with Kratom and praying that I haven’t developed a physical addiction to it this quickly, the withdrawals are a lot tougher than I had expected when I was in detox. If anyone had any experience with quitting Kratom on their own I would love to hear about it. Have a feeling that staying off alcohol will now be tougher without the Kratom, the real recovery starts today!
I am using Kratom for 4 years now. I tried to put in some breaks for a few weeks and it all worked. But this year I really took a lot of it, around 1kg per month and my last time trying to quit/make a break was with heavy withdrawals. Felt sick, cold, hot, no motivation for anything for around 4-5 days. The problem is that after a few days when I feel good again my brain tells me that it was not that bad and. I could take it again. I am back on my high dose way too fast… so its not as dangerous as other drugs, but it definitley has some risks. Well its still better than using pills or heroin in any way.
I wonder what you or others do to keep the dosage low. I really like kratom and I dont want to quit forever, its just the problem that I am using waaaay too much. Would love to hear about your experience.
Best regards
Hey, thank you for your view and description. I know how it works, knew it from the beginning. But as you said, it gets to a point where its just not fun any more, and it happens fast every time you start again. I mainly have digestion issues as well while using it. Its pretty annonying. And no I am not sober from alcohol for 43 days lol, idk why it showed. I didnt dink any alcohol since februar, dont like it. Mainly using kratom but I have to stop eventually and find out why I use it.
Thank you
Hey welcome to the community
I am quite familiar with this struggle. It’s difficult being so available nowadays.
When I became addicted to opiates 7 years ago, someone suggested I start using kratom when I couldn’t get pills bc it helped ease withdrawal. I hated suboxone, so it sounded good to me. I treated it the same and only used enough to make me feel normal, but occasionally overdid it. I was on and off it for years until I finally quit pills for good. But then I was withdrawaling from kratom and was stuck taking it several times a day. I wish I knew how addictive it was before using it, but I honestly don’t think many people knew. I completely understand why it’s illegal in so many states.
I never purposely took large quantities to get messed up. I just took it like clockwork, as soon as I woke up, and then every 4-5 hours until bed. Sometimes I had to take it in the middle of the night to get back to sleep. I started with powder bc it was cheaper, but I switched to capsules in the end to better control the dosage and slowly weaned off of them. Tbh, it probably took me 6 months bc I really didn’t want any withdrawals. That’s definitely not the right advice here, and I’m sorry idk what is Just wanted you to know I understand what you’re going through and am here for support if you need it
Good for you ! Keep up the good efforts sister.
Take care
Absolutely, I dont think its healthy for your body taking that much for a long time. Thank ypu for your offer to help, I’lm reach out when I need it.
Hey Laura,
thank you for your answer. I thought about slowing down and taking capsules to control instead. Maybe it will work, I have to try out. Because I really dont want the withdrawals. Thank you for sharing and keep up the efforts
Hi @hanskunibalt please try and find the courage to go through your withdrawals , you are and addict that s self medicating through pain and fear of facing life sober . Addict s cannot control drugs drugs control us . If you need to control something it’s a problem and problems have to be faced (not swallowed) you will end up not wanting to come off that substitute either (dependence) “ones too many and tens not enough” . You CAN get through it and no substitutions are necessary ,we’re all living proof proper sobriety can be achieved odaat
Hi Guys,
I will continue from where I stopped. It took me months to finally stop Kratom. Then I did for 5 days, but started again. I dont care that much about if I take it, I have seen that the withdrawals are manageable. The problem is that my girlfriend is also really hooked on Kratom, consuming about 30 grams a day. She also has a severe depression, facing several traumata. She tried to quit as well and it was hell for her. I told hee multiple times that when she stops consuming kratom her depression will be even worse… she even wrote farewell letters for us, since she thought about killing herself, since the withdrawals messed with her brain that much. What would you recommend in this situation?
Best regards