Day 3 not any easier

I’m on Day 3 of withdrawal, and it’s still not any easier. I’ve had mood swings today like a madman, yelling at the slightest thing. I’m feverish on and off, my blood pressure is through the roof and I can’t sleep. I’m fearing the six hours of itchiness until I have to get up for work.

My wife is downstairs drinking wine with friends. I can’t leave the bedroom because I’m afraid of caving in. I’m terrified of going downstairs.

What’s the coping mechanism for this so soon???

Help, please.


I hope you are hanging in there!
Sending strength to you all the way from Amsterdam to where ever you are.
Hope you can fall asleep, tomorrow will be your triumph, waking up sober for a new day…
It’s never easy but you can do it!

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Here’s the withdrawal timeline. Everyone is different, but many find day 3 or 4 the hardest.

Hang in there! Maybe find a meeting, that helps.


Maybe you need to be in the hospital

2 Likes headphones. Helps me sleep.

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The physical withdrawals should be the coping mechanism still.


At three days you should be coming over the top on the physical withdrawl. By morning you may well be feeling much better. Why start this all over again?

Deep breaths, lots of water. Maybe take a walk to burn some energy, no stopping for hellos?

Just for today, yo.


That’s wise to watch, too. Some of this is inevitable, but booze withdrawl can be dangerous. No risk of drinking while mellowing out at the doc’s.

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I think a visit to your Dr is in order or hospital. You need to get the blood pressure checked.

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Meant to add stick with it, it will get easier. Good luck and focus on the new, better version of you.

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How are you doing now Crosby?

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I didn’t go downstairs last night because the temptation would have too great. I got 2 1/2 hours of sleep, which is more than I’ve gotten in the past few days. I had a few nightmares, which I never got when drinking…probably because I blacked out every night. I feel like a zombie, but I’m not hungover. My fever wasn’t as bad. Itchiness slightly better. Hands still shaking and my mood is all over the map. I cried for no reason on the train this morning. I’ve never done that before.

Perhaps I’ve hit the peak. I hope tonight will be better. Looking forwards to SMART.

I definitely need to get my pressure checked.

I really appreciate the support, everyone. I’m glad I found this forum.



Try some over the counter sleep meds avoid caffeine and as daft as it sounds maybe take a walk 1hr before bed
And drink water regularly


Here’s a natural way to improve blood pressure that was prescribed by my doctor when I had blood pressure induced vertigo:


I took unisom my first week, really helped me a lot. Got decent sleep, helped me get a sleep schedule and procedure to get to sleep.

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