Day 3. Hardest day so far. Hurting

30 y/o M. Been drinking heavy for about 5 years now. Haven’t missed a day for the past 2 year’s straight. 4-20 drinks a day usually and miserable.
Been sober for 3 days now. Withdrawals are not too bad until today. Feeling irritable and almost convinced quitting isn’t worth it.
Please any advice or success stories are much appreciated


Welcome Mat. Stay sober for now! Listen to the wisdom come from this place

Just take it one day at a time, an hour at a time if you need to. Stay in the present moment. Us alcoholics tend to future trip and or re live the past too much. Which in the long run just hurts our thoughts and our alcoholic brains tells us to drink to just get over the hurdle but alcohol will not solve the problem. Stay stronger than the urges, they will dissipate the longer you are sober so just worry about today.
Come here often and reach out to those who are supportive, even if it means to find an AA meeting, having an open mind about AA tends to help. Good luck on your journey and stay strong.


By the way, the jittery feeling is not going to disappear any time soon. I still drop stuff randomly throughout the day even after 1 month of no booze?

Quitting most certainly is worth it. Have you made a black and white list about what your life is like now and the kind of life you want. Really writing it out in detail helps a lot.
e.g. I want to be a present and kind mum. When I drink I pass out or am hungover and irritable.
The life you want can be yours. But your actions today make what your life will be tomorrow.



Feeling your frustration for sure. I don’t feel I have advice per say but I am recovering from an addiction, and the struggle is so real. I am officially 2 months sober. HORRAY. It’s been a journey. It takes hard work. The only thing I’d say is consider what you have to lose. Make a pros and cons list. We use addictive behavior because it gains something within us. Therefore, it’s hard to say just give it up bc we like what we get from it. Whether it’s a feeling, a reaction, a sense of control, etc. Something I learned is that we can find ways to get that same gain through a healthy outlet. For me I found that an internship where I get to be out on a boat and see whales everyday and get paid for it really gave me a sense of purpose and accomplishment and filled a void in me. I wish you the best. Continue your journey with sobriety. Fight as hard as you can. Don’t give up, find ur niche. U can do this. Keep updating us and reading our posts bc a community of ppl going through their own sobriety journeys can be a huge help!


2 months is amazing well done🙏

Welcome these thoughts are entirely normal but that doesn’t mean you have to give in to them. We are not one thoughts🙏

Welcome to the family! Amazing place here…for real. Congrats on 3 days my friend…excellent :+1:

When I was getting sober…in the beginning, I took out a yellow pad paper and wrote down the time. Each consecutive hour I was sober I wrote that hour down and put an X through it. It was somehow satisfying to cross off an hour of sobriety each and every hour. Then it became a challenge to see how many X’s I can make on a page…

You’re doing great. Your sober. Your here. You have love, support and encourage 24/7. You got this. We’re all rooting for you…:pray:t3:


Thank you everyone. I have successfully made it to bed and will be staying here for the night. (Not going to the liquor store) I have no idea how tomorrow will go but I will use the advice given and be in the present moment for right now. I am feeling more grateful than I was a few hours ago. Thank you so much


You’ve got this!! As your body adjusts to life without poison, you’re going to feel better every wake up and that good feeling will be one of many things that will help you drown out the cravings giving you false memories of “wasn’t it great when…”


Hi Mat and welcome,

Glad you are at day 4 now when you read this. Step by step, day by day you will become a little bit stronger. What has helped me a lot was reading here and learning about my addiction and what other people are doing to get sober and stay that way.
I made a kind of sober plan. You can read it here 2 years sober and what helped me to get there: I still use it.
No matter how long we are sober we are all just one drink away from relapse. So we all have to put some work in our recovery every day. I’m sober for more then 5 years now, but still here a lot: reading, writing and still learning. I do not like to be addicted to alcohol, but I do like my recovery and how it made me grow as a person!
I wish you the same! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Welcome to the community Mat! Congrats on your day 3 — so very sorry for the overwhelming feelings like irritability that you are dealing with in your sobriety. IT does get better. Keep pushing forward and know that you will not have to relive these harsh days.

We can’t do this journey alone - look into support in real life and make use of the amazing support on this site. We are fellow addicts here who have gone through it and know that the withdrawals and crappy symptoms do not last. Keep going strong as this too shall pass.

:people_hugging: ::muscle:


I’m so proud of you! This community really is wonderful. The work still has to be done by you, but there’s no harm in leaning on people who know how hard this is when you need it most. Together we can do this! :muscle:


Hope your have good vibes following on today. I found in the beginning constantly feeling like it wasnt worth it. I had nothing else, I was low, what’s the point, it’s my only thing la la la. It was a pity party with only me in it and I never explored sobriety so how the hell was I to know there isn’t something better than the cycle I was going through. It wasn’t comfortable and still days that test me now but I wouldn’t want to trade my sober life for any good time drunk over the last 10+ years and I almost feel gutted it took me this long to realise how warm and fulfilling life is without it. Keep going and give it ago. It’s hard it’s almost abit empty at first and your just taking one moment at a time feeling abit pointless but not to long and your have a fresh perspective on life


Congratulation on 3 days and closing in on day 4. Day 3 is known to be one of the hardest day. Push through it, it takes about 14 days for your brain to be able to cope with cravings better. My physical dependency was to strong, so I was never able to get to that point by myself. Reach out to your doctor for help if necessary, no need to do it on your own oAll the best. :pray:

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Hallo, Mat, and welcome. You’ve landed in a good place where we understand. We have been where you are. We are in your corner all the way. Stay with us.

Lots of good advice in the comments above. I would add, get physically away from alcohol. If there’s any in the house, get outside. In fact, if there’s any in the house, pour it out while pinching your nose. If your daily commute or walk bring you past the store, find an alternative route. Get outside in nature if possible. Get moving a bit, exercise tends to clear our minds.

Hey Matt,
Welcome aboard and so happy you found us all here. This is a very wonderful and supportive group of people that you’ll find someone available pretty much every hour of the day from all corners.
When you struggle read up on the many posts. There is so much wisdom from people just like yourself that has helped so many of us.
Wishing you continued success brother on this journey.
And what I have found out is that you are going to come to a place where waking up each morning is going to feel amazing, not hungover, full of energy ready to tackle anything with a clear and open mind.
I have found also a lot of happiness with my headphones on in the gym. Pumping weight and getting in shape has helped me this time around a ton.

Best wishes, hope to see you around some more

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Really good advice x