What are your views on kratom? I have taken it and I consider myself clean. I feel it should only be used as an alternative to methadone or suboxone. Just curious.
I don’t really have any views on it as I’ve never tried it. But we did have a police officer here in my hometown overdose and pass away from using to much of it. So I suppose it can be as addictive as anything else.
As you long as you are taking at as prescribed by your doctor it’s like any other medication. Other than that it’s just a drug that you can buy at the corner store.
It is more or less the same as an opioid or a stimulant (its effects on the brain are similar):
The question of kratom comes up regularly here. If you search “kratom” in the search bar you’ll find dozens of threads about it. There’s lots of info and wisdom to find.
Kratom is an opiate, be careful with it. Go check out quittingkratom on Reddit. I thought it was pretty harmless and just a plant at one time myself…
I actually am a huge supporter of medical marijuana. I’m helping my agency get a license to prescribe it. I’m also 100% in favor of legal weed. That being said if you self prescribe and self medicate well, that’s just the same as abusing any other prescription medication.
And this is a sobriety forum
Wait, I didn’t think any doctors prescri–OHHHHHhhhhh.
A few threads from the forum…
I would never again trust myself using a substance to combat another substance. But a clinic helped me with alcohol withdrawal once.
I really appreciate @Eke linking some other threads about Kratom. I’m sure my long winded comments are in some of those, so I will encourage you to check those out and will only say here that I personally think Kratom can have therapeutic uses (e.g. Pain relief, for depression/anxiety), but I also believe it can be distructive if abused.
I think there is a lot of information out that is true and some that is not. I have a lot of personal use experience with Kratom, so my views come from that and the research I’ve done on it. That being said, I also know that there are people who have had very negative experiences personally or with others who have used it.
Anything else I have to say is likely to be in one of the linked threads.
[quote="Chiron, post:11, top What class of drug is kratom? might help
Milham, is to make kratom a Schedule II drug — a classification by the Drug Enforcement Administration that’s applied to medications “with a high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence.ic:131840"]
none of these drugs when i got sober just asprin for a headache lol