Day 1 - Quitting Alcohol!

Day 1 - Quitting alcohol!

Let’s do this!!!


Day 3 here. Good luck on your journey!


Day 304-since I took that last drink that I will ever have.

Welcome. I hope you will stay. Talking Sober has been a huge part of sobriety sticking for good, this time.

Let’s do this, together!


Welcome and congrats on your decision to change you life. First couple of days are the hardest. Take it easy on yourself keep busy and watch movies. Drink water and take vitamins.
Im day 25 today! Happy to be here and proud of myself. This forum has helped me a lot. I enjoy reading and chatting in the morning and evenings!


I’m on day 56. I would say, stay away from anything that could trigger you. For me it was talking on the phone or hanging out with certain people that made me want to drink, and other things. Stay busy, and find new hobbies that dont include drinking at all. I used to love going to bars.
Now I find so much comfort in going to bookstores and grabbing a coffee. Anything to make you feel comfortable and grounded.
You can do this.


Day 67 here, congratulations on taking the step to get sober, this forum and going to programs have helped me tremendously, stick around the amount of support you get here goes a long way to helping you with your journey


Day 16 here :wink: welcome! What helped me is no alcohol in my house an I’m here on this app every day. In the beginning I went to bed early to avoid cravings.


Welcome and congratulations on your decision!


Welcome! Day 168 here. Came here on my day 1 as well. I can honestly say I would not be sober today without the support I found here. So glad you found this forum!


Benvenuto! Also here since day 1, now sober 68 days. Blah blah blah, everyone here is great, yadda Yoda. :rofl: :wink:

Really though, I kept coming back reading people’s stories when it was my usual craving time. Did a world of good, opening up my eyes to what I really wanted and how to reach it.

Also enjoy stopping by the Checking in daily thread to do a little inventory each day and witness the progress in others. Hope to see you there!


Hi :wave: am 151 days alcohol free. This forum is an amazing place and I hope you get as much out of it as I do.

@Eke I didn’t realise we can do hyperlinks. Do you know if they save them if you title them or do you have to copy the link in each time?


No save that I know of! That is the purely old school, manual affair.

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Day 2 for me but I went to a meeting today and I think it really helped my perspective. I hadn’t been going to AA at all and I think it helped remind me why I want to get sober! Stay strong guys!


Maybe try ameeting it will make staying sober easier meet new sober friends get phone numbers wish you well

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Day 4 here. Am I the only person from the UK here?

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Awesome, Julie. I’m UK! :slight_smile:

I’m in the UK, quite a lot of people on the forum are