Day 2 was a blessing

I’m beyond blessed this morning I got a blessing from God!!! I been cleaned 2 days the last day I got high I messed completely up , but something in me snapped I wanted and deserve better in my life it felt like God was talking to me I spent all my money on my DOC that night grocery money gone gas money gone ! I was looking online for a payday loan something i done so many times after I messed up never found one after praying to God for help I actually found one honestly didn’t think I would get approved I filled the application out went to sleep prayed all night I woke up and prayed for this loan to get approved I looked at my phone and soon as I did I got a notification of money got added to my card …I broke down in tears … IT WAS GOD!! I believe God lead me to that website I feel beyond blessed I could not stop crying and thanking God for this blessing!!! Day 2 of being clean beyond blessed …if I missed spelled anything sorry I just couldn’t wait to share this blessing with y’all GOD IS GREAT …I even got on here last night looking for advice on where to find free food I was so desperate

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