Day 1 of being sober! Feel depressed

Feeling so down today it took me all day to clean my place didn’t wanna eat or anything but I was up and cooking for my daughter and such. But I cannot shake this depressing feeling :pensive:. Hoping that this next week is better and gotta find things that will keep my mind occupied! I love doing puzzles so maybe I’ll go buy a few to keep me busy! I hope this feeling goes away!


Puzzles are good. Do what makes you happy. To keep depression from creeping in. Maybe start journaling how you are feeling. Keep reading around here and find connection!


Hi Jana, well done on hanging in there. The first days can be tough :orange_heart: Just know, it does get better bit by bit.
Speaking of puzzles - have you found the puzzles thread yet? Maybe you feel like checking it out and let us be part of your progress.

I’ll be joining in soon as well. Doing jigsaws and listening to music really calms my mood when I am down.


Yes I really love this app and reading stuff, and I did just recently started journaling! Hoping things will get easier with time!


Yes first day is always hard! But I feel confident in me sobering up this time! So I think that’s a good sign! And no I haven’t found the puzzle one yet! Would love it when I find it though, I’ve always loved me a good puzzle! One thing I think is hard for me to sober up is finding sober friends. So I may delete some social media for a while hoping it helps!



Firstly congratulations your day one. First week was really hard for me. For me mainly the problem with sleep, my sleep quality improved after 6 days.
First 3 days was really hard for me. But remember things will get better in every seconds. Hold tight here stick around this app

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Hi @Kyleen1 try not to be too hard on yourself in this first 24 hours ,addiction thrives on shame, the opposite is pride honour and dignity take those as your medicine today …. Just keep telling yourself your ok .the first week is hard and it gets a lot easier . Your doing a great job you’ve cooked for your daughter your thinking of things to keep you occupied and you have us sending love and hugs to you :kissing_heart::people_hugging:

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