Day 10 of soberness watching the playoffs my brother brings me non-alcoholic beer opinions

So as you guys know it’s the playoffs so my brother came to my house cuz I have the big screen watch football he knows that I’m getting sober so he came with non-alcoholic beer I’m a little confused how I feel about it haven’t drank one I just don’t know that’s cheating I love the fact that he bought non-alcoholic beer he was thinking about me I guess what do you guys think


I love that he was being supportive :two_hearts: For me I think it would just trigger me to drink again. Everyone is different though and I’ve read about others drinking it. Don’t let it mess with your mind :wink: Y’all enjoy your football watching


That is so nice of your bro to think of you, he sounds like a lovely fella! In the summer I usually have some NA lagers in the fridge and if I fancy a drink I have one. And this Xmas I tried no-secco NA Prosecco and it was lovely to toast and to drink. It didn’t trigger me but everyone is different. Enjoy the game lads! :+1:


It’s different opinions about that matter. It triggers some, others like me are just fine with it. I personally discovered that I actually don’t like the taste of beer while trying the non alcoholic one, except for maybe to special kinds of food. But I’m a fan of the Nosecco (Non alcoholic prosecco) probably because champagne was my go to drink for years. It doesn’t trigger me to drink and I only do it on special occasions. I don’t consider it cheating, but as a great option for me instead of alcohol.


I think thats lovely, I am finding them helpful and they dont make me want any alcohol.

Also I really enjoyed this podcast about habits:


The fact your family is super supportive of your journey is amazing.

For some its difficult, for others its like hey I’m just socializing as I was just a different drink.

I dont know if I could do AF never tried it.

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in early recovery I tried it on and off but now I’m more focused I don’t feel it has a part to play. I don’t snort flour instead of cocaine and I don’t inject chicken stock instead of heroin.

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I’d go with, “Thank you for the support, that’s really thoughtful. Honestly though, it kind of tastes like ass, so I might take a pass and have a soda. :joy:


So I tried one didn’t feel like going to store and buying a 12-pack it fell just like a soda in my hand plus I was more interested in the game was kind of hesitant at first I think it’s just a big mind f*** thank you guys for your opinions stay strong enjoy some football

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Well, it’s pretty darn cool he brought you non-alcoholic beer. For me, I will not touch it. I believe it would just just lead me back to the real stuff.


I think it’s great that he’s thinking about you and I have found a couple decent AF/NA IPA’s. They’re not for everyone though.


First of all, congrats on day 10! Also, super nice of your bro to bring the NA beer - huge sign of support.
I think in a non-Covid world where I was traveling all the time, taking clients out drinking, etc, a non-alcoholic option would be helpful so I don’t have to explain myself to clients. I did that when I was first pregnant and hadn’t told me work yet.
It’s great you could have one and not feel triggered! I’ve finished a 12-pack of seltzer in 1.5 days…


A friend recently observed I still have a drinking problem. That I almost always have a beverage, usually water or sparkling water if not my morning coffee.

Whatever. Color me hydrated! :crazy_face: