Day 1 of a non drinker

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That’s awesome, Ian! Take it one day at a time, and always remember why you don’t want to drink. You’ve got this!

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Thank you mate

Punctuation is key. The way your post is written it looks like you are about to embark on the task of drinking far to much.

Oh ii am abit of a chav writer i guess am from newcastle so may explain alot but anyhow day 1 so far so good currently got a bottle of banan yazoo milkshake and its good :slight_smile:

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I understood what ya meant, but I saw that your initial post was flagged and just wanted to make sure you knew why. Carry on and stay sober my friend.

I’m in the North East too. Best of luck to you Ian! You got this

Cheets matey av got this

Brilliant mate lets make the north east proud :smiley:

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